Desklook is a program which easily lets you change the look of the desktop.
You can change the iconsprites, the toolsprites and the backdropsprites.
Your choices will be saved in a desklook file (filetype &056), and the style can easily be set later by running the file. This saves you of doing a lot of *Iconsprites and *ToolSprites commands, and you can have lots of styles which you can change to when you're bored with the one you have.
How to use it
Double click on !Desklook to start it. Once started click select on the
baricon. You should now have the main desklook window open. A desktop look consist of four parts: the backdrop, filesprites, sprites and toolsprites.
The backdrop and the toolsprites should be fairly obvious. The filesprites
and the sprites could just as well have been used together because they do
excatly the same thing (a *IconSprites command), but I deceided to divide it into two. The filesprites should contain all the fileicons and the sprites
part contain all the other sprites. I use the sprites part to my discicons
and buttons etc.
Each of the four parts has an option button. Turn it off if you don't want
that part in your desklook file.
To change the paths for the sprites simply drag the directory into the
icon for the path you want to change.
To test the style use the 'Set' button.
To save the current style click on the 'Save' button, enter the leafname and
drag the file to a directory.
To run a desklook you can either doubleclick on it (!Desklook has to be seen
by the filer), and the style will be set without having to quit !Desklook afterwards. If !Desklook is already running you can drag the file to the iconbar or into the desklook window or simply doubleclick on the file. If the option 'Auto Set' is on the style will now be automaticly set, if not you must use 'Set' to set the new style.
You can also run a desklook file in your bootsequence, for example:
SCSI::4.$.Utils.!Desklook <full path for desklookfile>
By clicking adjust on the baricon or choosing 'TestWindow' from the menu
a test window will be opened.
Clicking 'Save setup' will save information about paths and the 'Auto set' option.
I have included some spritefiles which I have found on the net. I hope it's
ok that I use them, if not please let me know. The excellent 'Fancy' set is
taken from the !IconSprs application by Iain Waugh.
If you have bugreports, suggestions to improvments or you have designed some cool icons, please contact me at:
Snail-mail: Jon Henning Bergane
Hoyaastoppen 11
3727 SKIEN
P.S. This is my first real attempt to program the Wimp on the Arc, so I
probably don't follow all the standards I should be doing.