The Datafile PD-CD 5
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346 lines
# Configuration script for Demon setup program.
# 22 Dec 94 Colin Hogben : First full version.
# 15 Feb 95 Colin Hogben : Added fetching of IP address via SLIPdial
# 18 Feb 95 Colin Hogben : Don't wipe !NewsDir
# 19 Feb 95 Colin Hogben : Added selection of PoP
# 20 Feb 95 Colin Hogben : Modified handling of preferred PoP
# 26 Feb 95 Colin Hogben : Fix to use new Sportster driver in SLIPdial
# 19 Mar 95 Colin Hogben : Allow hyphen in node name; handle TCPIP 2.04
# Read timezone for Newsbase setup
# 02 May 95 Colin Hogben : Update for Newsbase 0.54; add Courier modem; run !Help.
# 03 May 95 Colin Hogben : Replace Hensa with mirror in FTP menus; add finger status@gate
# 14 May 95 Colin Hogben : Add more modems; check Demon password
# 25 May 95 Colin Hogben : Set btorhg variable for new SLIPdial config file
# 27 May 95 Colin Hogben : Now 3 PoPs for new SLIPdial script
#--- Ensure !Help is running
if "<Help$Dir>" = ""
cli Run Resources:$.Apps.!Help
#--- Fetch initial defaults for user-settable fields
cli Obey <DemConfig$Dir>.Choices
set modem DemConfig$Modem
set serial DemConfig$Serial
set cable DemConfig$Cable
set speed DemConfig$Speed
if DemConfig$Speed = 0
if DemConfig$RiscPC
set speed 57600
set speed 19200
set btorhg DemConfig$BtOrHg
set hgpin DemConfig$HgPin
set hglocal DemConfig$HgLocal
set pop1 DemConfig$PoP1
set pop2 DemConfig$PoP2
set pop3 DemConfig$PoP3
set userid DemConfig$UserId
set realname DemConfig$RealName
set org DemConfig$Org
set node DemConfig$Node
set dempw DemConfig$DemPw
#--- The IP address can be modified by the SLIPdial script
#--- Default is to fetch via SLIPdial only if not valid
cli Obey <DemConfig$Dir>.IpAddr
set ip_addr DemConfig$IpAddr
cli BASIC -quit <DemConfig$Dir>.CheckIp
set getip DemConfig$IpValid = 0
cli BASIC -quit <DemConfig$Dir>.TimeZone
set timezone DemConfig$TimeZone
#--- Come back here if errors in user data detected
label retry
#--- Begin the window definition
# Group some related options together into a box...
group "Modem & serial interface"
menuchoice modem "Modem type" \
"Miracom" \
"SupraFax 14400=Supra14k4" \
"USR Sportster 14400=USR" \
"USR Courier 28800=Courier28k" \
"USR Courier=Courier" \
"Zoom 14400=Zoom14k4" \
"Other (ATZ)=ATZ"
#--- There ought to be more drivers; we need people to tell us what works
menuchoice serial "Serial port" \
Internal=int \
"Dual Serial card (port 0)=dual0" \
"Dual Serial card (port 1)=dual1"
menuchoice cable "Cable type" \
"Arc=arc" \
string speed "Serial speed" 10 0-9
group "Phone details"
flag btorhg "Mercury available" "bt" "mercury"
string hgpin "Mercury PIN" 20 0-9,
flag hglocal "Use Mercury for all PoPs" 0 -1
#--- Alternative versions needed for SLIPdial 12-character limit.
#--- Yes, I know it's bad form having the same information thrice.
menuchoice pop1 "Nearest PoP" \
"Birmingham" "Bradford" "Bristol" \
"Cambridge" "Cardiff" "Coventry" \
"Edinburgh" "Gloucester" "Hull" \
"Isle of Wight=I. of Wight" "Leeds" "Leicester" \
"Liverpool" "London" "Luton" \
"Manchester" "Newcastle" "Nottingham" \
"Preston" "Reading" "Saffron Walden=Saffron W." \
"Sheffield" "Sunderland" "Wolverhampton=Wolv'hampton"
menuchoice pop2 "2nd choice PoP" \
"Birmingham" "Bradford" "Bristol" \
"Cambridge" "Cardiff" "Coventry" \
"Edinburgh" "Gloucester" "Hull" \
"Isle of Wight=I. of Wight" "Leeds" "Leicester" \
"Liverpool" "London" "Luton" \
"Manchester" "Newcastle" "Nottingham" \
"Preston" "Reading" "Saffron Walden=Saffron W." \
"Sheffield" "Sunderland" "Wolverhampton=Wolv'hampton"
menuchoice pop3 "3rd choice PoP" \
"Birmingham" "Bradford" "Bristol" \
"Cambridge" "Cardiff" "Coventry" \
"Edinburgh" "Gloucester" "Hull" \
"Isle of Wight=I. of Wight" "Leeds" "Leicester" \
"Liverpool" "London" "Luton" \
"Manchester" "Newcastle" "Nottingham" \
"Preston" "Reading" "Saffron Walden=Saffron W." \
"Sheffield" "Sunderland" "Wolverhampton=Wolv'hampton"
group "Demon account"
# variable name label len validation
string node "Node name" 8 A-Za-z0-9-
string dempw Password 8
string ip_addr "Internet adrs" 15 0-9.
flag getip "Call Demon now to get IP address" 0 -1
group "User details"
string userid Userid 8
string realname Name 40
string org Organisation 40
#--- Let the user fill in the details
#--- Save the choices made so far.
translate <DemConfig$Res>.Choices <DemConfig$Dir>.Choices
translate <DemConfig$Res>.IpAddr <DemConfig$Dir>.IpAddr
#--- Munge the serial parameters
if "{serial}" = "int"
set driver "Internal"
set port 0
elseif "{serial}" = "dual0"
set driver "sp_dual"
set port 0
elseif "{serial}" = "dual1"
set driver "sp_dual"
set port 1
if "{cable}" = "pc"
set driver "{driver}PC"
set modemdriver "{modem}"
if "{modem}" = "Miracom"
set modemdriver "USR"
#--- Look up the phone numbers for the chosen PoPs.
#--- Yucky implementation of a loop. The surrounding if is a hack
# to stop it complaining of label redefinition if you retry.
if 1
set i 1
set pop "{pop1}"
label poploop
if "{pop}" = "Birmingham"
set num "01212754848"
elseif "{pop}" = "Bradford"
set num "01274755066"
elseif "{pop}" = "Bristol"
set num "01179814848"
elseif "{pop}" = "Cambridge"
set num "01223576010"
elseif "{pop}" = "Cardiff"
set num "01222274848"
elseif "{pop}" = "Coventry"
set num "01203284848"
elseif "{pop}" = "Edinburgh"
set num "01315528883"
elseif "{pop}" = "Gloucester"
set num "01452354848"
elseif "{pop}" = "Hull"
set num "01482495580"
elseif "{pop}" = "I. of Wight"
set num "01983523306"
elseif "{pop}" = "Leeds"
set num "01132984848"
elseif "{pop}" = "Leicester"
set num "01162904848"
elseif "{pop}" = "Liverpool"
set num "01512104848"
elseif "{pop}" = "London"
set num "01813384848"
elseif "{pop}" = "Luton"
set num "01582644848"
elseif "{pop}" = "Manchester"
set num "01613854848"
elseif "{pop}" = "Newcastle"
set num "01912474848"
elseif "{pop}" = "Nottingham"
set num "01159544848"
elseif "{pop}" = "Preston"
set num "01772484848"
elseif "{pop}" = "Reading"
set num "01734284848"
elseif "{pop}" = "Saffron W."
set num "01799506010"
elseif "{pop}" = "Sheffield"
set num "01142384848"
elseif "{pop}" = "Sunderland"
set num "01915225005"
elseif "{pop}" = "Wolv'hampton"
set num "01902464848"
error Internal error - no number for {pop}
set num{i} "{num}"
set i {i} + 1
if {i} = 2
set pop "{pop2}"
goto poploop
elseif {i} = 3
set pop "{pop3}"
goto poploop
if {hglocal}
set nopredial 0
set nopredial "{num1}"
#--- See if the user wants to call Demon to get the IP address
if {getip}
#--- Demon want passwords to be between 5 to 8 characters long
cli Set DemConfig$DemPw "{dempw}"
cli BASIC -quit <DemConfig$Dir>.CheckDemPw
set err "<DemConfig$PwError>"
if "{err}" <> ""
error {err}
goto retry
confirm ok About to ring Demon ({pop1}) to set password and get IP address. Check your modem is set up.
if {ok} = 0
goto retry
substitution {{ }}
translate <DemConfig$Res>.FirstDemon <DemConfig$Dir>.FirstDemon
substitution { }
cli run <Internet$Dir>.!SerialDev.!Boot
cli Run <Internet$Dir>.!SLIPdial -file <DemConfig$Dir>.FirstDemon
#--- "I'll be back..." (restarted by the SLIPdial script)
#--- Check that the IP address is valid
cli set DemConfig$IpAddr {ip_addr}
cli BASIC -quit <DemConfig$Dir>.CheckIp
if DemConfig$IpValid = 0
error Invalid IP address {ip_addr}
goto retry
#--- Now do the actual configuration
set domain "demon.co.uk"
set host "{node}.{domain}"
set inetdir Internet$Dir
#--- Set up TCPIP. Note TCPIP$Dir is !TCPIPUser, not !TCPIP.
#--- Use temp variables to stop command line getting too long
cli set temp <Internet$Dir>.!TCPIPUser
substitution {{ }}
translate <DemConfig$Res>.TCPconfig <temp>.Config
substitution { }
translate <DemConfig$Res>.Domain <temp>.Domain
copy <DemConfig$Res>.AutoExec <temp>.AutoExec
copy <DemConfig$Res>.DemGroup <temp>.NNTP