The Datafile PD-CD 5
Text File
154 lines
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| Thunder Strike |
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©1994 Jupiter Productions
Created By
Shanaka Thilakawardhana
Flight Sim Toolkit
Distributed as a Shareware release by
The DataFile
More text below ⇩ Use the scroll bar
Full information can be found in the 'Text' directory. The game requires
400k in order to start and it is also worth configuring about 96k of system
sprite memory (these can both be carried out from the task manager window).
If after having seen the intro sequence you get bored with it, you can skip
it by simply pressing <ESCAPE> once it has started.
Note for those with Hard Discs
If you have access to a hard disc drive, then you will probably be totally
incensed by the fact that you have to load this game from a floppy disc; this
makes it very slow and fails to utilise the hardware that you have. If this
is the case then simply follow the instructions below to create a much nicer
game (note; you will need just over 2Mb free on your hard disc in order to
successfully install the game and you should keep BACKUPS of any files you
delete, just in case the worst happens):
1 Copy the application !Thunder from Disc1 on to your hard drive (the
exact destinantion does not matter in the least).
2 Open up the application !Thunder by <Shift> double-clicking on it
(that is, hold down shift and double click on the icon with <SELECT>).
3 Create a new directory entitled 'Missions' in the current directory.
4 Open this directory and install the missions from the other two discs
in this directory.
5 Close the 'Missions' window.
6 Locate the programmes 'menu' and 'menu3' and delete them.
7 Rename the program 'menu2' to 'menu'
8 Sit back and enjoy!
9 If after doing this you wish to save some more room on your hard drive
you can delete the file 'Disc' from the 'Graphics' directory (this can
be found in the 'TunesPics' directory).
A similar procedure can be implemented for those who wish to conserve hard
drive space but have a high-density disc-drive (again keep BACKUPS of any
files you delete):
1 Format a new 1.6Mb disc and name it Missions.
2 Copy all four of the missions (on discs 2 and 3) onto this disc.
3 Open the !Thunder directory as shown above.
4 Locate the programmes 'menu' and 'menu2' and delete them.
5 Rename 'menu3' to 'menu'
6 It is now ready for use
Such a technique could also be employed if you wish to have only the menu
section on your hardrive and the missions on either a single HD disc or two
DD discs. Simply use the menu program relevant to which density you are
using ('menu' if the missions are for those using DD discs, and 'menu2' for
those using a HD disc) and then deleting those files not necessary.
Taking off in 10 seconds
Having started a mission you will probably want to start flying immediately.
It can be frustrating if it takes a long time to get into the air so in order
to do so, one of two procedures can be taken so as to get into the air as
quickly as possible:
1 The proper take off:
- Press <4> on the keyboard for 40% engine power and allow the craft to
gently ease forwards. Using the ',' and '.' keys the craft can now be
taxied around the track. You must be careful not to allow the plane to
touch the ground around the runway as you will be destroyed; the same
applies to the hangar. Once you have positined yourself correctly on
the runway, simply press <0> on the keyboard for maximum power and
ease the mouse back to pull the plane up. Even without your
intervention, the plane is designed to take off. On the first and
second missions watch out for anotherr plane which takes off from your
base within thirty seconds of starting the game. This is a scout plane
identical in design to your own except without any artillery. You can
if you wish follow this plane, but be warned, its trip takes a very
long time! With careful practice it is possible to take off from your
hangar withou having to turn the craft, simply by going staright to
full power and pulling back with the mouse.
2 The improper take off:
- Virtually identical to the first way of taking off, this time when you
start you press <Ctrl-B> which selects the special world exploration
model of the plane. Basically this means that your craft will bounce
off the ground if it hits it. Also, your craft has no air-resistence,
allowing for speeds in excess of 10,000 kmph. Be warned though, if you
travel too fast, the plane becomes hugely erratic and impossible to
control. Also, FST does not allow the craft to stray too far off the;
go too far and you automatically self-destruct. The nature of this mode
means that you can disregard the runway, stop in mid-air for combat,
fly backwards from any point and travel very quickly to destinations.
If you do start to speed up too rapidly, pressing <1> on the keyboard
will cause the plane to stop instantly.
If you have any problems with this game then send me letter to the following
59 Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, Wilts. SN4 9DL
Or phone me on (0793) 812668. I promise to reply to all letters sent in.
The registration fee for Thunder Strike is only £5. Send this to the above
address if you are still using the game after 14 days.
Your support of the Shareware principle is welcomed and encouraged.