The Datafile PD-CD 4
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// Persistence of Vision Raytracer
// This file demonstrates the use of the file "ior.inc" and a few other
// interesting and useful tricks. It can take a bit of time to render,
// (he said, understatingly), because of the transparency and because of
// the 7 element light bank (flourescent tube?). Eliminating some of the
// lights (and adjusting the brightness color, "Watts", accordingly)
// will help quite a bit.
#include "colors"
#include "shapes"
#include "textures"
#include "fov" // Field of view constants
#include "ior" // Index of refraction constants
//max_trace_level 2 // Use for faster debugging only!
max_trace_level 4 // This should be enough for these shapes
camera {
location <0 5 -20>
direction <0.0 0.0 FoV_60> // Use a 60o field of view
up <0.0 1.0 0.0>
right <1.33333 0.0 0.0>
look_at <0 1 0>
// Assemble a bank of lights here, on the ground...
#declare Watts = color Gray25
#declare Light_Distance = -50
object {
union {
light_source { < -6 0 Light_Distance> color Watts }
light_source { < -4 0 Light_Distance> color Watts }
light_source { < -2 0 Light_Distance> color Watts }
light_source { < 0 0 Light_Distance> color Watts }
light_source { < 2 0 Light_Distance> color Watts }
light_source { < 4 0 Light_Distance> color Watts }
light_source { < 6 0 Light_Distance> color Watts }
rotate <60 0 0> // ... and hoist 'em up into the air
// Horozontally striped floor
object { plane { <0 1 0> -1 }
texture {
color HuntersGreen
color SummerSky
ambient 0.1
diffuse 0.6
scale <32000 1 2>
#declare Hummer =
union {
// Chris Young's shape from textures.pov
union {
box{ UnitBox }
intersection{ Disk_Y translate <0 2 0> }
sphere{<0 4 0> 1 }
rotate <0 45 0>
// Let's attach an orange sphere to this thing... off in the distance,
// so it'll be automatically repeated as we repeat the rest of the
// object (see below)
sphere { <0 5 20> 1 texture { Shiny color Orange } }
// Set up a default texture for all objects that follow that don't already
// have a texture of their own
default { texture { Glass2 } }
// Now lay out five of those Hummers
object { union { Hummer translate <-6 0 0> }
texture { ior Diamond_Ior }
object { union { Hummer translate <-3 0 0> }
texture { ior Flint_Glass_Ior }
object { union { Hummer translate <0 0 0> }
texture { ior Crown_Glass_Ior }
object { union { Hummer translate <3 0 0> }
texture { ior Water_Ior }
object { union { Hummer translate <6 0 0> }
texture { ior Air_Ior }
// end of file iortest.pov