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A Basic library linker by Ian Palmer
available from various P.D. libraries.
This is the most comprehensive Basic Wimp library available.
It is SHAREWARE so if you do get hold of a copy and find it
useful, do pay the registration fee which for what you get is
very little indeed. £10.00 is a lot cheaper than !WimpGen.
It is written by <Paul Hobbs> and is available from most
P.D. libraries or from the author. (Despite the address he
is English but you can write in English or German.)
<Click here=>ph> for what <Paul Hobbs> wants to say about
his very excellent work.
The Wimp Procedure Library that I used was written by <Paul Hobbs>
and is part of his excellent <!EventShell=>EventShell> package. I appended it to
the program using <!Blib=>Blib> which is likewise a very fine piece of work
by <Ian Palmer=>Blib>. It was then well and truly squashed using <!Shrink-PD=>Wallace>
by <John Wallace=>Wallace>.
Author: Wimp Shell Library
Paul Hobbs
Rheinpfalzstrasse 2
85049 Ingolstadt
Author: !EventShell
This program has been written using the routines supplied
with the EvntShell library which is copyright <Paul Hobbs>.
EvntShell is a starting point for developing your own
applications that run under the RISC-OS wimp system.
The EvntShell library contains code to handle most of
the 'Events' (i.e. opening a menu, closing a window etc)
that can occur, and all your application has to do is
inform the library what it should do when certain events
occur. For example a menu can be attached to a window or
to an icon - the library will open the menu for you (in
the correct position!) when the MENU button on the
mouse is used.
Normally writing a wimp application is a very complex
business, involving much reading of the Programmers
Reference Manuals, magazine articles and examining
other applications. The aim of the EvntShell library
is to reduce the need for this and to enable the speedy
creation of easily maintained and robust applications.
Distribution Licence for EvntShell
You have permission to use any part or the whole library
in any Public Domain/ShareWare project ONCE YOUR COPY HAS
BEEN REGISTERED, as long as I am fully credited (via the
inclusion of this file in the program documentation). If
you wish to use these routines in a program that is for
sale (for however much and for whatever reasons) or released
as copyright material then my express permission in writing
must be obtained. I maintain copyright on all the material
supplied as part of the EvntShell system (except where noted
below) and reserve the right to amend these conditions in
cases where I deem misuse.
The library code is supplied free of charge to everyone
'as is'. There is no guarantee that it is free from bugs
and no warranty is given about its suitability for use.
Further details about EvntShell may be obtained from the
Paul Hobbs
Rheinpfalzstrasse 2
85049 Ingolstadt
The heap manager routines used by EvntShell are copyright
Risc User and are used with permission.
Copyright for all of the supplied relocatable modules
remains with the original authors.
John Wallace (Architype SoftWare)
Supplier of !BasShrink which costs £5.00p. !BasShrink_PD is the
Public Domain version and is available from various PD libraries.
John Wallace, Architype Software, 54 Parkes Hall Road, Woodsetton,
Dudley, West Midlands, DY1 3SR ENGLAND.