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ABOUT THIS PROGRAM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : PinExtend Version : 1.17 (16 Feb 1996) Purpose : Extra pinboard utilities Author : Andrew Berry Licence : Freeware. Please see conditions at the end of this file. PinExtend supports Interactive Help. PURPOSE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PinExtend is a small utility designed to make using the pinboard slightly easier. It can do the following: 1) Enable the user to make backdrops without dropping the sprite file onto the pinboard, selecting the backdrop position, and then removing the icon. 2) Place a blank TinyDirs icon on the icon bar without using the command line. Although TinyDirs is built into the Pinboard in RISC OS 3 there is no option on the Pinboard menu to use TinyDirs on the icon bar. Acorn obviously decided that TinyDirs wasn't needed because files can be dropped onto the pinboard. However, this clutters up the desktop, and icons on the pinboard are harder to get to than the icon bar, which can be brought to the front with Shift-F12. 3) Send a dragged object to TinyDirs and put its icon on the icon bar. 4) Automatically load backdrops, make TinyDirs and run an extra file on startup. 5) Automatically remove backdrops and TinyDirs on exit, and re-load the backdrop selected with !Boot (RISC OS 3.5 or greater) or !NewLook (RISC OS 3.1x). THE MENUS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The icon bar menu has six items. These are as follows: 1) Info: This leads to a standard info box. 2) Startup...: Selecting this will open a window enabling the startup options to be selected. This window is described in detail later. 2) Options...: This will open the options window, which is also described later. 3) Backdrop...: This opens the 'Make Backdrop' window which enables you to make a backdrop. Clicking with SELECT on the PinExtend icon has the same effect. The 'Make Backdrop' window is described in detail later. 4) Add TinyDir: Clicking on this will issue the command *AddTinyDir which will add a TinyDir icon to the left of the icon bar. TinyDirs is part of the pinboard application, and its use is described in the user guide. Clicking with ADJUST on the PinExtend icon has the same effect as selecting 'Add TinyDir'. 5) Quit: Selecting this will quit the program. TinyDirs and backdrops will be removed if the appropriate options are selected in the options window. See later. MAKING A BACKDROP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- To bring up the 'Make Backdrop' window select 'Backdrop...' from the iconbar menu or click SELECT on the PinExtend icon on the iconbar. Select the position for the backdrop by clicking on the appropriate radio icon. Drag a sprite file from a filer window into the 'Make Backdrop' window. The filename will appear in the long white box. If the file is dragged to the icon bar then the action taken will depend on the setting in the options window - see later. Click OK with SELECT to load the backdrop and close the window, or with ADJUST to load the backdrop and keep the window open. The second option is useful if you want to experiment with different positions. Closing the window will retain the filename of the last sprite dragged into PinExtend until the program is quit. This is so the same sprite can be reloaded later if needed without the original filer window being needed. Clicking on the View button will *Filer_Run the sprite file, causing it to be loaded into a suitable application for viewing it, usually !Paint. Remove removes the current backdrop. On a pre-Risc PC machine Default loads the default !NewLook backdrop as set up by the !NewLook application, providing the appropriate option has been set in the options window. On RISC OS 3.5 or greater, the default backdrop is reloaded by running Boot:Choices.Boot.Tasks.Configure. Please note that this has only been tested with RISC OS 3.6 - if it causes problems with 3.5 then please let me know. ADDING A TINYDIR --------------------------------------------------------------------------- To add a blank TinyDir click ADJUST on the PinExtend icon on the icon bar. Dragging a non-sprite object to the PinExtend icon will cause it to be added to the TinyDirs application. The action taken when a sprite file is dragged depends on the setting in the options window (see later). OPTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PinExtend has a number of options which can be changed from two windows, 'Startup' and 'Miscellaneous'. These are opened by clicking on 'Startup...' and 'Options...' on the icon bar menu. All options in the options windows can be saved by clicking on 'Save' in either window. Clicking on 'Save' will save the options for both windows. Selecting 'Exit' will close the window and the new options will be remembered. STARTUP OPTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The top section of this window is for selecting files, directories or applications which will automatically be added to the icon bar (using TinyDirs) when PinExtend is started up. Add TinyDirs from script file : If this is selected then the script file will be examined and the filenames of any objects contained within it will be added to the icon bar using TinyDirs. See later for a description of the script file. Run extra file... : If this is selected then the file shown in the icon will be *Filer_Run after all backdrops and TinyDirs have been set up. This could be used to place icons on the pinboard, and should be an Obey (or similar) file. Dragging a file to the white icon will insert the filename, and clicking on the icon and selecting Clear from the menu will clear it and deselect the option. The second section is used for automatically loading a backdrop on startup. Dragging a sprite file to the long white icon will enter its filename, and clicking in the box and selecting Clear will clear it. The currently selected position for the backdrop is shown on the right and can be changed by clicking on it and selecting from the menu. This option is for the startup backdrop ONLY, and is independent of the 'Make backdrop' window. Clicking on 'Edit script file...' will load the script file into your normal text editor. It can then be edited and re-saved. Alternatively, it can be found within the !PinExtend application directory, named 'Script'. MISCELLANEOUS OPTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The top section of this window is for selecting the action which PinExtend will take when a sprite file is dragged to the icon bar. The options are as follows, and are selected by clicking on the appropriate radio icon. 1) If 'Make backdrop...' is selected then the sprite will be put onto the backdrop using the current options in the 'Make backdrop' window. To make the best use of this option, ensure that it is selected and set the required position in the 'Make backdrop' window. Any sprite file now dragged onto the icon bar will now be put on the backdrop without the need to use any windows or menus. 2) If 'Open backdrop window' is selected then the filename will be passed on to the main window, which will be opened. 3) If 'Add TinyDir' is selected then the file will appear on the TinyDirs application on the icon bar. 4) If 'Query' is selected then a query box will open, giving a choice of the above three options. The white icon in the middle of the window is only needed if you intend to use the 'Restore default backdrop' function and do NOT have RISC OS 3.5 or greater. Drag your copy of !NewLook from its usual position on your hard disc, boot disc, etc, and the pathname will be entered into the icon. The 'Restore NewLook backdrop' function will reload whichever backdrop you have selected with the NewLook application. This is useful if you have been experimenting with backdrops and want your desktop to return to normal. Clicking on 'NewLook' in the main window will read the variable 'NewLook$Options' which is set up by NewLook, and reload the backdrop. If random has been selected then PinExtend will choose one at random. The 'Lighter' option is also acknowledged. The NewLook application must have been seen by the filer before this function will work. The lower section of the window determines what happens when you quit PinExtend. Selecting 'Leave backdrop' will leave any backdrop alone, 'Remove backdrop' will remove any loaded backdrop and 'Restore default backdrop' will load the default backdrop as described above. If 'Remove all TinyDirs' is selected then any objects which are on the icon bar as TinyDirs will be removed. THE SCRIPT FILE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If the appropriate option is selected (see above) then the script file will be examined when the program is loaded. To edit the script file either select 'Edit script file...' from the Startup Options window or load it from the !PinExtend application directory. The script file is a list of objects (files or directories) which will be put on the icon bar using TinyDirs when PinExtend is loaded. All filenames should be preceded by # and (optionally) any number of spaces. Any lines which do NOT start with # are ignored and can be used for comments, etc. An error will only be given if a line starts with # but is not followed by a valid filename. To add an object to the list, start a new line and type # followed by the full filename. In some text editors the filename may be added by Shift-dragging the object to the editor window. Re-save the script file, making sure that the filename is not altered. The new file will now be loaded next time PinExtend is started. NOTES ON USING THE STARTUP OPTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The optional 'Extra file' which can be run on startup is useful for adding icons to the pinboard. The Obey file saved by the Pinboard itself is ideal for use as this 'Extra file'. However, if you use this file, please make sure that the line 'Pinboard' is removed first, as this clears the backdrop and may interfere with other actions which PinExtend takes on startup. HISTORY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.00 (03 Sep 1994) : • First version, fully working. Make backdrop, alter position, remove backdrop, view sprite, add TinyDir. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.10 (17 Sep 1994) : • Dragging a non-sprite object onto icon bar puts it on a TinyDir. Gives a query if object is a sprite. • Options to remove backdrop and TinyDirs on exit. • Options to automatically issue *AddTinyDir and load named backdrop on startup. • New menus as a result of options window. • Can save all options to disc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.11 (29 Oct 1994) : • Now uses "Wimp_ReadSysInfo" to load correct sprite file for different modes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.12 (18 Dec 1994) : • Improved startup options and options window. • Backdrops can now be loaded using the current options in the 'Make backdrop' window just by dragging sprite to icon bar. • Improved query window. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.13 (18 Feb 1995) : • Dragging non-sprite file to options window no longer gives error. • Bug fix - filenames of objects dragged to options window now fill the icon (was chopping off too many characters) • Bug fix - added *IconSprites to !Run file. Sorry if earlier versions caused problems with Menon, QuickDir, etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.14 (23 Feb 1995) : • Bug fix - was looking for 'Sprites24' file with certain monitor configurations. Thanks to Dave McCartney for pointing this out. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.15 (29 May 1995) : • Added NewLook backdrop function • Split old options window into two new windows. 'Action when sprite dragged to icon bar' is now selected using radio buttons. • Added single-item menu to clear the filenames in options windows • Swapped SELECT and ADJUST actions on icon bar (hope this doesn't confuse anybody!) • Tidied up menus --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.16 (10 Jul 1995) : • Removed limit of 3 TinyDirs by using a script file • Can now run an 'extra' file after setting up the backdrop (for putting objects on the pinboard, etc.) • Removed bug in error handler • Lowered WimpSlot to 32K (bug reports please!) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.17 (16 Feb 1996) : • Restore default backdrop function now available for RISC OS 3.5 or greater as well as for NewLook (renamed from 'Restore NewLook backdrop' in previous versions) • Script file is now examined after all other startup actions to avoid problems with clearing Pinboard. • Now supports Interactive Help THINGS TO DO --------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Maybe add an option to hide the iconbar icon once the program has started, with a hotkey to bring it back (see SmallSave!) LEGAL BIT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This program is Freeware, NOT public domain. This means that I retain the copyright but give everyone the right to distribute it by any means, anywhere, as long as all files are supplied and I am fully credited. If you do give this program to anybody, please ensure that the options file is deleted first. Although this program has been fully tested, I (the author) cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by the use or misuse of this program. It is used entirely at your own risk. CONTACT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please feel free to write to me at the address below. Let me know if you can think of any ways to improve the program, or if you find any bugs. The latest versions of all my programs can be obtained by writing to the below address, enclosing either: a) A cheque for £1.00 or b) A disc, a stamp and a suitable method of returning your disc. Currently (27/2/1996) my other programs are as follows: - ClearDisc 1.00 (27 Feb 1996) : Removes data left behind on disc by files which have been deleted. - DirOpen 1.01 (04 Feb 1995) : Drag directories and apps to icon bar to open them. Reopen last dir from icon bar - DiscComp 1.07 (03 Jun 1995) : Compact discs from the desktop, various options. - IconSprit 1.10 (28 Jan 1995) : IconSprites, ToolSprites, save RAM and ROM sprites to disc - LoseCaret 1.12 (23 Feb 1995) : Force applications to lose the caret. Useful if the app. doesn't pass on unknown keypresses. - NumberGen 1.02 (31 Jan 1996) : Random number generator, control over range, accuracy and output type. - PinExtend 1.17 (16 Feb 1996) : Easy method of putting sprites on the backdrop, lots of options, load backdrop on startup, etc. - RAMstore 1.01 (13 Aug 1995) : Semi-permanent RAM disc. Automatic loading and saving of data on RAM disc. - ShowFile 1.01 (13 Feb 1995) : Display files using *Type/List/Dump, various options. - SmallSave 1.14 (12 Feb 1996) : Small, fast screensaver. Lots of savers, hide icon, instant blank. - SpinDown 1.01 (12 Feb 1996) : Hard disc spindown control, configure autospindown, instant spindown. - SystemVar 1.00 (13 Feb 1996) : Read, set and delete system variables of different types. - TextInfo 1.12 (05 Mar 1995) : Counts words, characters, lines and sentences in text files. - TidyApp 1.01 (04 Mar 1995) : Rename !Boot, !Run in app. directories (to correct wrong case, e.g. !boot) Please write to: Andrew Berry 39 Lancaster Avenue Sandiacre Nottingham NG10 5GW ---------------------------------------------------------------------------