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The WimpKey module (version 1.01)
Free Distribution Software (FreeWare) by Jason Williams
This software is NOT Public Domain
1. This software remains the copyright of the author, Jason Williams, but it
may be freely distributed and used, provided that when being distributed
on its own:
a) it is kept as a whole- The module and this documentation file must be
distributed, unmodified, together.
b) no charge is made for any copying or distribution other than third
party transmission costs (eg disc cost, postage, phone charges).
2. The author does not accept any responsibility for any use or misuse of
the software or any consequences thereof, and makes no guarantees of
continued support for the module.
3. This module may be included as part of any product, including commercial
software, free of charge, so long as its use is acknowledged in the
accompanying documentation. Be aware of item 2.
The WimpKey module provides a very simple service to help with using
dynamic key bindings in WIMP applications.
Dynamic key bindings are "hot keys" for common operations, that are set in
some sort of configuration file which the user may edit in order to change the
keys used in the program to more suitable values. It is important that programs
allow such configuration, both to enable people to configure the program to
their own tastes, and also to make internationalisation much simpler.
As well as making life easier for the programmer (it took me half an hour
to enter all of the keycodes), it allows this table to be shared by all
applications on the desktop (reducing their size), and it helps to enforce
a standard naming convention for all of these keys. I hope it will also
encourage lazy authors like myself to actually put key bindings in to their
programs now!
The module provides 2 SWI commands, as well as a * command:
The command: *ListWimpKeys
This command simply produces a list of the available wimp key mappings,
showing the hexadecimal WIMP key code (as returned by Wimp Poll on key events)
and the WimpKey string used to represent that key.
SWI "WimpKey_CodeToString" &47BC0
Entry: R0 = WIMP key code
Exit: R0 = pointer to the equivalent string (0-terminated), or
NULL (0) if the keycode is unknown
All other registers preserved
This SWI takes a normal WIMP key code, and produces the relevant
keycode string. This is intended for use where your program
knows the key code of a key, and wishes to add a textual reminder
alongside a menu item (for example) for the user.
NOTE that the string returned is zero terminated, and that it is
in the module's private workspace. It will be overwritten by the
next call to this SWI, so if you want to use the string, you must
copy it into your own workspace first.
Keycode strings are a maximum of 9 characters long including the
terminating NULL character.
SWI "WimpKey_StringToCode" &47BC1
Entry: R0 = pointer to keycode string
Exit: R0 = The related wimp key code, or -1 if the string was not found
All other registers preserved
This SWI takes a key code string (which may be up to 9 characters
long, including the terminator. The terminator can be any ctrl-
character (i.e. any char in the range ASCII 0 to ASCII 31)), and
converts it into a WIMP key code number.
This is intended for use when reading a configuration file or
otherwise editing key codes (e.g. like the Impression style
editor's hotkey entry thingo) - the user can enter a value as
a meaningful string, and your program can convert this into a
WIMP key code for itself using the SWI.
Note that the string passed in must EXACTLY match the keycode
string (case and all).
Note also the special values "Return" and "Enter", which are
explained at the end of this text.
Current keycode definitions
Here is the output from the *ListWimpKeys command on the current version
of the module:
Available WIMP key codes: (hit SHIFT to scroll)
Keycode String
&0000 ^@
&0001 ^A
&0002 ^B
&0003 ^C
&0004 ^D
&0005 ^E
&0006 ^F
&0007 ^G
&0008 ^H
&0009 ^I
&000A ^J
&000B ^K
&000C ^L
&000D ^M
&000E ^N
&000F ^O
&0010 ^P
&0011 ^Q
&0012 ^R
&0013 ^S
&0014 ^T
&0015 ^U
&0016 ^V
&0017 ^W
&0018 ^X
&0019 ^Y
&001A ^Z
&001B Escape
&001B ESC
&001E Home
&0020 Space
&0020 SPC
&0021 !
&0022 "
&0023 #
&0024 $
&0025 %
&0026 &
&0027 '
&0028 (
&0029 )
&002A *
&002B +
&002C ,
&002D -
&002E .
&002F /
&0030 0
&0031 1
&0032 2
&0033 3
&0034 4
&0035 5
&0036 6
&0037 7
&0038 8
&0039 9
&003A :
&003B ;
&003C <
&003D =
&003E >
&003F ?
&0040 @
&0041 A
&0042 B
&0043 C
&0044 D
&0045 E
&0046 F
&0047 G
&0048 H
&0049 I
&004A J
&004B K
&004C L
&004D M
&004E N
&004F O
&0050 P
&0051 Q
&0052 R
&0053 S
&0054 T
&0055 U
&0056 V
&0057 W
&0058 X
&0059 Y
&005A Z
&005B [
&005C \
&005D ]
&005E ^
&005F _
&0060 `
&0061 a
&0062 b
&0063 c
&0064 d
&0065 e
&0066 f
&0067 g
&0068 h
&0069 i
&006A j
&006B k
&006C l
&006D m
&006E n
&006F o
&0070 p
&0071 q
&0072 r
&0073 s
&0074 t
&0075 u
&0076 v
&0077 w
&0078 x
&0079 y
&007A z
&007B {
&007C |
&007D }
&007E ~
&007F Delete
&007F DEL
&0180 Print
&0181 F1
&0182 F2
&0183 F3
&0184 F4
&0185 F5
&0186 F6
&0187 F7
&0188 F8
&0189 F9
&018A Tab
&018B Copy
&018C Left
&018D Right
&018E Down
&018F Up
&0190 Print
&0191 F1
&0192 F2
&0193 F3
&0194 F4
&0195 F5
&0196 F6
&0197 F7
&0198 F8
&0199 F9
&019A Tab
&019B Copy
&019C Left
&019D Right
&019E PageDn
&019E Down
&019F PageUp
&019F Up
&01A0 ^Print
&01A1 ^F1
&01A2 ^F2
&01A3 ^F3
&01A4 ^F4
&01A5 ^F5
&01A6 ^F6
&01A7 ^F7
&01A8 ^F8
&01A9 ^F9
&01AA ^Tab
&01AB ^Copy
&01AC ^Left
&01AD ^Right
&01AE ^Down
&01AF ^Up
&01AC ^
&01AD ^
&01AE ^
&01AF ^
&01B0 ^Print
&01B1 ^F1
&01B2 ^F2
&01B3 ^F3
&01B4 ^F4
&01B5 ^F5
&01B6 ^F6
&01B7 ^F7
&01B8 ^F8
&01B9 ^F9
&01BA ^Tab
&01BB ^Copy
&01BC ^Left
&01BD ^Right
&01BC ^
&01BD ^
&01BE ^PageDn
&01BE ^Down
&01BF ^PageUp
&01BF ^Up
&01CA F10
&01CB F11
&01CC F12
&01CD Insert
&01DA F10
&01DB F11
&01DC F12
&01DD Insert
&01EA ^F10
&01EB ^F11
&01EC ^F12
&01ED ^Insert
&01FA ^F10
&01FB ^F11
&01FC ^F12
&01FD ^Insert
&1000 Return
&1000 Enter
&2000 ^@
&2001 ^A
&2002 ^B
&2003 ^C
&2004 ^D
&2005 ^E
&2006 ^F
&2007 ^G
&2008 ^H
&2009 ^I
&200A ^J
&200B ^K
&200C ^L
&200D ^M
&200E ^N
&200F ^O
&2010 ^P
&2011 ^Q
&2012 ^R
&2013 ^S
&2014 ^T
&2015 ^U
&2016 ^V
&2017 ^W
&2018 ^X
&2019 ^Y
&201A ^Z
(If you spot any errors in this list, please let me know ASAP!)
Please note that there are some keys which do not have unique key numbers
(for example ^M, Return, and Enter all share code &0D, the up and down
cursor arrows share many codes in common with the page up and down keys, and
numeric keypad keys are indistinguishable from the other numeric keys)
The only way of telling these keys apart is to c