# | ASTRONAUT | A spaceperson
1 | ASTEROID | A rock orbiting the Sun |
2 | ASTRONOMY | The study of space |
3 | ATMOSPHERE | Gases surrounding a planet |
4 | COMET | Halley's is one |
5 | CORE | The centre of a planet |
6 | CORONA | The Sun's atmosphere |
7 | CRATER | You can see many of these on the Moon |
8 | EARTH | Our home planet |
9 | ECLIPSE | When the Moon blocks out the Sun |
10 | EQUATOR | A line around the middle of the Earth |
11 | FULL | A phase of the Moon |
12 | GALAXY | A very large collection of stars |
13 | GRAVITY | Force acting on planets from the Sun |
14 | HYDROGEN | Gas that the Sun is made from |
15 | IO | One of the moons of Jupiter |
16 | JUPITER | Largest planet in the solar system |
17 | LIGHT | Comes from the Sun |
18 | MARS | Sometimes known as the red planet |
19 | MERCURY | Closest planet to the Sun |
20 | MOON | Orbits the Earth | once a month |
21 | NEBULA | Glowing gas in space |
22 | NEPTUNE | Sometimes is the most distant planet |
23 | NEW | Phase of the Moon when it can't be seen |
24 | NINE | The number of planets |
25 | ORBIT | The Earth does this around the Sun |
26 | OXYGEN | Gas needed by astronauts |
27 | PLANET | The Earth is one of these |
28 | PLUTO | The Last planet to be discovered |
29 | RADIO | A telescope that you don't look through |
30 | RINGS | Found around Saturn |
31 | ROCK | What much of the Earth is made of |
32 | ROCKET | You need one to get into orbit |
33 | SATELLIE | Orbits the Earth |
34 | SATURN | The planet with the rings |
35 | SEASONS | Spring Summer Autumn & Winter |
36 | SHUTTLE | America's space plane |
37 | STAR | Our sun is one of these |
38 | SOLAR | Anything to do with the Sun |
39 | SPOT | There is a large red one on Jupiter |
40 | SUN | The centre of our solar system |
41 | TELESCOPE | Used to study space |
42 | TIDES | The Moon causes these on the Earth |
43 | TWO | The number of moons of Mars |
44 | UNIVERSE | Everything everywhere |
45 | URANUS | A planet with rings |
46 | VENUS | A plant next to the Earth |
47 | VOYAGER | The name of a space probe |
48 | YEAR | About 365 days for the Earth