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- By Richad Harker
- (C) Richard Harker 1995
- I created this module using the Register program
- from *Info in BBC Acorn, User November 1992
- It adds a few extra modes that I often need on to
- the mode menu, on the palette icon on the icon bar
- this saves you having to type in the one that you
- want.
- It is pretty easy to customise this to how you want
- it. First open the route directory on the apps icon,
- and go into the palete directory, then load the
- messages file into a text editor. Then search for
- the line starting with L01: (I think that this will
- be the 10th line down).
- then to add a mode, add something like
- 26 Mode026,
- after the L01: this will add mode 26 to your mode
- menu. (I don't think that there is a limit to the
- number of modes that you have on the menu.)
- If you try and alter the
- ? M12
- on that line it wont work, or if you put a mode
- after that it wont work.
- then save this as a text file called messages, to a
- your currently selected directory on a disc, and
- run Register. When promped type in for the file to
- register type in-
- messages
- then press return, and then when prompted where to
- store the file in, type in-
- Resources.Palette
- and again press return. You will now have a new
- module, which can be run
- If you get problems with the module
- pressing f12, and typing
- RMkill ResourceFiles
- should do the trick, if not a reset will
- ---------------------------------------------------
- If you are interested in 'Carter' 'Bad News'
- or 'The Cure' then please write to me, my name
- and address is -
- Richard Harker
- Elmlea
- Sewardstone Road
- Chingford
- London
- E4 7RG
- ---------------------------------------------------
- This application is supplied free to everyone 'as
- is', I do not give any guarantee that it is free of
- bugs, or supply any warranty about its suitabliliy
- for use.
- I tested the module with Risc OS 3.11, and a
- multiscan monitor and it seemed to work.
- I didn't include the register program because
- I DID NOT WRITE IT, and don't know who did, but if
- you do, thank him (or her) for a good program.
- CHEERS Rich 1995