beneath. No liability can be accepted by the author for any loss or damage
arising from use or misuse of this software.
EventShell =========
Thanks to Paul Hobbs for his very useful !EventShell System.
This application uses the library of routines of the above name, which
provide an easy way of genereating a Wimp Program.
I recommend this system which can be obtained from APDL or other PD
This program has been written using the routines supplied with the EvntShell library which is copyright Paul Hobbs. The library routines may be distributed subject to the following conditions:
You have permission to use any part or the whole library in a project you intend to place in the public domain, as long as I am fully credited (via the inclusion of this file in the program documentation). If you wish to use these routines in a program that is for sale (for however much and for whatever reasons) or released as copyright material then my express permission in writing must be obtained. I maintain copyright on all the material supplied and reserve the right to amend these conditions
in cases where I deem misuse.
The library code is supplied free of charge to everyone 'as is'. There is no guarantee that it is free from bugs and no warranty is given about its suitability for use.
Further details about EvntShell may be obtained from the author:
Paul Hobbs
Rheinpfalzstrasse 2
85049 Ingolstadt
The heap manager routines used by EvntShell are copyright Risc User and are used with permission.