The Datafile PD-CD 5
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ALLIGATOR,Dangerous river living creature
ANTELOPE,Member of the deer family
ANT,Small insect found all over the world
BABOON,Member of the ape family
BAT,Flying mammal
BEE,Honey making insect
BIRD,Flying creature
BISON,Similar to a buffalo
BOBCAT,Member of the cat family
BUFFALO,Similar to a bison
BUTTERFLY,Winged insect usually brightly coloured
CAMEL,A mammal with humps
CARIBOU,Another name for reindeer
CARP,Type of fish
CHEETAH,A big cat
CHIMPANZEE,A mammal of the ape family
CHIPMUNK,Similar to a squirrel
CHUB,A type of fish
COBRA,A type of snake
COCKATOO,A member of the bird family
COD,A member of the fish family
CONDOR,Similar to a vulture
COW,Domestic animal
CRAB,Found at the seashore in water
CRANE,A bird with long legs
CRICKETS,Like a grasshopper
CROCODILE,similar to an alligator
CUCKOO,A bird whose call is the same as its name
DEER,Some of these have antlers
DOG,Related to the wolf
DOLPHIN,Mammal living in the sea
DONKEY,Domestic animal used to carry goods
DOVE,A member of the bird family
DUCK,Bird that lives on water
EAGLE,Bird of prey
EARWIG,An insect
ELEPHANT,Large eared mammal
FALCON,Bird of prey
FOX,Member of the dog family
FROG,Lives in and out of water
GEESE,A type of bird
GERBIL,Small rodent often kept as a pet
GIBBON,Member of the ape family
GOAT,A domestic animal
HAMSTER,Small rodent often kept as a pet
HARE,Similar to a rabbit
HAWK,Bird of prey
HEDGEHOG,Create with spines for protection
HERON,A bird
HERRING,A type of sea fish
HORSE,Often ridden by humans
JAGUAR,A member of the cat family
KANGAROO,Animal found only in Australia
KESTREL,Bird of prey
LION,African big cat
LLAMA,Mammal from South America
MACAW,Brightly coloured bird
MICE,Very small mammal with fur and whiskers
MOLE,Mammal that lives mainly underground
MOOSE,Mammal found in North America
OCELOT,Member of the cat family
OWL,Bird that hunts mice
PANDA,Very rare creature only found in China
PARROT,Brightly coloured bird
PELICAN,Large bird
PERCH,A fish found in rivers
PENGUIN,Bird that can't fly
PEACOCK,Bird with a large colourful tail
PIGEON,Bird raced by people
PIG,Domestic animal
PLATYPUS,Creature found in Australia
POLECAT,Similar to a stoat
PUFFIN,Bird with brightly coloured beak
RABBIT,Similar to a hare
RAT,Rodent considered to be a pest
RAVEN,A black bird
RHINOCEROS,Large mammal with a horn
ROBIN,Small bird with a red front
SCORPION,Creature with a sting in its tail
SEAL,Mammal living in the sea
SERVAL,Member of the cat family
SHARK,Predator of the sea
SHEEP,Domestic animals
SKUNK,Animal that uses stink as protection
SNAKE,Creature with no legs
SPIDER,Creature that produces a web
SQUIRREL,Small mammal living in trees
STOAT,Similar to a polecat
SWAN,Very large white bird
TIGER,Striped member of the cat family
TOAD,Similar to a frog
TORTOISE,Often kept as a pet
TROUT,River fish
TURKEY,Domestic bird
TURTLE,Sea creature that lays eggs on land
VULTURE,Bird that eats dead creatures
WALRUS,Mammal similar but larger to a sealion
WASP,Small insect with a sting
WHALE,Largest mammal in the sea
WOLF,Member of the dog family
ZEBRA,Striped member of the horse family