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Cal © copyright 1996, Dr. Ian Palmer
Cal is a combined Calendar and Diary application for RiscOS. It allows the
user to maintain details of future events, aniversaries, holidays,
appointments, business trips, etc.
Cal also has inbuilt knowledge of all British public holidays, and other
standard diary entries.
Running Cal
When you first run Cal it installs itself on the iconbar and opens a calendar
window in the top left of the screen showing the current month's calendar.
The current day is highlighted in red, and the current date in full is
displayed at the bottom of the calendar. Either side of the full date are two
icons for moving the display back/forward one month at a time.
As well as highlighting the current date (number displayed in red) other
dates may be highlighted as follows:
- Public holidays in blue
- Sundays in green
- Notable dates in darker grey
These are all inbult dates, if you have diary entries set up (see below) for
any of the days in the month then these too will be highlighted, only this
time with a change to background colour:
- Events are highlighted in light blue
- Holidays are highlighted in orange
- Appointments are highlighted in a darker grey
- Aniversaries are highlighted in bright yellow
- Buisiness trips are highlighted in pale yellow
If you press SELECT over any of the dates in the current month displayed in
the calendar then the diary page will be opened for that date. This shows the
entries in the diary for that date in full.
Setting up Diary entries
You can enter a diary entry in two ways. First pressing ADJUST on the iconbar
icon, second by pressing ADJUST over one of the calendar entries.
When you perform either of these a window is opened allowing you to specify a
new diary entry, or edit exsisting entries.
At the top right of this window is an icon specifying the type of diary entry
(event, holiday, appointment, aniversary or business trip are the default
types). To change the type either press MENU over this icon, or SELECT the
menu display icon to its right. This brings up a menu with the possible
Once you have selected the diary entry type you can specify the date(s)
and/or time(s) of the entry. What needs to be specified depends upon the
entry type:
- For an event the date, month and year need to be specified
- For a holiday start and end date, month and year entires are required
- For an appointment the date, month and year and also start and end
times must be entered
- For an aniversary only date and month are required
- Buisiness trips are the same as holidays (above)
The entries that don't need to be specified are greyed out accordingly.
After setting the date(s) and time(s) you can enter up to two lines of text
to be associated with the entry. Then SELECT the 'Save' icon to save the
Other icons on the window allow you to move through the entries ('Prev' and
'Next' move to the previous and next entries), as well 'Delete' an entry,
create a 'New' entry and also 'Update' an exsisting entry after making
Note: Month and Year fields can both contail the value 'All' to make more
general entries, and the date field can contain entries such as 'every Mon'
or '3rd Tue'. These values can be located by moving past the standard entries
using the up/down arrows.
The Calendar
The Calendar window, as mentioned above, displays a complete month with
highlights for events, etc.
Clicking SELECT over a given date displayes the diary page for that date.
Clicking ADJUST over a given date allows a diary entry to be created for that
Clicking MENU over the window brings up a window allowing you to select any
month/year combination for diaplay.
Clicking the '<' or '>' icons in the Calendar window move backwards and
forewards one month at a time.
The Diary Page
Clicking SELECT on any date in the current month displayed in the calendar
window will open the diary page for that date. The diary page gives a list of
all dairy entries for that date, including built in dates.
The built in dates include all UK public holidays (many relevant to the rest
of the world) as well as many notable dates (eg. Christmas Eve). These events
can be switched off using the configuration window if they are not required
(see below).
Cal's Main Menu
Clicking MENU over Cal's iconbar icon brings up Cal's main menu. This
contails the following options:
Info -> Standard Information Window
Save -> Save window for saving your Diary (see below)
Tidy Remove all past events from your diary
Look Ahead -> Look ahead a number of days (see below)
Configure Open configuration window
Quit Quit Cal
The configuration window allows you to set a few options. These are:
Auto Save
Causes Cal to automatically save your diary when it quits.
Auto Tidy
Causes Cal to perform a tidy operation each time it loads your diary.
UK Hols
Specifies whether you are interested in inbuilt UK Public Holidays
(eg. May Day Bank Holiday)
UK Notes
Specifies whether you are interested in inbuilt UK Notable dates
(eg. St. Georges Day)
General Hols
Specifies whether you are interested in inbuilt general holiday
(eg. Christmas Day)
General Notes
Specifies whether you are interested in inbuilt general notable dates
(eg. Ash Wednesday)
Open today's diary on startup
Specifies whether you wish for today's diary to be opened when Cal
is run.
Open Calendar on startup
Specifies whether you wish for the calendar to be opened when Cal
is run.
The 'OK' icon sets the configuration, 'Save' saves the configuration in Cal's
configuration file so that the options are remembered for next time you run
Saving Your Diary
By default Cal saves your diary in a file inside the Cal application
directory. You can save the diary either by having 'Auto Save' set in the
configuration or by selecting the 'Save' option in the main menu.
You can also save your diary in a different location by using the save window
off the main menu. You can then view this diary file by double clicking on
Looking Ahead
You can cause the diary pages for the next few days/weeks to be displayed in
a single window by using the look ahead option (in the main menu). This has
options for looking ahead 5 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks or a user defined
number of days.
Diary Page on Bootup
You can add running Cal to your boot up sequence and have it open your diary
page automatically by selecting the relevant configuration option.
However there are better options that can be supplied on the command line
used to run Cal (placed in your system's !Boot file, or
!Boot.Choices.Boot.Desktop file on a Risc PC)
For example add the following line to your relevant boot file:
Run ADFS::HardDisc4.$.Apps.!Cal.!Run -today
(assuming !Cal is in ADFS::HardDisc4.$.Apps) will run Cal and force today's
diary page to be opened (irrespective of the configuration options).
A full list of command line options are:
-noicon - causes Cal to not place an icon on the iconbar
-quit - (see below)
-today - causes Cal to open todays diary page
-nocal - stops Cal opening the Calendar window on startup
-daily - causes Cal to open todays diary page (once a day)
-note - (see below)
-look n - causes Cal to look ahead n days
<file> - causes Cal to use <file> instead of default diary file
The -quit option can be used in conjunction with the -today or -daily options
to force Cal to quit if no diary entries are relevant for today. The -note
option stops notable events being included in the calculation as to whether
there are events for today.
Thus the command line options:
-nocal -daily -note -quit
causes Cal to prov