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!AppInfo, v1.10 (3rd Sept 1992) - Written by Geir Fuskeland
AppInfo is a utility to display useful information about applications, such
as name, lenght, last update, full name, version, author and own comments
about the application.
* How to use AppInfo
Double click on !AppInfo to start the application. Its icon will appear on
the Icon Bar.
Drag an application to the AppInfo icon. A window will appear with various
The application information is contained in a file called '!Info'
inside the application. A warning box will appear if the application does
not contain the '!Info' file, or if some data (name, lenght or last
update) are changed since last time the '!Info' file was saved.
To keep the warning box from popping up every time you view application
data you have to save the information.
* The info fields are
+ Name Application name
+ Length Lenght of whole application in KiloBytes (K)
+ Last Update Last update of the application's '!RunImage'-file
Name Full application name
Version Version number
Author Author (or Software company) of application
Comments Your own comments to the application (i.e. it doesn't work
with this or that, etc.)
The fields marked + are automaticly updated by AppInfo. The other fields
you have to edit yourself.
* The following shortcut can be used while editing:
F3 Save !AppDir data to application directory
The save window can also be accessed via the menu brought up by clicking
on the middle mouse button.
* To save application info (the '!Info'-file) just click OK in the save
window, or click on "Save" from the menu.
NB: You don't have to drag the file-icon into the application!
(Though if you want to save the current info elsewhere you may drag the
* By accessing the log option from the bar menu, you may open a log file.
All following application data will then be appended to this log file,
making it easier to create an application library.
If you open a log file twice, the previous log data will be lost.
* Certain database programs should have the ability to import files by
defining a field and record terminator. By importing the !Info data
file into such a program, it should be quite easy to build yourself an
application library listing.
In !Info the fields are terminated by [0a], the records by [0a][0d][0a].
Comments, bug reports, etc., should be sent to:
Geir Fuskeland
Vinkelveien 2
1482 Nittedal
email: geirf@ifi.uio.no
<someone> for the WIMP library used in this application (bugs fixed).
Tor Houghton for the idea.