The Datafile PD-CD 5
Text File
87 lines
**Press Release **
I'd like to announce the release of the software !Linguist for the
!Linguist is a computerised foreign language dictionary. It
contains 18 languages at present Afrikaans, Cornish, *Chinese,
Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian,
Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish,
Swahili, Swedish, Welsh. All of these languages are in ONE
package for one commercial fee of £20. Russian, Gaelic, Maori,
Hawaiian, North American Indian Languages, Esperanto, Greek
are in the works. In fact !Linguist will hold all languages known
to man 'under one roof', the only problem is some fool (us) has
to key it in.
!Linguist first started life as "Translator" for the Apple II in the
US in 1978. It progressed to the Macintosh in the early 80's. Up
until now it has only held with 2 or 3 languages. Sadly, as it has
now been converted to the Arc, it has had to have a name
!Linguist has 3 parts, a dictionary, a quiz/game, and 'automatic
dictionary look-up'.
The dictionary allows simple searches 'is equal to', 'begins with',
'ends with', and 'contains'. You can search english to foreign
language or foreign language to english.
The quiz is very simple and added for education. It simply says
what is the meaning of this word, and then gives you a multiple
choice answer. You make a choice and it corrects you. A
scoring system of 'right', 'wrong', 'no. of tries', and 'percentage'
helps to give you an idea of your progress with that language.
The automatic look-up means that you drop a text file on the
window or the icon bar and the program will read each word of
the text 'attempting' to find its corresponding translation. This is
by no means a method of translating poetry but it should give
the reader of the foreign text a vague idea of its context without
the need of a human translator or knowledge of the language.
!Linguist is growing very fast at the moment (300 words a day)
and any registered users will be encouraged to return their discs
for free upgrades, with the addition of a self-address stamped
envelope, as often as they like. If there is the addition of an
additional disc you will be asked for the cost of disc, label and
handling, £1.50 - £2.00
*This includes Chinese picto-grams as clip-art. By using the
phonetic alphabet 'pin yeun' the user of the software can find the
image for 'horse' or 'I' for example.
Included on this BBS is a striped down version of the software.
For my protection you must realise:
1. Each dictionary is stripped to about 50 - 100 words.
2. Some of these words have been PURPOSELY mistranslated
or misspelled for the purpose of this demo.
3. The sound and auto-translation sections have been disabled
for the purpose of this demonstration and DO NOT WORK.
4. Any attempt to add more than 100 words to a dictionary will
Anyone interested should submit enquiries to me at:
Bits 'n' Bytes
MD Smith
26 Grenville Road
Saint Judes
!Linguist is copyrighted '78-'92, and contains the Silicon
Vision's run-time libraries which are also copyrighted.