The Datafile PD-CD 4
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111 lines
// Persistence of Vision Raytracer
// MTMAND.POV By Dan Farmer
// Modified by Tim Wegner
#include "shapes"
#include "colors"
#include "textures"
#declare PlanetColor = color red 0.65 green 0.65 blue 1.00
// The following constants simply make it easier to swap images of different
//scales. Change ScaleX and ScaleZ if you generated the MTMAND.POT file at
// a resolution different from 360 x 480 which Dan used.
#declare ScaleX = 0.5625 // 360/(pot image width)
#declare ScaleZ = 1.0 // 480/(pot image height)
camera {
location <-150.0 300.0 -650.0>
direction <0.0 0.0 4.0> // "Telephoto" lens, "compresses" distance
up <0.0 1.0 0.0> // The distance also seems to smooth the h-field
right <1.333333 0.0 0.0>
look_at <-40.0 150.0 0.0>
// Define a couple of colors for the light sources.
#declare MainLight = color red 0.8 green 0.8 blue 0.8
#declare FillLight = color red 0.23 green 0.23 blue 0.25
// Light source (main)
object { light_source { <-400.0 300.0 -60.0> color MainLight } }
// Light source ( shadow filler )
object { light_source { <-50.0 300.0 -60.0> color FillLight } }
object {
height_field {
// 16 bit continuous potential Fractint fractal,
// floating point activated to allow a large bailout value
// Fractint parameters are:
// type=mandel
// corners=-0.1992/-0.1099914/1.0000046/1.06707
// float=yes
// maxiter=1500
// potential=255/2200/1000/16bit
// savename=mtmand
pot "mtmand.pot"
scale <640 256 480>
water_level 0.0
texture {
0.025 // dither - not used often, but this image needs it.
color White
ambient 0.2 // Very dark shadows
diffuse 0.8 // Whiten the whites
phong 0.75 // Fairly shiny
phong_size 100.0 // with tight highlights
specular 1.0
roughness 0.005
scale <ScaleX 0.5 ScaleZ> // Reduce the height, scale to 360 x 480
translate <-180 0.0 -240> // Center the image by half of ScaleX and ScaleZ
color Brown
// Sky sphere
object {
sphere { <0.0 0.0 0.0> 1200.0 }
color SummerSky
texture {
gradient <0 1 0> // Fade from yellow to orange to red to black
color_map {
[0.00 0.10 color Yellow color Orange] // Yellow at horizon
[0.10 0.15 color Orange color Red] // Fade to orange to red
[0.15 0.27 color Red color Black ] // then to dark red
[0.27 1.01 color Black color Black ] // to Black at zenith
scale <1000 1000 1000> // Big enough to surround the universe
translate <0.0 -240.0 0.0> // This ajusts for the viewer position
ambient 1.0 // Keep objects from casting shadows
diffuse 0.0 // All light comes from ambient sources
object { // Planet
sphere { <-95.0 50.0 600.0> 35.0 }
texture {
color PlanetColor
bump_map { // Bump texture with corresponding julia image
// type=julia
// corners=-1.568/1.568/-1.176/1.176
// params=-0.1545957/1.0335373
// float=yes
// maxiter=256
<1.0 -1.0 0.0> gif "<POVgif$Dir>.mtmandj"
bump_size 15.0
interpolate 4.0 // Smooth the image
// mapped image is 1x1x1, with lower left corner at 0,0,0
translate <-0.5 -0.5 0.0> // Center the image at origin
scale <35.0 35.0 35.0>
rotate <0.0 00.0 95.0> // Tweak the positioning a little
specular 0.35 // Fairly "dull" surface
roughness 0.5 // spread the highlight
ambient 0.0 // Dark shadows
diffuse 0.75
// end of file