# DBaseChk version 0.75 Message file, 7 September 1996
# English
# - Help messages -
HLP1:This is !DBaseChk.|MThis application can check the integrity of !DiskBase datafiles|MIn case you have an older datafile, this application also can convert the fileformat to the latest level.
GO:Click 'Go' to start the check.|MBe aware that this is a non-multitasking operation, and that it can take quite some time to finish.
DBF1:Fill in the name of the datafile to check, including full pathname.|MYou can also drop a datafile on this icon, or on the iconbar-icon to insert the name.
DIR1:Fill in the full directory name, where !DBaseChk should create the %0.|MDrop any file on this icon, to insert the directory name where that file resides. If empty, the directory where the datafile resides is used.
DIR2:In case you drop this icon inside a directory, this directory name is inserted as the directory in which the %0 will be created. If empty, the directory where the datafile resides is used.
# - Menu messages -
MNU1:This will give you some info about !DBaseChk.