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TANKS by Werewolf Software
This is a limited demo version of TANKS.
TANKS is a multi player combat game for RISC OS computers. The concept is
simple, each player has a TANKS (Tactical Armoured Nuclear Kombat
Station) that is placed somewhere on a hillside. By firing missiles over
the hills, the player tries to destroy the other TANKS. The last one
alive is the winner.
Each time a player damages one of the opponents' TANKS, he is awarded
some money. After each round of the game, this money can be spent on
extra equipment for the TANKS. There are over 60 different type of
equipment to choose from.
There are also four different types of computer controlled player,
offering a range of skill levels. Up to twelve players can join in, with
any combination of human and computer players. There is a team play
feature as well.
Before playing this demo, use the supplied !SysMerge utility to update
your !System directory from the supplied !System directory. Or double
click the supplied !System to use that one temporarily. You don't need
to do this if you have RISCOS 3.6 or later.
To load the demo, simply double click on the !Tanks application. It will
load and install an icon on the icon bar. By clicking MENU over this
icon, you can bring up the main menu. Most of the menu options are not
fully functional in the demo version.
Before you play, you should consult the draw file that came with the
demo. This shows a diagram of the controls that you will use during the
game, with each part labelled. Refer to this when reading the
instructions below.
To start playing TANKS, select the 'Play next round' option from the
main menu. Then click on the icon labelled 'Click' in the small window
that appears.
An intro screen will be shown. This shows some details about the players
in the game. There will be one human player, and four computer players.
Press the space bar to enter the game.
The TANKS will be dropped onto the landscape, and the human player will
get to have a turn first. By clicking on the various controls on the
dashboard (the coloured area at the top of the screen) you can select
weapons and utilities, use them, alter the aim of your barrel, and other
The selector at the right end of the dashboard allows you to use
utilities. Utilities are anything that is not a weapon. To use one,
click on the arrow buttons to bring the item you want to use to the
centre of the selector. Then double click the 'USE' button.
To fire a weapon, select it in the same way as for utilities. The weapon
selector is the central one, the selector immediately to its left is the
warhead selector. When you have selected a weapon to fire, you must
select which warhead you wish to fire it with. When you have done this,
double click on the 'FIRE' button.
Usually your turn will end when you fire a weapon, but some weapons
(shotguns and machine guns) allow you to fire more than one shot per
turn. Experiment and see what all the items you have do.
To alter the direction in which the weapon will be fired, use the arrow
buttons on the section marked 'Angle'. These move your gun barrel left
and right. If you click with MENU, these buttons will not auto repeat.
If you are firing a missile weapon, you will also need to set the power
of the shot. Use the arrow buttons in the section marked 'Power' to do
this. Again, clicking with MENU stops auto repeating.
If you get blown up, and want to hurry the remaining computer players,
press CONTROL and Q, and the round will be brought to a quick
There are also keyboard controls if you prefer. Here is a summary:
Cursor left and right Move barrel
Cursor up and down Alter power
SHIFT + cursor keys faster
CTRL + cursor keys no auto repeat
+ / - (keypad) scroll weapon selector
SHIFT + / - (keypad) scroll warhead selector
SPACE fire weapon
+ / - (main keyboard) scroll utility selector
BACKSPACE use utility
C toggle battery charge destination
D toggle weapon draw
PAGE UP / DOWN inc / dec parachute drop
P toggle parachutes on / off
ESCAPE skip turn
CTRL-Q quick kill (find a quick winner)
CTRL-F12 quit to desktop, abort round
The full version of TANKS is available for £25.95 (+ £1.50 P+P) from
Werewolf Software
23 The Spinneys
Tel: +44-181-467 1148 (UK - 0181-467 1138)
Email: info@werewlf.demon.co.uk
WWW: http//www.werewlf.demon.co.uk/
TANKS requires: RISCOS 3.10 or later, 2 Meg RAM
Recommended (but not essential): Monitor capable of 640x480, 4 Meg RAM
TANKS is fully RiscPC and StrongARM compatible.