Labels:text | screenshot | font | number | diagram OCR: parallel printer (25-way D-type) C-64 user port 13 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 24 14 ABCDEFHJ KL MN Pin connections of the used sockets (viewed from the outside of the computer case looking parallel user port The right link 2 (DO) (PBO) C 3 (DI) (PB1) D 4 (D2) (PB2) E 5 (D3) (PB3) F EXPRESSIN 6 (D4) (PB4) H 7 (D5) (PB5) J 8 (D6 (PB6) K 9 (D7) (PB7) L -SOFTWARE- 10 (ACK) 11 (BSY) (PC2) 8 25 (GND) (GND) A