The following items should be present on the disk:
Read_1st (this file)
CV+ Application
School_CV Application
Draw file called Draw (inside Samples)
Sprite file called Photo (inside Samples)
Edit text files MoreSpace & Layout 2 (inside Samples)
To run either CV+ or School CV a System directory must have been 'seen';
specifically the modules Colours, MsgTrans. Also fonts must have also been
seen. A suitable printer driver will also be required. The applications will
run ok on a 1MB machine, and allocating more memory to the font cache will
speed things up considerably. They work equally well under RISC OS 2 or 3.
Install and use the applications in the normal RISC OS way. A manual is
available (see below) but since the program conforms to the RISC OS
guidelines then you should find much of it straightforward. School CV should
be used by pupils about to leave (ie Year 11), while CV+ is for pupils in
higher education (ie 16-18's).
Both programs provide a structured framework into which pupils enter personal
information. Once entered, the layout can be changed, background shapes and
lines added (or a draw file imported). Space can be left for a passport
sized photo to be attatched, or a sprite (generated from your own suitable
package) can be imported.
The scaling of fonts is performed automatically, resulting in a document that
looks like it was produced with a desk top publishing package, but without
the hassle.
Creating a document
The main window of each program contain various categories which pupils
should fill in. Any categories which are not relevant should be left blank,
which means they will not appear on the final document.
To move through the fields using the mouse, cursor keys or Tab button.
Changing the layout
Once all the personal data has been entered, click menu (middle mouse button)
over the main window, and select 'New Layout' from the menu options. This
opens a new window showing how the final document will look, but at a
reduced scale. From here you can change:
a) The fonts used
b) Background graphics - by default you start on number 1; work your way
through them with the up/down buttons
c) Text layout - this affects the overall position of the text on the page
and, like the background, has a number of built in styles.
By default the program uses its own internal designs (hence the option next
to the items 'Internal Background' and 'Internal Text Layout' are ON.
However if you drag draw files to act as your backgrounds, or layout files
then these overide the internal settings unless you turn the options back
on. Try loading the draw file called 'Draw' in the Samples directory, or the
new layout called 'Layout2'.
When do you need a new layout file?
If you fill every writable icon with as much text as possible, and then
display your work, you will find that it goes beyond the bottom of the page.
In ordinary everyday use this is not likely to happen, but if it does you
will need a new layout file and adjust some of the settings (for instance
make the columns closer together). Try loading one of the sample files into
Acorns 'Edit' program to see how they are constructed. An extra file you
may find useful for this situation is provided, called 'MoreSpace'
Importing a sprite
You can import a photograph of yourself (provided it is a sprite), by dragging and dropping. Try this with the sample file called 'photo' provided. Even
if you don't have a sprite photo the programs create a passport sized box on
the page unless you change the section called 'Graphic', and then pick the
'Nothing' option.
Main menu options
Apart from the 'New Layout' item already mentioned, other items include:
a) Save - opens a standard save box
b) Reset - removes all the current data
c) View... - opens the document at full size. Note that the scale can't be
changed on this window; only scrolled
This software is shareware. If you use it beyond 30 days then you should
send a cheque for 5.99 to the address below, along with your name/address
& who/what organisation you want the programs registered to.You will receive
the full manual and a new version of the program registered to you/your
Michael A. Smith
19 Tulip Road
NG16 2RS
It is always gratifying for an author to get feedback on their work, both
positive & negative (providing it is constructive critism!). Please do let
me know what you think and what you use the software for etc.
You may not disassemble or reverse compile this software. You may make
backup copies and pass on copies to third parties providing you:
(a) Copy all files, including this one
(b) Charge no fee (except for P.D libraries who may charge distribution
costs & magazines who may include it on 'cover disks')
This software is supplied 'as is'. The author is not liable for any loss or
damage resulting from the use of this software.
Iridium Range
Shown below is a brief description (E & O.E) of applications by the same
author. Virtually all are of an educational nature, running under the WIMP.
Most work on RISC OS 2, all work on RISC OS 3. I have not tried them on a
RISC PC, but they ought to be ok!
* Where & Grid - Designed for Key Stage 3, Where & Grid are two
complementary applications. They test locations of countries (Europe &
Africa), towns, counties (UK only) rivers, montains, bearings, four and
six figure grid references. Currently the set covers the UK, Europe
& Africa.
* OS_Symbols - Designed for Key Stage 3, OS_Symbols tests knowledge of a
range of OS Map symbols. A particular symbol is displayed and the correct
description must be found - time limits can be set.
* Forecast - Produce your own weather maps just like on TV with symbols and
isobars. Variety of maps supplied; wind chill can be determined.
* Predict - Predict the weather for the next 24 hours by supplying data
such are pressure and wind direction.
* Link - A 'blockbuster' type quiz game, where all the words are connected
with Key Satge 3 geography.
* Circuit symbols - Tests knowledge of circuit and electronic symbols
against the clock.
* Assist: Science AT4 - Produce a wide range of worksheets for topics on
AT4. Each topic has a wide range categories including word searches,
crosswords, True or False, Anagrams and Missing words. Worksheets are
created from a databank, so they are different each time they are printed.
* Assist: Equations - Produce four types of worksheets based on chemical
equations. Categories are Balancing equations, Missing product, Missing
reactant and Right or Wrong. Because a databank is used, worksheets are
different each time they are printed.
* Assist: Periodic Table - Print a customised Periodic Table. Displayed data
can include mass number, density, boiling point, melting point,