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- DUAmodSWIs:
- SWI calls for DrawUtilsA module V1.12 (24 Mar 96)
- -------------------------------------------------
- Introduction
- ============
- This module provides a number of SWI calls concerned with the pre-processing
- and display of drawfiles. The module can render all of the object types
- currently used by Draw (including text area objects), and also sprite
- objects containing the new 'deep-colour' (32 thousand & 16 million colour)
- sprites introduced with RISC OS 3.5.
- The SWI calls are:
- Name Number
- ------------------- ------
- DF_LastErrorA &4B0C0
- DF_Verify &4B0C1
- DF_ListUnknownFonts &4B0C2
- DF_ChangeFont &4B0C3
- DF_CompileFontTable &4B0C4
- DF_SetBBoxes &4B0C5
- DF_GetPageSize &4B0C6
- DF_GetImageSize &4B0C7
- DF_Render &4B0C8
- DF_TextAreaExtent &4B0C9 (support for DrawUtilsB module)
- The module should only be used with RISC OS version 3.1 or later.
- All SWI calls (except DF_LastErrorA) perform error checking on their entry
- parameters and on the drawfile header (up to and including the image
- bounding box). DF_Verify provides a means of checking the structure of the
- drawfile in detail; the other calls perform a lesser (sometimes minimal)
- degree of error checking, and it is recommended that the file be verified
- before using these calls.
- Error reporting
- ===============
- With the exception of DF_LastErrorA and (in part) DF_Verify, reporting of
- any error condition can be made in one of two ways depending on the setting
- of bit 0 of the control flags parameter passed in R0.
- If bit 0 of the control flags is set, then a standard os error block is
- returned and the error can be trapped (e.g.) in Basic with an ON ERROR
- statement (you can also use the 'X' form of the SWI). The error code value
- is always the same as the module base chunk number (&4B0C0) and the error
- text is:
- DrawUtils(A) module error: code, tag, pos, offset
- where code, tag, pos and offset are in decimal with meanings as explained
- below. These values can also be obtained by calling DF_LastErrorA
- immediately the error is returned (i.e. before any other calls to the module
- which would over-write the internal error status block). In Basic this could
- be implemented as:
- DEF PROCchange_font
- LOCAL fault%
- IF NOT(fault%) THEN
- REM prepare for call
- SYS "DF_ChangeFont", 1, other parameters...
- REM no error, continue
- SYS "DF_LastErrorA" TO code%, tag%, pos%, offset%
- REM report error and/or
- REM take corrective action
- If bit 0 of the control flags is clear then details of the error are
- returned in R0 - R3 (code%, tag%, pos% and offset% respectively). In this
- case, if R0 = 0 on return it indicates that no error has occurred. The full
- error description can be obtained by recording R0 - R3 on return, or only R0
- and then calling DF_LastErrorA. In Basic the latter method could be
- implemented as:
- DEF PROCchange_font
- REM prepare for call
- SYS "DF_ChangeFont", 0, other parameters... TO code%, other results
- IF code% = 0 THEN
- REM no error, continue
- SYS "DF_LastErrorA", TO code%, tag%, pos%, offset%
- REM (actually we already had code% before this call)
- REM report error and/or
- REM take corrective action
- In both examples, code% is a non-zero error code (see list below), tag% is
- the tag type of the object causing the error (e.g. 1 = text object, 2 = path
- object), pos% is the position of the object in bytes from the start of the
- file, and offset% is the location of the error-causing sequence in bytes
- from the start of the object. In many cases, offset will be zero since the
- location of the error-causing sequence will be evident from the error code.
- SWI calls
- =========
- For all SWI calls-
- Interupts are enabled
- Fast interupts are enabled
- Processor is in SVC mode
- SWI is not re-entrant
- DF_LastErrorA (SWI &4B0C0)
- ===========================
- Purpose: return contents of module error status block.
- On entry: registers unused
- On exit: R0 = error code
- R1 = tag of type of object containing error
- R2 = position of object
- R3 = offset to error sequence
- This call returns details of the last error to occur for any of the other
- module SWI calls; see the explanation of error reporting above for details.
- If there was no error then R0 = 0 and the other registers are undefined.
- DF_Verify (SWI &4B0C1)
- =======================
- Purpose: verify a drawfile.
- On entry: R0 = control flags
- R1 = pointer to buffer containing drawfile
- (in user area, address > &8000)
- R2 = drawfile size (bytes, must be correct)
- R3 = pointer to message block (in user area,
- address > &8000, minimum size 64 bytes)
- R4 = message block size (bytes)
- R5 = unused
- R6 = pointer to first object to verify } only if R0
- R7 = pointer to last object to verify } bit 3 set
- control flags: bit meaning when set
- ---- ----------------
- 0 determines method of error reporting
- 1-2 reserved (should be zero)
- 3 use R6 and R7 on entry as explained below
- 4-31 reserved (should be zero)
- On exit: R0 = depends on method of error reporting
- R1 - R4 = preserved
- R5 = number of errors listed in message block
- R6 = -1 if whole file verified, else zero
- or updated object pointer if R0 bit 3 set
- R7 = status flags (only if R6 = -1)
- If bit 0 of control flags = 0 then any error in the
- entry parameters or drawfile header is reported in
- R0 - R3 (other registers are undefined); R0 = 0 means
- no error has occurred.
- status flags: bit meaning when set
- ---- ----------------
- 0 other error (not unknown font) in drawfile
- 1 unknown font(s) used
- 2 image and/or object bounding box(es) may
- be incorrect
- 3 options object present
- 4 deep colour sprites present
- Verifying (a) specified object(s)
- ---------------------------------
- If R0 bit 3 is set, then on entry R6 and R7 are pointers to the first and
- last objects respectively to verify (use R7 = R6 to verify a single object).
- R0-R4 should be set as described above. On exit, R6 points to the next
- object (or the location after the end of file) or is returned unaltered if
- the call exited because of a bad object size error or insufficint space in
- the message block. The number of errors is returned in R5 and R7 is used as
- described above but its value obviously depends on which object(s) were
- verified. The module expects the font table (if present) to be located
- immediately after the drawfile header, and verifies this irrespective of the
- R6 and R7 values. Also, if a group object or tagged object is encountered,
- all objects contained therein will be verified irrespective of the R7 value.
- Message block format
- --------------------
- Any error in the entry parameters or the drawfile header is reported as
- described above. Otherwise, the file is scanned and a list of errors (if
- any) is built up in the message block. The format of the block is:
- block + 0 : error code (of first error)
- + 4 : tag "
- + 8 : position "
- + 12 : offset "
- block + 16 : error code (of second error)
- + 20 : tag "
- + 24 : position "
- + 28 : offset "
- The error code is non-zero (see list below). Tag is the tag type of the
- object containing the error. Position is its position in bytes from the
- start of the file. Offset is the location of the error-causing sequence in
- bytes from the start of the object; this is zero if the location of the
- error-causing sequence can be determined from the error code.
- Compilation of the error list continues until the whole file has been
- verified, or there is no room to list more errors in the message block, or a
- bad object size error is encountered at the top level (i.e. not inside a
- group or tagged object).
- Fonts listed in the font table but not used in any type of text object are
- ignored.
- Use of an unknown font in any type of text object is listed as an error in
- the message block.
- Only the first error encountered in an object is listed; scanning then
- proceeds to the next object (unless it was an unknown font usage error in
- which case it is listed in the message block and scanning continues within
- the object). Verification is terminated if a bad object size error is
- encountered at the top level (i.e. not inside a group object or tagged
- object)
- If an error is found in the header of a group object or tagged object then
- the object(s) contained within it are not examined.
- All objects contained within a group object are examined before proceeding
- to the object following the group object (therefore all objects are examined
- in the order in which they occur in the file).
- In the case of objects contained inside a group object, the first error
- encountered is reported and scanning proceeds to the next object (in the
- group) unless it was a bad object size error in which case scanning
- continues at the object after the group object.
- Status flags
- ------------
- If no errors are found then bits 0 and 1 of status flags are clear. If only
- unknown font usage errors are found, then bit 1 of status flags is set. If
- any other type of error is found then bit 0 of status flags is set; in this
- case further processing or display of the file is not recommended.
- During verification, the module checks for invalid object bounding boxes
- (width or height <= 0) and, if found, issues a warning by setting bit 2 of
- status flags. The verification routine does not check that the bounding
- boxes are set correctly. An invalid bounding box is not reported as an error
- unless it applies to a (transformed) sprite object. In the case of text area
- objects, an error is also reported if all of the text column objects have
- invalid bounding boxes.
- If deep colour sprites (32 thousand or 16 million colour) are found then bit
- 4 of status flags is set. It is left to the software calling the module to
- determine if the host machine is capable of displaying these sprites.
- DF_ListUnknownFonts (SWI &4B0C2)
- =================================
- Purpose: obtain a list of unknown fonts used in the drawfile.
- On entry: R0 = control flags
- R1 = pointer to buffer containing drawfile
- (in user area, address > &8000)
- R2 = drawfile size (bytes, must be correct)
- R3 = pointer to message block (in user area,
- address > &8000, minimum size 64 bytes)
- R4 = message block size (bytes)
- control flags: bit meaning when set
- ---- ----------------
- 0 determines method of error reporting
- 1-31 reserved (should be zero)
- On exit: R0 = depends on method of error reporting
- R1 - R4 = preserved
- R5 = number of fonts listed in message block
- R6 = -1 if whole file processed, else zero
- If bit 0 of control flags = 0 then any error is reported
- in R0 - R3 (other registers are undefined); R0 = 0 means
- no error has occurred.
- A list of unknown fonts is written into the message block. The structure of
- the block is:
- block + 0 : first font
- block + 40 : second font
- block + 80 : third font, etc.
- Each font name is terminated with a null character (zero byte). Compilation
- of the list continues until the whole file has been processed, or there is
- no room to list more fonts in the message block, or an error is found. With
- the exception of those relating to path objects and sprite objects, this
- call can return most of the errors recognized by DF_Verify. Each distinct
- font is listed once only irrespective of the number of times it is used in
- the drawfile. Fonts listed in the font table but not used in any text
- objects are ignored. Unknown fonts used only in text area objects and not
- listed in the font table are returned.
- DF_ChangeFont (SWI &4B0C3)
- ===========================
- Purpose: replace one or more fonts in the drawfile.
- On entry: R0 = control flags
- R1 = pointer to buffer containing drawfile
- (in user area, address > &8000)
- R2 = drawfile size (bytes, must be correct)
- R3 = pointer to block containing search list
- (in user area, address > &8000)
- R4 = pointer to block containing replace list
- (in user area, address > &8000)
- control flags: bit meaning when set
- ---- ----------------
- 0 determines method of error reporting
- 1 return new size of drawfile only (i.e.
- without altering file)
- 2-31 reserved (should be zero)
- On exit: R0 = depends on method of error reporting
- R1 - R4 = preserved
- R5 = new drawfile size (bytes)
- If bit 0 of control flags = 0 then any error is reported
- in R0 - R3 (other registers are undefined); R0 = 0 means
- no error has occurred.
- On entry R3 points to a list of font names to search for and R4 points to a
- list of replacements. The structure of the blocks is:
- search_block + 0 : unknown font 1
- search_block + 40 : unknown font 2
- (may be others at 40 byte intervals)
- search_block + 80 : null string terminator
- replace_block + 0 : replacement font 1 (or null string)
- replace_block + 40 : replacement font 2 (or null string)
- (may be others at 40 byte intervals)
- Font names can be terminated with any control character (ASCII code < 32).
- The search list is terminated by a null string. For each font in the search
- list, the corresponding position in the replace list should contain either a
- replacement font or a null string if no substitution is to be performed for
- that particular font. The system font cannot appear in either list. Unknown
- fonts used only in text area objects and not listed in the font table are
- replaced. The module assumes that the buffer holding the drawfile is large
- enough to accommodate any increase in file size that may result from this
- call.
- The list returned by DF_ListUnknownFonts can be used as the search list, but
- you must add the null string terminator.
- DF_CompileFontTable (SWI &4B0C4)
- =================================
- Purpose: update the drawfile font table.
- On entry: R0 = control flags
- R1 = pointer to buffer containing drawfile
- (in user area, address > &8000)
- R2 = drawfile size (bytes, must be correct)
- control flags: bit meaning when set
- ---- ----------------
- 0 determines method of error reporting
- 1 return new size of drawfile only (i.e.
- without altering file)
- 2-31 reserved (should be zero)
- On exit: R0 = depends on method of error reporting
- R1 - R4 = preserved
- R5 = new drawfile size (bytes)
- If bit 0 of control flags = 0 then any error is reported
- in R0 - R3 (other registers are undefined); R0 = 0 means
- no error has occurred.
- This call may be useful whether or not font substitution has been performed
- using DF_ChangeFont. Fonts listed in the font table but not used in any text
- objects are removed. Fonts used only in text area objects and not listed in
- the font table are included (if there is no font table then one will be
- inserted). If a font table is present and there are no text objects of any
- type then the font table is deleted. This call will not cause duplication of
- any font in the font table, but neither will it remove such duplication if
- present originally. The module assumes that the buffer holding the drawfile
- is large enough to accommodate any increase in file size that may result
- from this call.
- DF_SetBBoxes (SWI &4B0C5)
- ==========================
- Purpose: set object bounding boxes correctly.
- On entry: R0 = control flags
- R1 = pointer to buffer containing drawfile
- (in user area, address > &8000)
- R2 = drawfile size (bytes, must be correct)
- control flags: bit meaning when set
- ---- ----------------
- 0 determines method of error reporting
- 1 update options object (if present)
- 2-31 reserved (should be zero)
- On exit: R0 = depends on method of error reporting
- R1 = image bounding box xmin (in Draw units)
- R2 = image bounding box ymin "
- R3 = image bounding box xmax "
- R4 = image bounding box ymax "
- R5 = page size code
- If bit 0 of control flags = 0 then any error is reported
- in R0 - R3 (other registers are undefined); R0 = 0 means
- no error has occurred.
- The bounding box for each text object and path object is calculated and
- written into the object header. The bounding box for each text area object
- is set according to its text column objects (except any with width or height
- <= 0). The bounding box for each group object and tagged object is set
- according to the objects contained within it. Unknown objects are ignored,
- as are sprite objects with an invalid bounding box. The image bounding box
- (in the drawfile header) is set according to all objects with a valid
- bounding box in the file. If bit 1 of control flags is set, the smallest
- paper 'A' size required to hold the image is determined and used to update
- the options object (if one is present).
- The page size code returned in R5 is the paper 'A' size plus 1 multiplied by
- 256 plus 1 if landscape orientation is required (e.g. A4 portrait = &500, A4
- landscape = &501, A5 portrait = &600, A5 landscape = &601).
- DF_GetPageSize (SWI &4B0C6)
- ============================
- Purpose: obtain window and page size for image.
- On entry: R0 = control flags
- R1 = pointer to buffer containing drawfile
- (in user area, address > &8000)
- R2 = drawfile size (bytes, must be correct)
- R3 = unused
- R4 = unused
- R5 = zoom factor multiplied by 1000 (125 - 8000)
- control flags: bit meaning when set
- ---- ----------------
- 0 determines method of error reporting
- 1 use image bounding box to determine window/page size
- (only applies if no options object is present)
- 2-31 reserved (should be zero)
- On exit: R0 = depends on method of error reporting
- R1 = preserved
- R2 = preserved
- R3 = window width (os units)
- R4 = window height (os units)
- R5 = page size code
- R6 = 1 if options object used, else zero
- If bit 0 of control flags = 0 then any error is reported
- in R0 - R3 (other registers are undefined); R0 = 0 means
- no error has occurred.
- This call returns the page size code for the image and the corresponding
- window size (in os units) for the specified zoom factor. The latter could be
- passed to Wimp_SetExtent to set the window size prior to displaying the
- image.
- Note that this call is only applicable to 'simple mode' rendering (see
- description of DF_Render). For 'transform' mode rendering, the image
- bounding box should be obtained with DF_GetImageSize and transformed as
- appropriate to determine the required window size.
- See DF_SetBBoxes for an explanation of the page size code.
- If an options object is present, the page size is determined from it and
- used to calculate the window size.
- In the absence of an options object, the page/window sizes are determined
- according to bit 1 of the control flags passed in R0. If the bit is clear,
- the bounding boxes of the top level objects (i.e. not those inside group
- objects or tagged objects) are used to define the image size (negative
- values are treated as zero). The smallest paper 'A' size required to contain
- the image is then determined and used to calculate the window size. If the
- bit is set, the page/window size is determined from the image bounding box
- in the drawfile header. This means that (in the absence of an options
- object), the page size can be specified by setting the image bounding box
- coordinates slightly smaller than the page size.
- The module allows a zoom factor of one eighth to eight times actual size;
- multiplying by 1000 gives an allowable range of 125 - 8000 for the zoom
- parameter passed in R5.
- DF_GetImageSize (SWI &4B0C7)
- =============================
- Purpose: obtain image size.
- On entry: R0 = control flags
- R1 = pointer to buffer containing drawfile
- (in user area, address > &8000)
- R2 = drawfile size (bytes, must be correct)
- control flags: bit meaning when set
- ---- ----------------
- 0 determines method of error reporting
- 1 return values in millipoints, else in
- Draw units
- 2-31 reserved (should be zero)
- On exit: R0 = depends on method of error reporting
- R1 = image xmin
- R2 = image ymin
- R3 = image xmax
- R4 = image ymax
- If bit 0 of control flags = 0 then any error is reported
- in R0 - R3 (other registers are undefined); R0 = 0 means
- no error has occurred.
- This call examines the bounding boxes of the top-level objects (not those
- inside group objects or tagged objects) and returns the image size in Draw
- units or millipoints. Negative values may be returned.
- DF_Render (SWI &4B0C8)
- =======================
- Purpose: display a drawfile.
- This swi can operate in 'simple' mode (bit 1 of R0 clear) or 'transform'
- mode (bit 1 of R0 set):
- Simple mode does not allow independent horizontal and vertical scaling or
- rotation of the image. It is intended for use where a single drawfile is
- displayed in a window rather than as part of a larger document. Because the
- transformation calculations are omitted this mode is slightly faster than
- transform mode. In this mode the window should have its work area origin
- (co-ordinate 0,0) at the bottom left corner.
- Transform mode allows separate horizontal and vertical scaling and rotation
- of the image and positioning of the drawfile anywhere within a user-defined
- work area co-ordinate system. Thus the drawfile can be displayed as part of
- a larger document.
- DF_Render (Simple mode)
- -----------------------
- On entry: R0 = control flags
- R1 = pointer to buffer containing drawfile
- R2 = drawfile size (bytes, must be correct)
- R3 = pointer to first object to render } only if R0
- R4 = pointer to last object to render } bit 3 is set
- R5 = zoom factor multiplied by 1000
- (allowable range 125 - 8000)
- R6 = pointer to Wimp redraw block
- R1 and R6 must point to locations in the user area (address > &8000).
- control flags: bit meaning when set
- ---- ----------------
- 0 determines method of error reporting
- 1 must be clear for 'simple' rendering
- 2 reserved (should be zero)
- 3 use R3 and R4 as described below
- 4-31 reserved (should be zero)
- On exit: R0 = depends on method of error reporting
- R1 - R2 = preserved
- R3 = updated object pointer (only if R0 bit 3 set)
- R4 - R7 = preserved
- R8 = number of objects rendered
- If bit 0 of control flags = 0 then any error is reported
- in R0 - R3 (other registers are undefined); R0 = 0 means
- no error has occurred.
- Zoom factor and redraw block
- ----------------------------
- On entry, R5 contains the zoom factor multiplied by 1000 (allowable range
- 125 - 8000) and R6 contains a pointer to a Wimp redraw block as returned by
- Wimp_RedrawWindow and Wimp_GetRectangle. The coordinates of the rectangle to
- be redrawn (four entries starting at redraw_block+28) are compared with the
- object bounding boxes (after scaling) to determine which objects need to be
- rendered. The bounding boxes must therefore be set correctly. If the
- drawfile is displayed in a Wimp window, the window must have its work area
- origin (co-ordinate 0,0) at the bottom left corner.
- The module calculates the screen position of the drawfile origin as
- screen_x0 = (redraw_block+4) - (redraw_block+20)
- screen_y0 = (redraw_block+16) - (redraw_block+24)
- Rendering (a) specified object(s)
- ---------------------------------
- If R0 bit 3 is set, then on entry R3 and R4 are pointers to the first and
- last objects respectively to render (other registers should be set as
- described above). Use R4 = R3 to render a single object. If a group object
- or tagged object is encountered, all objects contained therein are rendered
- irrespective of R4. On exit R3 points to the next object (or the location
- after the end of the file). The module expects the font table (if present)
- to be located immediately after the drawfile header.
- Objects rendered count
- ----------------------
- On exit R8 contains the number of displayable objects rendered (i.e. text,
- path, sprite, text area, transformed text and transformed sprite objects) as
- determined by comparing the object bounding box with the redraw rectangle.
- DF_Render (Transform mode)
- --------------------------
- On entry: R0 = control flags
- R1 = pointer to buffer containing drawfile
- R2 = drawfile size (bytes, must be correct)
- R3 = pointer to first object to render } only if R0
- R4 = pointer to last object to render } bit 3 is set
- R5 = pointer to transformation matrix
- R6 = pointer to Wimp redraw block
- R7 = flatness value for path object rendering
- (only used if R0 bit 2 is set)
- R1, R5 and R6 must point to locations in the user area (address > &8000).
- control flags: bit meaning when set
- ---- ----------------
- 0 determines method of error reporting
- 1 must be set for 'transform' rendering
- 2 use flatness value in R7
- 3 use R3 and R4 as described below
- 4-31 reserved (should be zero)
- On exit: R0 = depends on method of error reporting
- R1 - R2 = preserved
- R3 = updated object pointer (only if R0 bit 3 set)
- R4 - R7 = preserved
- R8 = number of objects rendered
- If bit 0 of control flags = 0 then any error is reported
- in R0 - R3 (other registers are undefined); R0 = 0 means
- no error has occurred.
- Transformation matrix and redraw block
- --------------------------------------
- The transformation matrix is a 24 byte block with the format
- block + 0 = xscale * COS(angle) * 65536
- block + 4 = xscale * SIN(angle) * 65536
- block + 8 = yscale * -SIN(angle) * 65536
- block + 12 = yscale * COS(angle) * 65536
- block + 16 = x_position
- block + 20 = y_position
- where xscale and yscale are the horizontal and vertical scale factors (which
- are effectively applied before rotation), angle defines rotation of the
- image, and x_position and y_position specify the location of the drawfile
- origin within the window in work area co-ordinates. The scale factors can be
- zero or negative; no lower or upper limit is imposed. Any co-ordinate system
- can be used for the window work area; e.g. to align the drawfile origin with
- the bottom left corner of the work area use block+16 = work_area_xmin and
- block+20 = work_area_ymin.
- The Wimp redraw block is that returned by Wimp_RedrawWindow and
- Wimp_GetRectangle.
- The flatness value in R7 is only used if bit 2 of the control flags
- parameter is set. Otherwise the module calculates a suitable flatness value
- from the scale factors defined in the transformation matrix.
- The module calculates the screen position of the drawfile origin as
- screen_x0 = x_position - (redraw_block+20) + (redraw_block+4)
- screen_y0 = y_position - (redraw_block+24) + (redraw_block+16)
- After scaling and rotation, the drawfile object bounding boxes are compared
- with the graphics clip-rectangle (four entries starting at redraw_block+28)
- to determine which objects need to be rendered. The bounding boxes must
- therefore be set correctly.
- Rendering (a) specified object(s)
- ---------------------------------
- If R0 bit 3 is set, then on entry R3 and R4 are pointers to the first and
- last objects respectively to render (other registers should be set as
- described above). Use R4 = R3 to render a single object. If a group object
- or tagged object is encountered, all objects contained therein are rendered
- irrespective of R4. On exit R3 points to the next object (or the location
- after the end of the file). The module expects the font table (if present)
- to be located immediately after the drawfile header.
- Objects rendered count
- ----------------------
- On exit R8 contains the number of displayable objects rendered (i.e. text,
- path, sprite, text area, transformed text and transformed sprite objects) as
- determined by comparing the object bounding box with the redraw rectangle.
- DF_TextAreaExtent (SWI &4B0C9)
- ===============================
- Purpose: determine the actual area of a text area object.
- A text area object consists of one or more rectangular areas over which some
- text will be formatted. This call returns the number of areas used and the
- fractional usage of the last one. This call is not actually relevant to
- rendering a drawfile, but is included as support for the DrawUtilsB module.
- It allows some degree of automation of sizing and positioning of the text
- column objects (the rectangular areas over which the text is formatted).
- After completing the text area object, DF_TextAreaExtent could be called and
- the text column object coordinates then adjusted manually (the bounding box
- entries in the text area object header should be adjusted accordingly).
- On entry: R0 = control flags
- R1 = pointer to buffer containing drawfile
- R2 = drawfile size (bytes, must be correct)
- R3 = pointer to text area object
- R1 and R3 must point to locations in the user area (address > &8000).
- control flags: bit meaning when set
- ---- ----------------
- 0 determines method of error reporting
- 1-31 reserved (should be zero)
- On exit: R0 = depends on method of error reporting
- R1 - R3 = preserved
- R4 = number of areas used
- R5 = fractional usage of last area
- If bit 0 of control flags = 0 then any error is reported
- in R0 - R3 (other registers are undefined); R0 = 0 means
- no error has occurred.
- The maximum number of areas that could be used is equal to the number of
- text column objects in the text area object. If R4 is greater than this
- value then the text has 'overflowed'. Otherwise, R4 contains the number of
- areas used and R5 gives the proportion of the last area used:
- distance from top of area to bottom of last text line
- R5 = ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— x 65536
- height of area
- Error codes
- ===========
- With the exception of error codes less than 100, most of these errors are
- only returned in the message block by DF_Verify. DF_ChangeFont can also
- return most errors except those relating to path objects and sprite objects.
- Entry parameter / general errors
- --------------------------------
- 1. Invalid message block pointer (block must be in user workspace,
- address > &8000).
- 2. Message block is too small (minimum size is 64 bytes).
- 3. Invalid pointer to buffer containing drawfile (must be in user
- workspace, address > &8000).
- 4. Invalid drawfile size (must be at least 40 bytes and a multiple of 4).
- 5. Invalid zoom factor (allowable range is 125 - 8000 denoting one eighth
- to eight times normal size)
- 6. Invalid redraw block pointer (Wimp redraw block block must be in user
- workspace, address > &8000).
- 7. Unknown SWI (module recognizes SWI numbers &4B0C0 - &4B0C9).
- 8. Not used.
- 9. Module cannot obtain workspace in RMA.
- 10. Not used.
- 11. Invalid pointer to block containing font list (block must be in user
- workspace, address > &8000). May be returned by DF_ChangeFont.
- 12. Invalid font name in font list (too long or contains illegal
- characters). May be returned by DF_ChangeFont.
- 13. Font list contains system font. May be returned by DF_ChangeFont.
- 14. Font table full (fonts 1-255 are defined, cannot insert any more). May
- be returned by DF_CompileFontTable.
- 15. Invalid pointer to transformation matrix (for DF_Render).
- 16. Invalid pointer to text area object (for DF_TextAreaExtent).
- Drawfile header / general errors
- --------------------------------
- 31. Not a drawfile (first word of file is incorrect).
- 32. Unknown drawfile version (second word is not 201).
- 33. Drawfile is too small (less than 40 bytes).
- 34. Invalid drawfile size (not a multiple of four bytes).
- 35. Image bounding box in drawfile header is invalid (width or height
- <= 0). May be returned by DF_GetPageSize and DF_Render.
- 36. Invalid object size (too small or not a multiple of four bytes).
- Can be returned for any object.
- Font table errors
- -----------------
- 101. Two or more font tables in drawfile.
- 102. Font table appears after (transformed) text object.
- 103. Invalid font table termination (must only be null chars to word
- boundary).
- 104. Font number in font table is zero.
- 105. Invalid font name (too long or contains illegal characters).
- 106. Font name terminator is not null character.
- Text object errors
- ------------------
- 201. Text object appears before font table.
- 202. Font number is < 0 or > 255.
- 203. Unknown font.
- 204. Font size too low (< 1 pt).
- 205. Invalid object termination (must only be null chars to word boundary).
- 206. Text contains illegal characters (control chars or ASCII 127).
- 207. Illegal font flags in transformed text object.
- 208. Font is not defined in font table.
- Path object errors
- ------------------
- 301. Non-zero reserved bits in path style description.
- 302. Illegal number of elements in dash pattern definition.
- 303. Path object has no components.
- 304. Early path end.
- 305. Path does not start with a move.
- 306. Early path closure.
- 307. Unknown path component.
- Sprite object errors
- --------------------
- 401. Invalid object bounding box (width or height <= 0).
- 402. Sprite size inconsistent with object size.
- 403. Invalid sprite dimensions (width or height <= 0).
- 404. Invalid sprite offset (< &2C).
- 405. Sprite defined in unknown mode.
- 406. Invalid sprite palette size.
- 407. Invalid mask offset (< &2C).
- 408. Image size inconsistent with sprite dimensions.
- 409. Mask size inconsistent with sprite dimensions.
- 410. Unknown sprite type (from top byte of mode entry).
- Text area object errors
- -----------------------
- 501. Text column object: invalid size (must be 24 bytes).
- 502. Text column object: inverted bounding box (width or height < 0).
- 503. Invalid termination for text column objects.
- 504. Total area defined by text column objects invalid (width or
- height <= 0).
- 505. Non-zero reserved words in object header.
- 506. No text column objects.
- 507. Multiple initializer ('\!') sequences.
- 508. Invalid initializer (not '\! 1').
- 509. Invalid termination for escape sequence (most require '/' or newline).
- Newline = ASCII 10.
- 510. Absent initializer.
- 511. Late '\D' sequence (must appear before text).
- 512. Multiple '\D' sequences.
- 513. Invalid '\D' sequence (value < 1 or syntax error).
- 514. Number of text column objects inconsistent with '\D' sequence.
- 515. '\F' sequence: illegal font number (< 0 or > 99) or syntax error.
- 516. '\F' sequence: unknown font.
- 517. '\F' sequence: invalid font size (< 1 pt) or syntax error.
- 518. '\A' sequence: invalid alignment code (not L, R, D or C).
- 519. '\M' sequence: illegal value or syntax error.
- 520. '\C' or '\B' sequence: illegal value or syntax error.
- 521. '\L' sequence: illegal value or syntax error.
- 522. '\P' sequence: illegal value or syntax error.
- 523. '\U' sequence: illegal value or syntax error.
- 524. '\V' sequence: illegal value or syntax error.
- 525. Font selection ('\n') sequence : illegal value or syntax error.
- 526. No font selected at start of text.
- 527. Illegal character in text (control char or ASCII 127).
- 528. Invalid text area termination (must be newline + null character(s) to
- word boundary). Newline = ASCII 10.
- 529. Font selection ('\n') sequence selects an undefined font.
- Options object errors
- ---------------------
- 601. Bounding box entries are non-zero.
- 602. Unrecognized page size.
- 603. Reserved bits are non-zero.
- 604. Invalid grid spacing (<= 0).
- 605. Invalid grid division (<= 0).
- 606. Zoom multiplier or divisor out of range (< 1 or > 8).
- Comments concerning this software to:
- James McQueen
- 9/2 15 Croftbank Street
- Springburn
- Glasgow
- G21 4LP