The Datafile PD-CD 5
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Text File
147 lines
File : Talk
Date : 21-Feb-97
Author : © A.Thoukydides, 1996, 1997
Description : ARMEdit messages supported by the !ARMEdit front-end.
The !ARMEdit front-end supports several messages used by PC software. The
messages are arranged in pairs: code running on the PC card send a message,
and the front-end sends an acknowledgement (with the same reason code). No
messages are sent from the front-end unrequested.
All of the messages use the ID 256.
Check whether the front-end is running.
Data sent:
Offset Size Description
0 4 Reason code = &00000000.
Data returned:
Offset Size Description
0 4 Reason code = &00000000.
The PC software sends this message to ID 256 to find the handle of the
front-end software. A timeout should be used to detect whether the
message has been delivered.
All future messages should use the message handle.
Start an external edit.
Data sent:
Offset Size Description
0 4 Reason code = &00000001.
4 4 Byte offset of initial cursor position.
8 20 Null terminated DOS leaf name of file to edit.
28 256 Null terminated name of RISC OS file to edit.
Data returned:
Offset Size Description
0 4 Reason code = &00000001.
4 4 Handle for this edit.
This message is used to start an external edit. The leaf name is used for
display purposes - only the RISC OS name is used to access the file
(which must exist when the message is sent).
No status is returned by this message. Use MSG_ARMEDIT_POLL to check the
state of the edit.
A unique handle is returned for this file. This handle should be used
when polling the status of the edit.
Poll the status of the external edit.
Data sent:
Offset Size Description
0 4 Reason code = &00000002.
4 4 Handle of edit to poll.
8 4 Flags:
bit 0 Set to retrieve data.
bit 1 Set to end external edit.
bit 2 Set to mark file as safely saved.
Data returned:
Offset Size Description
0 4 Reason code = &00000002.
4 4 Flags:
bit 0 Set if file modified since last poll.
bit 1 Set if external edit aborted.
This message is used to check or update the status of an external edit.
The input flags allow the file to be retrieved from the editor, or to
abandon the edit. It is also possible to mark the edit as safely saved
after it has been saved by the editor.
If a request has been made to retrieve a file then the returned flags
should be checked until the modified flag is set.
If the returned flags indicate that the edit has been aborted then no
more messages should be sent for this edit.
Display a Save As window for a specified file.
Data sent:
Offset Size Description
0 4 Reason code = &00000003.
4 256 Null terminated name of RISC OS file to save.
260 256 Null terminated suggested name of file to save.
Data returned:
Offset Size Description
0 4 Reason code = &00000003.
Allow a file to be saved under a user specifiable name. This is intended
for use by the PUTFILE command when no destination is specified. The
file is deleted when it has either been saved, or when the user has
cancelled the operation. No method for determining the success or
failure of the operation is provided.
The following are changes that may be made to the HPC services sometime in
the future.
Support execution of commands in a TaskWindow from the OSCLI command.
0.00 (10-Sep-96) Original development version.
0.01 (05-Feb-97) Cursor position in external edits can be specified.
Added Save As window support.
1.03 (21-Feb-97) First official release version.