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!CO2effect Version 1.0a (DEMO ONLY version) 30th May 1994
(c) 1994 Bandy Ridgwell
!CO2effect is a Global Warming simulation, which will model future
'greenhouse' gas (namely CO2, CH4, N2O, CFC-11, CFC-12 and HCFC-22)
concentrations and mean global surface temerpature, from given current and
future rates of 'greenhouse' gas emissions. Policy senarios for controlling
or reducing the emissions of the various greenhouse gases from their major
sources can be built up, and the simulation run to give the future
atmospheric composition, and to predict the future mean surface temperature
(globally and yearly averaged). Historical data back to 1750 is included so
that future levels and trends can be compared with the past, and
particularly with before the start of the Industrial Revolution.
The main features include:
* Prediction of mean global surface temperatures from three (currently)
different simple models, scaled to fit the prediction of current GCMs
(Global Circulation Models), or from a user-defined model.
* Calculation of the future concentrations of the main "greenhouse"
* Historical data for gas concentration back to before the start of the
Industrial Revolution (back to 1750).
* Rates of emissions from all primary anthropogenic sources are
individually fully adjustable.
* 4 policy 'senarios' pre-loaded; including the latest IPCC
(InterGovernmental Panel on Climate Change) "Buisness As Usual"
(no additional action taken to reduce emissions) prediction for
future emissions.
* Total rates of emissions can be set independantly of their individual
* All graphs fully scalable; main graph may be drag-magnified.
* Main simulation and emissions graphs can all be saved as draw files.
* Emission parameters can be saved from and loaded into the application.
* Emission parameters can be saved as a text file.
* Acorn's Interactive help supported.
***** This demo version has had the rates of emissions feature cripled, *****
**** such that changes made to the various emissions sources will not be ****
*************** made permanent and used by the simulation. ******************
****** Additionally, no user-defineable model functunality is present. ******
**** This program is designed to ideally run under RISC OS 3.1, and looks ***
***** best a high resolution screen mode. However the program will run *****
*** adequately in a low res mode, and under RISC OS 2 the only difference ***
******* will be that the rotated text y-axis labels will be missing. ********
About the simulation
Put very simply, the Earth's climate system works as follows:
The Earth absorbs radiation from the Sun, mainly at the surface. This
energy is then redistributed by the atmosphere and ocean and re-radiated to
space at longer ('infrared') wavelengths. Some of the thermal radiation is
absorbed by radiatively-active ('greenhouse') gases in the atmosphere,
principally water vapoir, but also carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide,
the CFCs, ozone and other greenhouse gases. The absorbed energy is re-
radiated in all directions, downwards as well as upwards such that the
radiation that is eventially lost to space is from higher, colder levels in
the atmosphere. The result is that the surface loses less heat to space
than it would otherwise do in the absence of the greenhouse gases and
consequently stays warmer than it would otherwise be. This phenomenon,
which acts rather like a 'blanket' around the Earth, is known as the
greenhouse effect. Without such a blanket, the average surface temperature
would be well in excess of -10°C (the global everage surface temperature is
about 15°C).
All of the greenhouse gases except the man-made CFCs are natrually present
in the atmosphere, so that global warming is about the 'enhancement' of the
'natural' greenhouse effect by the addition of greenhouse gases from
anthropogenic sources (since the start of the Industrial Revolution).
The greenhouse gases modelled in this simulation are (with currect (1990)
contribution to the enhanced greenhouse effect (ie global warming));
CO2 - 61.2%
CH4 - 17.1%
N2O - 4.1%
CFC-11 (CCl3F) - 2.5%
CFC-12 (CCl2F2) - 5.7%
HCFC-22 (CHClF2) - 3.5%
The remaining 5.9% is due to changes in stratospheric water vapour comming
about as an indirect effect of changes in methane concentration. This is
not modeled in this version.
The gas referred to as HCFC-22 in the simulation, is used as a surrogate
for all halocarbon CFC-11 and CFC-12 substitutes.
The simulation consists of two main parts; the calculation of the levels
of emissions of the greenhouse gases from their various sources; and the
calculation of the gas concentration levels these emissions will lead to,
and thus the resulting mean surface temperature.
1. Emissions modelling
The primary anthropogenic sources of the various greenhouse gases are as
follows, (sources in parenthesies are not adjustable in this version):
Gas Real source % importance v1.0a model source
(by mass emissions)
CO2 - energy 80% energy use, transport
deforestation 17% deforestation, reforestation
cement production 03% misc sources - cement production
CH4 - energy production and use 26% energy use, transport
enteric fermentation 24% agriculture - livestock
(rice) 17% (remaining sources)
animal wastes 7% agriculture - livestock
landfills 11% misc sources - sewage & landfills
biomass burning 8% deforestation
domestic sewage 7% misc sources - sewage & landfills
N2O - energy 9% energy use, transport
fertilized soils 48% agriculture - fertilizers
(land clearing) 17% (remaining sources)
adipic acid production 11% misc sources - acid production
nitric acid production 4% misc sources - acid production
biomass burning 11% deforestation
CFCs - the individual sources are not modelled. Overall production is
adjustable, and all this production is assumed to find it's way into the
atmosphere the same year.
[The above figures are taken from the latest IPCC assessment]
Future emissions may be adjusted in two differect ways; either by
setting each source of the various greenhouse gases individually (some of
the sources are common to more than one greenhouse gas, e.g. deforestation
is responsible for the release of CO2, CH4 and N2O) in the various source
windows; or by setting the total levels (by growth/reduction of from 1990
levels) of each greenhouse gas using the 'Set Emissions' window (e.g. the
emissions of all greenhouse gases could be held at 1990 levels using this
window). Thses windows are accessed from the emissions toolbar by
clicking SELECT. Future changes in the various emisions sources or
emissions levels are set in up to 5 phases (phase #0 is not adjustable
(except in the 'Set Emisions' window). Values are 'phased in' over the time
scale set (ie intermediate value are interpolated), except for percentage
change values (e.g. growth in the number of vehicle miles travelled (VMT) in
the transport window) which are kept constant at the set value for the
duration of the phase. Phases can be set