The Datafile PD-CD 5
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Text File
145 lines
This is the user manual for Exam. It is based on the Helpreader system which
makes it much easier to use than an ordinary text file. Throughout the text
you will find buttons like this @%file#. Clicking with SELECT on these
buttons takes you directly to related parts of the manual. To return to your
original position, double-click with ADJUST anywhere in the text. HelpReader
remembers the last 8 positions. Clicking MENU in this window allows you to
choose the topic which interests you and go straight to it.
(@%helpreader# More about Helpreader)
Exam will perform the following tasks:
(1) Produce tables containing lists of names and empty columns for
the recording of exam marks.
(2) Take the raw marks for an exam consisting of up to five papers or
paper sections and calculate percentages for the students on the list.
Means and standard deviations for the individual sections and for the
percentages are also calculated.
(3) Produce printed lists of the data in (2) in either alphabetical order
of name or rank order of percentage.
(4) Insert the percentages into the Powerbase student record database.
Starting up
(a) If Exam is already running (i.e. if its icon appears on the icon bar)
simply drag the required database from the directory window and "drop"
it on the Exam icon. After a short delay the main Exam window will
(b) If Exam is not running, double-click on its icon in the directory
window. Wait for the Exam icon to appear on the icon bar then proceed
as in (a).
Creating and Loading Files
Enter the required subject code in the space provided on the "control panel"
at the bottom of the window and either click SELECT over the OK button or
type RETURN. (A list of valid subject codes may be displayed by clicking on
'List codes'.) Files created by Exam are stored in a subdirectory called
'Exams' inside the database directory. If no list for the required subject
exists then there will be a delay while Exam scans the student database to
find the relevant names. If there is already a file for the subject then it
will be loaded and displayed. If it just contains names then proceed as in
the next paragraph. It might, however, contain old exam data which you don't
need any longer. In such a case click on 'New list' and wait for the empty
table to appear.
Data Entry and Calculation
Assuming that you have a blank list on the screen @%file#, first enter data
into the area at the top of the window. (It isn't essential to do this first
but it's the logical way to start.) For each paper or paper section supply
the following:
(1) a short title, e.g. I (A)
(2) the total that the section is marked out of, e.g. 72
(3) the number of percentage points that the section is worth, e.g. 50.
The raw marks obtained by each student on each section should now be entered
opposite the names. No calculations are performed at this stage so the final
column (percentage) and the column footers (average and standard deviation)
will remain blank.
When you have entered all the marks click on 'Calculate'. The red areas at
the right and foot of the table will then be filled with the calculated
results. The number of students for which marks have been entered now
appears beneath the number of students on the list. Any student for whom no
marks are entered is ignored in calculating means and standard deviations.
The list will be in alphabetical order but can be sorted into rank order by
clicking on 'Rank'. The legend on this button then changes to 'Alpha'
showing that its purpose is now to sort the list back into alphabetical
All that remains to be done is to specify the appropriate exam by means of
one of the four radio buttons on the control panel. The area beneath these
buttons will then show the title of the exam which will appear at the head
of a printed list.
You don't have to take any special action in order to save the data you have
just entered and calculated. This occurs automatically when you either:
(1) enter another subject code
or: (2) quit the program from the icon bar menu.
Click MENU over the main window area and follow the arrow from the 'Print
table' option. Lists may be printed either with or without marks and the
output may be sent directly to the printer (if available) or sent to a file
which is printed later. It is possible to print the lists with a dot matrix
printer but this will be very slow and a laser printer is really necessary.
Printing to a file has certain advantages. It is faster than direct printing
and the eventual printing from the file doesn't tie up the computer but takes
place 'in the background'.
Use the radio buttons in the dialogue box to select the required options then
enter the subject code and click on OK or type RETURN. If you want to print
lists for all subjects enter ALL in the subject code field. The program will
take its list of subjects from a text file called 'Subjects' which lives
inside the Exam application directory itself. You may load this file into
Edit and alter or add to it as you wish, but be sure to press RETURN at the
end of the last subject code or the list for that subject won't be printed.
Writing to the database
You will only be able to do this if your password permits. When you choose
the item from the main menu you will be asked to confirm that this is really
what you want to do. Check the SUBJECT name and the EXAM name very carefully
before clicking OK. If the exam isn't the right one the marks will be put in
the wrong place in the database record and may overwrite data which is
already there.
Insertion into the database takes place when you click OK. If the required
subject code isn't present in the exam results area of the Powerbase record
(which may well be the case if a student has changed subjects) then Exam will
put it there for you.
Interface Manager
© Simon Huntingdon
Provides 'three dimensional' icons. Interface Manager is Public Domain and
is not part of Block.
Sliding Heap 1.03
© Steven Haslam
The Sliding Heap Manager is Public Domain and is not part of Block.
Details are available from 'Heap Support' at the address below.
Block version 1.10
© Derek Haslam