The Datafile PD-CD 5
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User Guide and Manual
Manual v1.50 — 10 November 1996
Alisdair McDiarmid
2 Cedar Drive
Milton of Campsie
Glasgow G65 8AY
1. Introduction
I know many people in primary and secondary education, and living with a
teacher showed me just how much work there is to be done outside school
hours. This program was written to replace board sums and hand written
worksheets, and since it works almost automatically, it saves a lot of time
and effort.
Some main features:
• Incredible ease of use
• Answer sheet created automatically
• User defined maximum and minimum numbers
• Various types of problem:
• Addition
• Subtraction
• Division (with long form)
• Multiplication (with long form)
• Magic Squares
• Line Sums – 974 - 625 = ___
• 'Missing Numbers' i.e. simple algebra – 974 - ___ = 349
• Versatile sheet printing
Although AutoSheet has been rigorously tested on various machines, bugs can
occur. If you come across any problems, please see the appendix.
Please remember that AutoSheet is ShareWare. Please support ShareWare authors
to give them the incentive to continue to use this superior system of
software sale.
Alisdair McDiarmid
1.1 Disclaimer
This manual, the contents of the AutoSheet disc and any worksheets created
remain © 1996 Alisdair McDiarmid. Sheets may be photocopied on-site, but not
sold. Alisdair McDiarmid reserves the right to refuse any person, group or
company permission to use this program. The author has no direct control over
the use to which this product is put, and therefore offers no warranty
relating to its use or misuse. Alisdair McDiarmid cannot be held responsible
for any loss of data due to the use or misuse of this product.
1.2 Licence Agreement
AutoSheet is ShareWare. This means that you may use AutoSheet on a trial
basis only for a period of 30 days. After this trial period, you must either
destroy your copy, give it away or complete the registration form and send it
to Alisdair McDiarmid at the address in the manual. The current cheapest
registration fee is just £5, making Autosheet easily the most inexpensive
arithmetic worksheet creator available. This registration fee includes a disc
with a registered version of AutoSheet, and a printed Impression manual may
be supplied (see below – Licences). Note - this is not professionally
printed, just laser printed booklet format, folded and stapled.
There are three levels of registration available, each with a different and
appropriate price. These levels are :
• Student – priced at £5, this covers individual pupils (or parents). This
includes the right to use AutoSheet indefinitely. Unfortunately, at this
price free updates are not available from me, and you will not receive the
Impression manual on disc or printed.
• Teacher – priced at £15, this is for teachers to use for their own pupils
only; worksheets may not be photocopied or used elsewhere in the
school/site. You will be entitled to free updates and a printed Impression
manual will be supplied. This requires payment with the order – official
educational orders are not permitted.
• Site Licence – priced at £30 (although I reserve the right to alter this
price at my discretion) which allows teachers to photocopy their
worksheets and to copy the program for use on site only. You will again be
entitled to free updates and a printed Impression manual will be supplied.
Extra manuals will be supplied at a price of £1.50 each. Official
educational orders are permitted, to be sent to David Holden at APDL only.
Unregistered versions of AutoSheet may be freely distributed with the
following conditions:
• AutoSheet must be distributed intact, excluding the manual in Impression
format, which must not be distributed. The text manual must be supplied.
Any alterations made to the program must be removed before distribution.
• AutoSheet may only be distributed in such a way that no commercial gain or
advantage is made via its distribution. Distribution ‘costs’ may be
charged so long as they are less than the equivalent of £2.00 sterling.
• AutoSheet may not be distributed on any CD–ROM or PD collection, or with
any commercial product without my prior consent.
Registered versions of AutoSheet may not be distributed. These contain a
unique traceable serial number and the licensee’s name. Computer software
thieves can and will be prosecuted.
Licensees of AutoSheet may make infinite backups, as long as AutoSheet is
installed or used on no more than one machine at a time (site licences
2. Using AutoSheet
AutoSheet is best run from a writable disc, and preferably from a hard disc.
To use AutoSheet it should be installed to hard disc or copied onto another
floppy disc for safety.
2.1 Installation
AutoSheet should be installed on a writable media. Drag the AutoSheet filer
icon from the floppy disc or CD-ROM to a suitable directory to copy it.
Acorn's DrawFile module is required for AutoSheet to run. On the AutoSheet
master disc you should find !Scrap, !System and !SysMerge. If you do not have
!Scrap and !System on your hard disc or work disc you should copy them
across. If you have an A5000, A4, A4000, A3020 with hard disc, a Risc PC or
an A7000 then you will almost definitely have a copy of !System and !Scrap on
your hard disc. All Risc OS 3.1 computers have !System and !Scrap on the
Applications 1 disc. To add the DrawFile module to your copy of !System using
SysMerge, double-click on the !SysMerge filer icon. A window similar to the
one below should appear. Drag your copy of !System† to the window, and then
drag the copy of System from the AutoSheet master disc to the window.
SysMerge will then add the DrawFile module to your System directory.
† On a Risc PC or A7000, the System directory is inside the Boot application
on the hard disc. To access it, hold down <Shift> and double-click on the
!Boot filer icon. Open the Resources directory; the !System icon should be
2.2 Loading AutoSheet
To load AutoSheet, double-click on its filer icon. It should load onto the
icon bar. If you wish to print you must load Printers from your hard disc or
Applications 1 disc.
2.3 Creating a Sheet
To create a new worksheet click <Select> on the icon bar icon or choose
AutoSheet>New Sheet... from the icon bar menu.
The New Worksheet Window
There are several options to be set on this window before creation. To change
the sum type, click on the right arrow next to Problem Type. Choose a type of
problem from the menu. You can use the four normal sums − addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division − or Magic Squares, a 3 by 3 box
where every line adds up to the same total.