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With thanks to Data Store for their 'on-line help' code
Help on the use of !CFSIscale v.1.30 - © M R Davies - December 1992
1. Introduction
In order to obtain the best results when printing images from the
screen, and bit-images (Sprites) in particular, it is important that
as much information as possible is preserved from the original image
within the image to be sent to the printer and that its x-y pixel
resolution should match that of the printer to be used, on a 1:1
basis, - taking into account the final desired size of the printed
Since many images to be sent to a printer will be of a different
size and/or aspect ratio to the original and with varying x-y pixel
counts, the need for accurate scaling prior to printing is
If less than optimal scaling is used then there is a risk that
information will be lost and/or that interference patterns may be
introduced - especially when dealing with scanned and digitised
images. The printer should not have to do any scaling on its own
account for optimal results and this is especially evident when
attempting to get the best results from colour printers such as the
HP500C or PaintJet.
The notes accompanying Acorn's "!ChangeFSI" cover these points as,
in more detail, do those recently released with the updated RISC-OS
3.xx Printer Drivers covering the use of "!ChangeFSI". An extract
from the latter ( © Acorn ) is appended to these brief Help notes.
Whilst the calculation of the appropriate factors to be
incorporated in "!ChangeFSI" is a straightforward mathematical
exercise, it is a tedious one to have to perform each time a new
sprite or print size etc. is required. With this in mind, this small
application was developed to enable any values for printer x + y
resolutions, together with a required print width, height or both
width and height, to be used to quickly calculate the scaling
factors required by ChangeFSI.
It should be noted incidentally that the example calculation used
in the Acorn notes, referred to above, could be misleading since it
does not reproduce the input sprite's aspect ratio in the calculated
printout. This corresponds to choosing values (possibly without
regard to the sprite's aspect ratio) for both width AND height in
"!CFSIscale" rather than just width OR height which will preserve
the original aspect ratio of the input sprite in the printout and
might be the more usual printing requirement.
2. Operation of "!CFSIscale"
1. Double click on the application to mount on the icon bar in
the usual way.
2. A standard info box opens on clicking MENU over the icon bar
and contains the usual Info, Help (this file) and Quit options.
3. Click SELECT over the icon bar to open the "!CFSIscale"
window. This can be moved, sent to the back or front or closed in
the normal way.
4. Click SELECT over (a) the desired printer resolution (300x300
dpi is the default): (b) the desired final print dimension(s) to be
entered - Width only, Height only or both Width + Height ("Width
only" is the default) - and: (c) the desired units (inches or cms).
Any other boxes will then be de-selected.
5. Enter + <RETURN> the desired printer resolutions (if "Other"
has been selected) followed by the required final print dimension(s)
in inches/cms + <RETURN> and the input sprite's X- and Y- pixels +
<RETURN>. The "CALC" box may also be clicked at any time.
6. Values to be entered in "!ChangeFSI"'s scaling boxes will then
be calculated. These can be picked up from "!CFSIscale" and
transferred to "!ChangeFSI" using a utility such as !Transfer from
Apricote Studios or entered by hand. Input variables and printer
resolutions may be changed at any time and succesive strokes of
<RETURN> or a click on the "CALC" box will re-calculate the new
scaling factors.
7. The cursor may be moved around the window's boxes in a
sensible fashion by the use of the cursor keys as well as the mouse
pointer and most "silly" entries will throw up an error and ask for
new values to be re-entered.
N.B. Do not forget that images from both !Paint and !Draw print
out at 90 dpi from the screen. Printing scales for X- and Y- axes
should therefore be adjusted by a ratio of 90 : X- or Y- printer dpi
in !Paint, or scaled within !Draw by the appropriate factor(s),
before printing. If this is not done the resultant printout will be
of the wrong size!
Example : If printer resolution is 300x300 dpi then scaling in
!Paint's print box is 90:300 and the scaling or "magnification"
factor for the image in !Draw, before printing, is 0.30 (90/300 =
3. Extract from Acorn's release notes with RISC-OS 3.xx !Printers
" Using !ChangeFSI for colour bit image printouts.
The colour matching of the printer drivers is not always quite what
it could be, and how good it is varies depending on the image being
printed. If you are printing bit images (ie. sprites) to colour dot
matrix pinters, an alternative is to use !ChangeFSI on the Support
disc. This tends to give better colour matching (it is certainly
different and vision is very subjective) and it gives you more
control. Doing this requires care to ensure that !ChangeFSI and the
printer drivers do not fight with each other. It also requires lots
of memory for large images eg. you will need 8MB of memory to print
full A4 at 360 by 360 DPI, and to print full size A3 at 360 by 360
DPI 16MB of memory is just about enough. Obviously lower resolutions
and smaller output sizes will take less memory eg. 180 by 180 DPI
full size A4 can be printed on a 2MB system and 180 by 180 DPI full
size A3 can be printed on a 4MB system. Halving the resolution
divides the amount of memory needed by four.
There are two very important steps. The first is to set the "Output"
window of !ChangeFSI to "Mode" 27 (or 31 ie. 4 bits per pixel,
square pixels), "Use current mode" off, "Ignore pixel aspect" off,
and select "Special:" and enter "D" in the special box. For the
technically minded this tells !ChangeFSI to produce output in terms
of 1 bit of each of red, green and blue ie. saturated colours. There
is an exact mapping from this to the CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and
Key black) colour space used by the printer drivers and hence they
can accurately print the output from !ChangeFSI.
The other important step is to get the output from !ChangeFSI to be
exactly the pixels that will be printed on the paper, so that the
printer drivers do no scaling. You will use !Paint to print the
output from !ChangeFSI, and in !Paint there are 90 dots to the inch
(90 DPI). So for example if you are printing to a 9 pin colour
ribbon printer at 120 by 72 DPI, you need to set the "Scale x" to
90:120 and the "Scale y" to 90:72 in the !Paint print dialogue box.
For a 24 pin printer at 180 by 180 DPI it would be 90:180 and
90:180, and for the Canon BJC-800 bubblejet printer at 360 by 360
DPI it would be 90:360 and 90:360. Obviously to be able to do this
the image needs to have been scaled correctly in !ChangeFSI
otherwise it will be the wrong size, and will be distorted on a 9
pin printer.
To get the scaling correct in !ChangeFSI, you need to look at how
big in pixels your source image is, work out how many printer pixels
you want to turn that into, and scale it appropriately. It is worth
scaling something up in size, particularly if there are a lot of
colours in the original (eg. a 24 bit master) as this will give
!ChangeFSI more pixels to play with in the error diffusion and hence
the colour matching will be better. For example you have a 24 bit
master image which is 1384 by 1760 pixels in size. You are going to
print this on A4 paper to a 9 pin printer at 120 by 72 DPI. A4 is
8.269 by 11.694 inches. To cater for the fact that the printer can't
print to edges of the paper, knock 10% off which gives 7.517 by
10.631 inches. Multiplying those sizes by the 120 by