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ProArtisan 24 is a 24 bit Art and Painting package for the Acorn Risc PC
range. It encourages experimentation and allows artistic expression through
the wide range of tools available that mimic natural media. It also provides
sophisticated image manipulation facilities.
A great deal of effort has gone into creating a user interface that gives
access to the power of ProArtisan 24 without making it complex to use. Those
of you used to ProArtisan 2 will quickly adapt to ProArtisan 24.
Technical Information
ProArtisan 24 is a 16.7 million colour painting package. These colours are
held as 24 bit values. There is also a 256 level Frisket (or mask). Images
created in ProArtisan 24 can be any size provided that your machine has
enough memory. Pictures are ALWAYS stored as 24 bit images (16.7 million
colours) - we make no compromise for 15 bit and 8 bit modes.
You can work in other modes if you wish but internally your images are
always held at high resolution and in 24 bit colour, even when you work in a
low resolution or low colour mode. When you return to a higher resolution
mode the image is restored to the correct resolution. In other words,
changing mode does NOT convert the image to that mode and potentially lose
information. The image is only converted to another mode at save time and
only then if you instruct ProArtisan 24 to save in another mode.
Warning: Editing images when not in a 24 bit 16.7 million colour mode may
cause changes that are not apparent until you return to a 16.7 million
colour mode.
What do I need ?
To run ProArtisan 24 you need an Acorn Risc PC fitted with RISC OS 3.5 or
later, a minimum of 4 megabytes of RAM and 1 megabyte of VRAM. Like most
applications ProArtisan 24 will benefit from having more RAM and VRAM. Our
suggested system would be 2 megabytes of VRAM and 8 megabytes of RAM. Having
2 megabytes of VRAM is the most important upgrade as this will allow you to
use an 800 * 600 resolution with 16.7 million colours. Make this your first
priority. Call Clares for details on discounted VRAM upgrades on 01606 48511
Any of the monitors supplied with the Risc PC will support the 16.7 million
colour mode at 800 * 600 resolution but we can attest to the quality of the
17 inch monitor and its usefulness.
Running the ProArtisan 24 Demo
Run ProArtisan 24 by double clicking on the !PA24Demo icon in the directory
display. The ProArtisan 24 icon will then appear on the icon bar. To open a
canvas click on the ProArtisan 24 icon with Select. This opens the Create
window allowing you to select a canvas size.
The menu entry 'Virtualise options' will only be accessable if you have
either the full or demo versions of Clares 'Virtualise', the Virtual memory
manager for applications which use dynamic areas.
Use With PCA (Plug-in Compliant Application Protocol)
If there are any PCA compatible applications loaded, you can use them to
edit your picture. The icon 'utils' on the toolbar will give you a menu of
available applications. Click select on the icon. If nothing happens, it
means no PCA application are loaded which can accept sprites. If a menu
appears, try clicking on one of the tools listed.
This version of the ProArt24 demo can only act as a local, not a remote.
Full details of PCA can be found in the archive provided on this disc.
Short Tutorials
To get you into ProArtisan 24 as quickly as possible the following tutorials
introduce some of the basic tools for creating and manipulating images.
Remember that you can use tools in conjunction with others and it is this
which makes ProArtisan 24 so powerful. Do not be afraid to try out different
things as there are so many possible combinations that we are unable to
cover them all in this manual. We will try to point out interesting effects
when appropriate.
The images that we are going to create uses several concepts which are
central to the ProArtisan 24 philosophy.
Some of the commonly used toolbox functions are briefly described within the
directory 'ToolBoxes' supplied with this demo.
Instructions to use a particular menu item are written as
Paint => Fill => Plain, where Paint is the name of the icon in the Tool
pane, Fill is the item in the main Paint menu and Plain is the item in the
Fill sub menu.
Note: When a menu item is written as Frisket => Fill it refers to the
Frisket menu which is accessed via the Paint icon but only when in Create
Frisket mode.
All the examples assume starting from a clean canvas as if you had just run
the program. The main Tool pane is shown below to help locate icons.
Example 1 - Anti-aliased text
1) Load the supplied file called Apple.
2) Go to Draw => Style and set the style to be Filled but not Stroked (A
solid rectangle without a border).
3) Go to Draw => Text and select Trinity Bold at a point size of 150. Change
the text to just read 24 and click on Apply. Click outside the text to paste
it to the screen and immediately click on Undo.
4) Toggle the Frisket icon to Create Frisket.
5) Click on the Palette icon and click on Toggle foreground & background
(immediately below the Undo button) so that black is background and white
6) Go to Draw => Path and click on the 24 to paste it to the screen.
7) Move the outline 24 so that it is all on the apple and click outside the
path to render it. You should see the 24 in red (the default Frisket
8) Select Frisket => Blur to anti-alias the frisket.
9) Toggle the Frisket icon to Frisket Active.
10) Use Paint => Watercolour with the Colour opacity slider set to 70% and
paint over the apple to reveal the 24.
Try some different brushes instead of the last step or try some Filters and
Example 2 - Sunflower - Cutting out complex shapes
1) Load the image Sunflower.
2) Toggle the Frisket icon to Create Frisket.
3) Set Frisket => Add colours to 30% and click Select on the canvas around
the flower head until all the background is converted to a frisket, leaving
just the sunflower head.
4) The centre of the flower head is also likely to be included in the
frisket so use Frisket => Eraser to erase the frisket from this area. You
might find it useful to untick the Frisket => Mix item to see the frisket
more clearly.
5) Click on Frisket => Invert.
6) Toggle the Frisket icon to Frisket Active
7) Ensure that Foreground colour is currently selected and select the bottom
right colour from the Quick choice palette. This is a special Magic colour
that is used by the program to fill an area prior to attempting to do a
Magic wand. If this colour is used as a fill it is treated as being
transparent by the Sprite => Cut.
8) After selecting the colour do a Ctrl X to clear the screen.
9) Use Sprite => Cut => Rectangular and band a box over the flower head
(keep it tight to avoid wasted memory).
10) Name the captured sprite in the Sprite pool as Flowerhead.