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- Read_Me file for Epson printers.
- --------------------------------
- This file is roughly in order of increasing
- printer functionality, ie. the further down this
- file the printer definition file is described, the
- more features it requires the printer to support.
- So if you are having problems with an Epson
- compatible printer, try a printer definition file
- further up than the one you are using. Note
- however that you should not try to run a 24 pin
- printer with the definition file for a 9 pin
- printer or vice versa. If your Epson compatible
- printer gives no additional information (eg. which
- Epson printer it claims compatibility with) then
- try the Epson.FX-80 file. Moving forwards from the
- FX-80 file (towards the EX-800), more advanced
- features of the printer are used. Moving backwards
- from the FX-80 file the definitions become
- simpler.
- The following table lists other Epson products and
- the suggested Printer Definition File to be used.
- They have not necessarily been tested, but as
- similar Control Codes are used, they should work:
- Printer File
- ------- ----
- EX-800 Epson.EX-800
- FX-80 Epson.FX-80
- FX-85 Epson.FX-85
- FX-86 Epson.FX-85
- FX-86e Epson.EX-800 (do not select colour)
- FX-185 Epson.FX-85
- FX-286 Epson.FX-85
- FX-286e Epson.EX-800 (do not select colour)
- FX-800/1000 Epson.EX-800 (do not select colour)
- FX-850/1050 Epson.EX-800 (do not select colour)
- FX-870/1070 Epson.EX-800 (do not select colour)
- GX-80 Epson.FX-80
- JX-80 Epson.JX-80
- LX-80 Epson.LX-80
- LX-86 Epson.LX-100
- LX-100 Epson.LX-100
- LX-400 Epson.LX-100
- LX-800 Epson.LX-100
- LX-850/1050 Epson.LX-100
- MX-80-II Epson.MX-80-II
- MX-80-III Epson.MX-80-III
- RX-80/100 Epson.MX-80-III
- LQ-100 Epson.LQ-860
- LQ-150 Epson.LQ-860
- LQ-200 Epson.LQ-860
- LQ-400 Epson.LQ-860
- LQ-450 Epson.LQ-860
- LQ-500 Epson.LQ-860
- LQ-500 Epson.LQ-860
- LQ-510/1010 Epson.LQ-860
- LQ-550 Epson.LQ-860
- LQ-570/1070 Epson.LQ-860
- LQ-800/1000 Epson.LQ-860
- LQ-850/1050 Epson.LQ-860
- LQ 860 Epson.LQ-860
- LQ-870/1070 Epson.LQ-860
- LQ-1060 Epson.LQ-860
- LQ-2500 Epson.LQ-860
- LQ-2550 Epson.LQ-860
- Stylus 800 Epson.Stylus-800
- Stylus 800+ Epson.Stylus-800
- Stylus 820 Epson.Stylus-820
- Stylus 1000 Epson.Stylus-800
- Stylus Color Epson.Stylus-Col
- Stylus Pro Epson.Stylus-Co
- Stylus Pro XL Epson.Stylus-Col
- Stylus Color II Epson.StyCol-II
- Stylus Color IIs Epson.StyCol-IIs
- EPL-5000 HP.LasJet-III
- EPL-5200 HP.LasJet-III
- EPL-7500 PostScript
- EPL-8100 HP.LasJet-III
- Note that some Epson 9-pin printers and
- compatibles support NLQ (ESC x) as used in the FX
- 85 but not Absolute Horizontal Position (ESC $) as
- used in the FX 85. The FX 80 Printer Definition
- File is a safe option to try as it does not
- support either facility. If your printer has the
- NLQ facility, but not Absolute Horizontal Position,
- use the LX-80 file.
- When using any of the Epson printer definition
- files, with either an Epson printer or a printer
- claiming to be Epson compatible, you should ensure
- that any DIP switch called "IBM Mode" or "IBM
- control codes" or anything similar is switched to
- disable the IBM features.
- When using any type of MX-80 printer with any of
- the MX-80 definition files, the printer must have
- its dip switches set for no auto line feed on
- carriage return. This probably means setting DIP
- switch 2-3 to OFF, but you should check the
- documentation for your printer. In the unlikely
- event that you need auto line feed set to ON, then
- you can use !PrintEdit to remove the trailing
- ",10" from the "Line skip:" and "Line end 1:"
- fields in the 60 by 72 and 120 by 72 DPI graphics
- resolutions. It is not possible to modify the 120
- by 144 and 120 by 216 resolutions to allow them to
- work with auto line feed enabled.
- The "Epson.MX-80-II" printer definition file is
- for the Epson MX-80 Type II printer and should
- work on virtually any EPSON compatible printer.
- The 120 by 144 and 120 by 216 DPI graphics
- resolutions are not guaranteed to work, as they
- use ESC "J" for advance by n/216 inch. This is not
- documented in any version of the manual, but has
- been found to work on many Epson MX-80 Type II
- printers. You should not use these resolutions if
- your MX-80 Type II does not support ESC "J". The
- text highlights available on this printer are
- minimal (condensed and expanded text only). ISO
- Latin 1 international character mappings are
- supplied, but every character is simply mapped to
- the closest available normal ASCII character. This
- is because the MX-80 Type II cannot do backspace
- over-printing nor does it support ESC "R"
- international character set sequences. You should
- set the DIP switches for the USA character set.
- Note that there appears to be some discrepancy
- about the features supported on the MX-80 Type II.
- There are at least two different versions of the
- MX-80 Type II manual, one of which details many
- more control sequences (eg. ESC "R", ESC "E"/"F"
- and more) than the other. The extra control codes
- do not work on some MX-80 Type II printers so
- there would appear to be two flavours of "Type II"
- rather than the more likely explanation of the
- commands originally being undocumented. The
- MX-80-II file supports only the commands which
- work on most or all Type II printers.
- The "Epson.MX-80-III" printer definition file is
- for the Epson MX-80 Type III printer and should
- work on many EPSON compatible printers. Vertical
- interlacing is used on the higher resolution
- graphics modes, using ESC "J" for advance by n/216
- inch. This is a documented command on the MX-80
- Type III, unlike on the Type II. The text
- highlights available on this printer are
- reasonable. The ISO Latin 1 international
- characters are printed using ESC "R" international
- character set sequences, using character sets 0
- (USA) to 7 (Spain). Additionally, some characters
- are printed by using backspace to overprint two
- characters.
- Note that on the MX-80 Type III there is a bug
- which causes double strike mode to be left on
- after superscript or subscript has been used and
- deselected. This file works around the bug by
- turning double strike mode off after turning
- superscript or subscript off. This should not
- cause problems on a printer which does not have
- the bug (double strike will be changed from off to
- off) but it will cause problems if your printer
- does not support ESC "H" (double strike mode off).
- Note that ESC "G" and ESC "H" (turn double strike
- mode on and off) are in fact undocumented commands
- on the MX-80 Type III. However, double strike is
- always used for superscript and subscript which
- are documented, and the bug and ESC "G" and ESC
- "H" are known to be present in all MX-80 Type III
- printers.
- The "Epson.FX-80" printer definition file is
- considered the core file and should work on many
- Epson compatible printers. The ISO Latin 1
- international characters are printed using ESC "R"
- international character set sequences, using
- character sets 0 (USA) to 8 (Japan). Additionally,
- some characters are printed by using backspace to
- overprint two characters.
- The "Epson.JX-80" printer definition file is the
- same as the "Epson.FX-80" file, except that it
- uses colour. Please note that although colour on
- interlace graphics printouts (ie 120 by 144 DPI or
- higher) is supported, it does involve a large
- number of print head passes (8, 12, 16 or 24) and
- on the second or subsequent interlace passes, the
- light ribbon colours are printed on top of dark
- colours already on the paper, which can result in
- contamination of the lighter ribbon colour.
- The "Epson.FX-85" printer definition file is the
- same as the "Epson.FX-80" file, except that it
- supports Near Letter Quality (NLQ) text printing
- and the graphics definitions support leading zero
- suppression using ESC "$". It should work on
- virtually all Epson compatible 9 pin printers that
- support ESC "$" and NLQ printing.
- The "Epson.EX-800" printer definition file is the
- most advanced of the 9 pin Epson definitions, and
- should work with all the newer 9 pin printers eg.
- Star LC-10, Citizen Swift 9. ISO Latin 1 text
- characters are obtained by using ESC "t" 1 and ESC
- "6" to select the Epson character graphics (called
- IBM character set 2 on some printers) instead of
- italic characters for the top bit set printer
- characters. In addition ESC "R" <n> sequences are
- used to print some of the characters, using
- commonly available international character sets.
- Graphics leading zero suppression is performed
- using ESC "$". Colour is available for all
- supported resolutions, but the comments above
- regarding interlaced colour printouts should be
- noted. You should not attempt to print in colour
- unless your printer has a colour ribbon installed.
- The "Epson.LX-80" printer definition file is
- similar to the Epson.FX-85 file except that use of
- ESC "$" for white space skipping has been taken
- out. This LX-80 file is for LX series printers
- and compatibles which do not support ESC "t".
- The "Epson.LX-100" printer definition file is
- similar to the Epson.EX-800 file except that
- colour is not supported and use of ESC "$" for
- white space skipping has been removed.
- The "Epson.LQ-860" printer definition file uses
- many of the extra features of the Epson LQ-850 and
- LQ-860 24 pin printers, and is only likely to work
- on an Epson compatible printer if it performs full
- Epson LQ-850 emulation. Most of the graphics
- resolutions are 24 pin dumps. The 360 DPI vertical
- resolution graphics dumps are interlaced and as
- such require the support of the ESC "+" <n>
- control sequence to set n/360 inch line pitch.
- Colour is available for all supported resolutions,
- but the comments above regarding interlaced colour
- printouts should be noted. ISO Latin 1 text
- characters are obtained by using ESC "t" 1 and ESC
- "6" to select the Epson character graphics set
- instead of italic characters for the top bit set
- printer characters. In addition ESC "R" <n>
- sequences are used to print some of the
- characters, including use of the Legal
- international character set (ESC "R" 64) which is
- not supported on some Epson compatible 24 pin
- printers (try the NEC.P6-Plus file instead). You
- should not attempt to print in colour unless your
- printer has a colour ribbon installed.
- The "Epson.Stylus-800" printer definition file is
- for the Epson Stylus 800 and 1000 inkjet printers.
- The StylusCol printer definition file supports
- both normal and microweave print modes.
- Note that the 720 dpi modes are very high
- resolution, and there are several special
- considerations. Firstly, Epson recommend that
- only special, coated paper be used. Secondly,
- !Printers will only offer error diffused quality
- options, not halftones, because the latter are
- not recommended.
- Note that some very early Epson LQ-850 printers
- have a different version of the firmware, which
- does not support the ESC "+" <n> command and hence
- the 360 DPI vertical graphics resolutions (180 by
- 360 and 360 by 360) will not work. If you find
- this to be the case on your printer, you should
- contact Epson about a firmware upgrade.
- You may find that the "NEC.P6-Plus" printer
- definition file will work for some Epson
- compatible 24 pin colour (and monochrome)
- printers, except that the 360 DPI vertical
- resolution graphics modes will not work unless the
- printer is NEC compatible.
- If you have a true 48 pin Epson compatible printer
- (eg. the Star SJ-48 inkjet), then try the
- Canon.BJC-800 printer definition file.
- There are some Epson compatible 9 pin printers
- which define ESC "J" (and ESC "3") in units of
- n/144 inch instead of n/216 inch. This will cause
- interlaced graphics resolutions to go wrong, but
- non interlaced resolutions should work (ESC "J" is
- not used unless it is necessary). You could try
- the Star.DP-510 printer definition file, as this
- printer uses ESC "3" for setting the line pitch to
- n/144 inch. You may then find that text printing
- does not work correctly as the Star DP-510 is
- somewhat non standard in this area. If this is the
- case you could use !PrintEdit to create a new
- printer definition file, copying the text printing
- definitions from an appropriate Epson file and the
- graphics resolutions from the Star DP-510 file.