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Read_Me file for Apple printers.
The majority of the files contained in the Apple
directory are for the Apple LaserWriter, the Apple
LaserWriter Plus, the Apple LaserWriter II NT and
the Apple LaserWriter II NTX PostScript printers.
However, it should be noted that the definitions
actually relate to the PostScript firmware
contained within the printer, so if you have
installed the firmware for a LaserWriter II NTX
into a LaserWriter Plus, then you should use the
LaserWriter II NTX definition.
The "Apple.ImgWriteII" printer definition file is
for the Apple ImageWriter II printer. The text
highlights available on this printer are good, and
ISO Latin 1 international characters are obtained
by switching between different language character
sets, which gives virtually the same selection of
characters as on the Epson MX-80 type III. Some
use of backspace over- printing is made, but this
is restricted to pairs of standard characters. It
would seem to be impossible to get the ImageWriter
II to overprint two characters when one or both of
the characters requires control sequences to print
the character. Eg. character 255 (ÿ) should be
possible by over- printing a y and a french
character 126 (~ in ISO Latin1, ¨ in French on the
ImagerWriter II), but it seems to be impossible to
get them to come out on top of each other due to
the presence of the control sequences for
switching to French and back to American.
The graphics resolution 80 by 72 DPI corresponds
to Faster quality on the Apple Macintosh, and 160
by 144 DPI corresponds to Best. 160 by 72 DPI does
not correspond to any quality available on the
Apple Macintosh. It is however a very useful
resolution, being the highest non-interlaced
resolution available. Colour printing should only
be selected if you have installed a colour ribbon
in you ImageWriter II - the ribbon that comes
supplied with the printer is black only.
Although !Printers allows you to print in colour
at 160 by 144 DPI, it should be realised that this
uses interlaces graphics which results in 8 head
passes over the same line and can cause
contamination of the colour ribbon due to printing
light ribbon colours over dark colours already on
the paper.
To connect the ImageWriter II to the Archimedes,
first ensure that the ImageWriter II does not have
a LocalTalk option card installed. If it has,
remove the option card (remembering to change the
DIP switches as detailed in the ImageWriter II
manual). Check the serial settings in use on the
ImageWriter II DIP switches, and set the
Archimedes serial port to match in the !Printers
Connections dialogue. The standard (and preferred)
ImageWriter II serial settings are 9600 baud, 8
bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no XON/XOFF.
If you need to make up an Archimedes to
ImageWriter II serial lead, the connections for
this are:
Archimedes 9 pin D ImageWriter II 8 pin mini-circular
------------------ ----------------------------------
2 --------------------------------- 5
3 --------------------------------- 3
5 --------------------------------- 8 and 4
6 --------------------------------- 2
7 --------------------------------- 1
Shield ------Cable Earth Braid------ Shield
8,4,1 wired together 6 and 7 not connected
9 not connected