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- HContents:This brings up the contents page
- HPrint:This prints the current page
- HBack:This goes back to the last subject
- HHistory:This gives a list of all the articles you have recently viewed
- HStd:This is the hiper help window.|MClick SELECT to follow a link.
- HIke:This is the Hiper help icon.|MClick SELECT to get context-sensitive help on any part of the screen. Leave the mouse still to get standard help.
- HInfo:This tells you all about hiper help.
- HOptDelay:Type the delay between help boxes here
- HOptBoxes:Whether help boxes appear automatically
- HOptBuh:If selected, help is loaded from file as needed
- HOptMem:If selected, help is swapped out of memory when no longer required
- HOpt:The options window!
- HOptOK:OK! Do it! Let's go!
- HOptCancel:Nah, not sure about that.
- HOptSave:Saves the options to disc.
- # Help standard messages
- HelpI2:\TBACK icon.|M\Smove the \w to the bottom of the pile of \ws.
- HelpI3:\TCLOSE icon.|M\Sclose the \w.
- HelpI4:\TTitle bar.|M\Sbring the \w to the top.|M\Dmove the \w around the desktop.|M\dmove the \w without affecting the order of \ws.
- HelpI5:\TTOGGLE SIZE icon.|M\Stoggle the \w size between full size and the last size displayed.
- HelpI6:\Sscroll the \w up.
- HelpI7:\Tvertical scroll bar.
- HelpI8:\Sscroll the \w down.
- HelpI9:\T\a SIZE icon.|M\Dalter the size and shape of the \w.
- HelpI10:\Sscroll the \w left.
- HelpI11:\Thorizontal scroll bar.
- HelpI12:\Sscroll the \w right.
- HelpI13:\Tedge of the \w.
- TS:Click SELECT to
- TR:Move the pointer right to
- TA:Click ADJUST to
- TT:This is the
- TG:This option is greyed out because
- TW:This window is
- TD:Drag SELECT to
- Td:Drag ADJUST to
- Tw:window
- T0:SELECT to
- T1: all
- T2: or
- T3:determine the free space o
- T4: with
- T5:Use the full info display option to see current settings.
- T6:back up the disc in drive
- T7:make the machine auto-boot on reset if Shift is
- T8:desktop
- T9: Manager
- T@: the
- TB:directory
- TC:application
- TE:selected object
- TF:e the sprite in the selected sprite file on the desktop background.
- TH: to
- TI:display
- TJ:This
- TK: file server
- TL:The Force option determines whether or not locked objects will be deleted.
- TM:Double-click
- TN: the disc in drive
- TO:select
- TP:move the icon.
- TQ:This option is shaded because
- TU: the general public
- TV: icon
- TX:sort the items in this directory by their
- TY: and
- TZ:file
- T^:Drag SELECT to copy the
- T_:ress Return
- Tb: information
- Tc:This line shows that
- Te:change
- Tf:determine whether or not
- Tg:currently
- Th:enter a new file type for
- Ti:display the root directory
- Tj: object
- Tk:change the access bits of the
- Tl:contents
- Tm:inboard
- Tn:Move the pointer right to
- To: operation
- Tp: you want
- Tq:n the
- Tr:TinyDirs
- Tt:disc
- Tu:ed number of colours
- Tv: this
- Tx:Drag a mode description file here to change the available modes.
- Ty: memory
- Tz:ing
- T€:ter the
- TŴ:Double-click ADJUST to
- Tŵ:shows the
- T◰:window
- T☓: from
- TŶ: of
- Tŷ:allow the general public to read
- T:name
- T⇦:change screen mode using a mode selection string.
- T⇨: is
- T⇩:This is the
- T⇧:drive
- T…:open the
- T™: a
- T‰: with greater control.
- T•: with the time now.
- T‘: the file
- T’:select from the available
- T‹:choose if you want this disc
- T›:resolution
- T“:time stamp
- T”:open or run the file
- T„:This displays all file servers known to NetFiler.
- T–:This window shows the progress of a background
- T−:automatically saved into the file when
- TŒ:Drag files, directories, or applications
- Tœ:objects in this directory
- T†:This section shows the tasks that use
- T‡:protect
- Tfi: in the
- Tfl: slot contains free memory that
- T : to be
- T¡:format
- T¢:lick or press Return to
- T£:number
- T¤:The
- T¥:selected objects and their contents
- T¦:control who may access
- T§: of free memory in the Module area is
- T©: being changed.
- Tª: will be
- T«:' and its contents
- T¬:Display Manager
- T:selected
- T®:ows you to
- T¯: for the
- T°: then
- T±:This is a
- T²:display the
- T³:select the requir
- T´: and remove the icon.
- Tµ:e the
- T¶:alter the CDFS buffer size.
- T·: are
- T¹: and all it
- Tº:here
- T»:new
- T¼:get a total will be sizes
- T½:create a desktop boot file.
- T¾:on
- T¿:' and all objects within it with the time now.
- TÀ:Task Manager window.
- TÁ:dismount
- TÂ: icon.
- TÃ: information about the
- TÄ:name of an object you want to find.
- TÅ: is being used
- TÆ:copy
- TÇ:frame rate
- TÉ:delet
- TÊ:remov
- TË: from being read by the general public.
- TÌ:When the grid lock is
- TÍ:directory '
- TÎ:application '
- TÏ:This option is shaded because you can
- TÐ:The selected objects are searched.
- TÑ:task
- TÒ:ype in a new name for the selected object
- TÓ: directory
- TÔ:Pinboard / TinyDirs information box.
- TÕ:This section shows
- TÖ:select all objects in the directory display.
- T×: of
- TÙ: disc
- TÚ: which
- TÛ: all files
- TÜ:there are no selected objects.
- TÝ: to install them
- TÞ:Double-click SELECT to
- Tß:select all the
- Tà:alter the
- Tá:perform an operation
- Tâ: icons.
- Tã:automatically saved into the file when the general public from reading
- Tä: to be changed.
- Tå:lick
- Tæ:log on
- Tç:open a
- Té:run the application
- Tê:' and all it contains.
- Të:open the root directory of '
- Tì:sort file servers by
- Tí:ed
- Tî:Dynamic Area
- Tï:OS version number
- Tð: or move the icon.
- Tñ:choos
- Tò: a file, directory or application.
- Tó:machine
- Tô:not
- Tõ:pinboard
- Tö:screen mode.
- T÷:to the
- Tù: will also
- Tú: workspace.
- Tû:RAM disc
- Tü: to drive
- Tý: for the displayed number of colours and resolution.
- Tþ:ate
- Tÿ:background.