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* *
* Deep4All *
* ~~~~~~~~~~ *
* © 1995-1996 by Andreas Dehmel *
* *
* A viewer for new type sprites for *all* *
* Acorn RISC machines. *
* *
* V 0.12 *
* *
This application is of interest mostly for non-
RiscPC owners.
Simply install !Deep4All on the icon bar by double
clicking on its filer icon. You can view Sprites (new
and old format, except for CMYK Sprites) by dragging
them on !Deep4All's icon or double clicking on them.
If you have a graphics card installed that gives you
true colour screenmodes in the desktop (e.g. Colour
Card Gold) you can also view sprites in these colour
The sprites are not dithered. That's why true colour
sprites usually look rather poor in screenmodes with
less than 16bpp. This is not the program's fault -
to verify this simply run the sprite through !ChangeFSI
with dithering disabled. It is however a quick and
easy way to examine a sprite and - AFAIK - the only
way to view true colour sprites in true colour modes
in the desktop on older machines.
Probably RISC OS 3 - I can't say about RISC OS 2 since
I don't have access to any such machines. Apart from
that Deep4All should happily run with pretty much
1) Cooperates with ChangeFSI
Deep4All now also recognizes a load of foreign file types
(including JPEG, GIF, TIFF, Targa,...) and calls ChangeFSI
to convert them to sprites, thus effectively becoming a
ChangeFSI front-end. Foreign filetypes are only accepted
from the filer, not from other applications, though. The
reason is that in order to call ChangeFSI the image has to
be present as a file somewhere. Of course you could always
hack your way around that but the question is: do you want
to? I don't.
Facilities to edit the parameters passed to ChangeFSI are
included in the program:
The Icon Bar menu has a new entry called "FSI options".
This leads to a dialogue box with a number of writable
icons where you can enter values to be passed to ChangeFSI.
Entering nothing means disable this option.
Commonly used parameters (i.e. mode, scale_x, scale_y,
gamma correction, sharpening and smoothing) have their own
writable icons. But you can also use ChangeFSI's other
options by writing them in the "Misc options" field. You
have to write them explicitly including the "-", just as
you would when using ChangeFSI from the command line, as
the "Misc options" contents are passed directly to ChangeFSI.
So if you wanted to rotate the image, expand its dynamic
range and apply histogram equalization simply enter
-rotate -range -equal
in the "Misc options" icon.
Clicking on the "save" button saves your current choices.
They're reloaded each time Deep4All is started.
ChangeFSI is called in a task window and is thus running
in the background. This might be interesting for RiscPC
users as well as with Deep4All you can convert images
without freezing up the machine (well, the hourglass might
be a bit annoying; but then maybe a future version of
ChangeFSI will contain a switch that disables it ;-) ).
This also means that you can do anything with Deep4All
while the conversion's in process, including loading other
Some care should be taken, though, as <Wimp$Scrap> is used
as transfer file between ChangeFSI and Deep4All. This could
be a problem if you've specified a -max value to ChangeFSI
and some other application needs to access <Wimp$Scrap>.
So avoid application-to-application file transfers during
conversion (RAM transfer is OK).
Possible errors related to ChangeFSI use:
- ChangeFSI hasn't been booted
The filer hasn't seen ChangeFSI, so Deep4All can't call
it. Open the directory folder containing ChangeFSI and
it'll work.
(Deep4All checks for the presence of the variable
- ChangeFSI failed
If ChangeFSI terminates but Deep4All can't find the sprite
file this error is issued. In most cases the failure is
due to lack of memory but of course a corrupt file will
have the same effect. To check you could enter
in the "Misc options" icon. That way ChangeFSI will print
status info about the image and a task window will pop up.
- You already have ChangeFSI running a job
Well... you have, so this asks you if you want to override
the existing one or cancel your last request. Usually it's
not a good idea to have more than one running simultaneously
as Deep4All will only accept input from one which could lead
to a stray <Wimp$Scrap> file.
NOTE: if you've started conversion by double clicking and
cancel your request it gets passed on by the Filer. The most
common consequence is that ChangeFSI gets loaded and starts
conversion itself.
2) Sprite cropping
It happens from time to time that I get scans with frayed
edges and so forth. I don't want to convert them to 8bpp
sprites and crop them with Paint (also Paint's cropping
is crap!) so I thought it might be a good idea to offer
cropping in Deep4All.
To select the area you want to keep drag a frame in the
sprite window (for precision jobs scale the image up).
Everything inside the frame, including its border, will be
kept, the rest is thrown away.
As usual you can adjust the frame by dragging with adjust.
A click with select removes the frame.
To actually crop simply select "crop" from the sprite menu.
Crop can also be used on sprites with a transparency mask :-)
3) Sprite export
1) and especially 2) necessitate 3). 'nuff said, saving
works as usual. RAM transfer also supported.
Some bug fixes:
1) When cropping new format sprites with less or equal 8bpp
they ended up with the wrong mode (yes, the reason is
that I map them internally to old format sprites). Since
that type of sprite is *very* rare I missed this in 0.10.
2) Adjusted the clipping frame a little. It seemed to be
about 1 screen pixel off in 0.10.
3) Stumbled accidentally over some 4bpp sprites without a
palette and had to find out they were rendered completely
wrong (not my fault but ColourTrans'). Now fixed.
Added the "Force Palette" option which allows you to set the
current palette to the one given in the sprite if the current
screenmode has at least as many bpp as the spritemode, which
also has to be <= 8. It's not RISC OS-conformant because when
possible it changes the desktop palette so the rest of your
desktop will usually look rather wild. However if the sprite's
palette was optimised the image will look WAY better so I think
one can live with that; you don't _have_ to use it, after all.
You can sometimes come damn close to 24bpp that way, often better
than 15bpp (since the palette entries are true 24bpp values, not
If you try this with sprites with 256 palette entries you really
should have a Risc PC or a graphics card (e.g. CCGold) that lets
you program all 256 palette entries rather than only 16 like on
older machines since the result is bound to look horrible
The menu entry for "Force Palette" is greyed out if it's not
available with the current screenmode / sprite combination.
The original palette will be restored if you
- Untick the menu entry
- Close the sprite window
- Load a new sprite that doesn't allow palette forcing (with this
- Quit Deep4All
This application is Freeware. You may copy it freely
provided no part of it is changed and no money is charged for
the copy, except for a small amount to cover expenses such as
disc cost. I retain the full copyright.
I will not accept any responsibility for any kind of