These three drawfiles (CavCasWloo, InfCasWloo and KGLCasWloo) summarise the official statistics for British and King's German Legion casualties in the Waterloo Campaign 16th - 22nd June 1815. Because these figures are actually from the end of the campaign, they do not record the total butcher's bill. Men were still dying of wounds long after; one British Foot Guards officer died of malnutrition two years later, having lost his jaw and tongue in the battle. The watercolour sketches of Sir Charles Bell, a civilian surgeon who helped the overworked regimental surgeons after the battle, are an astonishingly vivid record of the suffering of the wounded; they present a very different picture of the battle from the glamorous paintings, mostly painted long after by Victorian salon painters, through which we normally view the period. I hope to get permission to include sprites of some of his sketches in the Dossier.