# DiskBase version 0.75 Message file, 14 October 1996
# English
# - Help messages -
HLP1:This is the !DiskBase icon.|MThis application can store all your disk directories in a file, and allows you to quickly find files, directories and applications, or duplicate entries. It can also print disk labels for you.
HLP2:This are the results of your last action.|MClick Select on a diskname to show the 'Print Disk Label' option|MClick Select on a directory to open it.|MClick Select on a file or application to run/start it.
HLP3:This are the results of a DUPLICATES.|MClicking on the filename doesn't start any action, but clicking on the pathname starts the appropriate action for the above filename in that directory.
GO:Click 'Go' to start the action.
DSK1:Give a diskname. Use '*' as 0 or more- and '#" as single-character wildcards. Names are case-insensitive!|MValid input to include 'Utils' are: * / UTILS / U*s* / u#I* / ###ls|MUse ~ to exclude a (wildcarded) diskname.
FIL1:Give an entryname. Use '*' as 0 or more- and '#" as single-character wildcards. Names are case-insensitive!|MValid inputs to include '!Sprites' are: * / !sprites / *i##S / *T*e* / *e#|MNot matching inputs: !s#es / !sprites# / S*
SHW3:If 'Show contents' is not selected, only the diskname(s), date of last update in the database, type of disk, free space on disk, and number of directories, applications and files are shown. The sub-options are shaded.
SHW4:If '%0' is selected the contents of %1 is shown.|MIf not one of the five sub-options is selected, but 'Show contents' is,|Monly the contents of the root-directory of a disk is shown.
SEA5:You can limit the search of files to a specific filetype.|MEnter the exact name or the hexadecimal form of the filetype you want to search for.|MSo 'BASIC' and '&FFB' will both search for basic files.
SEA6:If '%0' is selected, entries of type '%1' are included in the search.|MYou can select 'FILES', 'DIRECTORIES' and 'APPLICATIONS' in any combination although at least one type has to be selected.
DUP4:If '%0' is selected, entries of type '%1' are included in the search for duplicates.
DUP6:If 'COMPARE' is selected, timestamp and size of entries have to match to report these entries as duplicates, otherwise only the names have to match.|MNames are case-insensitive!
DUP7:If 'INSIDE' is selected, all entries inside an application are checked as well, otherwise they will be skipped.
DUP8:If 'SKIP' is selected, all entries of type 'File' who's name starts with a '!' will be skipped.
DUP9:If 'NO DUPS' is selected, all entries of which there is NO other copy are being reported.
DUP10:If 'ONE OR MORE DUPS' is selected, all entries of which there are at least TWO copies (one duplicate) are being reported.
DUP11:If 'TWO OR MORE DUPS' is selected, all entries of which there are at least THREE copies (two duplicates) are being reported.
STAT:This window gives some info about the currently loaded datafile of !DiskBase.|MThe time/date shown is the timestamp of the last update of the file. If the timestamp starts with an '*' the file is not saved since the update.
ADD0:Click to add the contents of the %0 to the currently loaded datafile.|MIf no file is loaded, a new one will be created.|MIcons are shaded for drive numbers not found on this filing system.
ADD13:If 'ALREADY EXISTS' selected, !DiskBase will ask for confirmation if you want to add a disk who's name already exists.
ADD14:!DiskBase will always try to add the contents of an archive file.|MIf 'ARCHIVE FAILS' selected, !DiskBase will give a warning if it fails to determine the contents of an archive file, otherwise no warning will be given.
ADD15:If 'INCLUDE DOSDISC PARTITION' is selected, any DOSDisc partition found will be scanned, and files inside it, will be added. DOS-floppies can be added without this option set.
ADD18:Use the arrow button to %0 the drive number of the CD-Rom drive.|MThe range of drive numbers depends on the number of CD-Rom drives configured in CDFS.
ADD21:Clicking on this icon will give you the 'Filesystem' menu, so you can select another filing system for disks to add.
DEL1:Give the exact diskname. No wildcards are allowed.|MA delete cannot be aborted, and there is no undo!
ACT0:ABORT: action cancelled, no result display or disk not added!|MFAST: !DiskBase will go mono-tasking. All other jobs will pause|MSTOP: action stopped. Results so far will be displayed|MPAUSE: action temporarily halted, continuable
LAB1:This window gives a preview of the label which !DiskBase can print.|MUse Menu to set various label specifications.|MSelect/Adjust on the red depth icon changes the depth of disk entries shown on the label.
LAB2:This is the depth of the entries shown on this label. Select increases and Adjust decreases the depth. Also via Menu the depth of individual labels or all labels together can be set. This value will not be printed.
PRT1:Use Menu to set various label specifications. Select on a label opens a preview window. The shown value is the depth of disk entries shown on the label.|MThe window represents the printable area for the selected page size.
SIZ0:Click Select/Adjust (or press Return in last writable icon) to confirm selections.
SIZ1:Specify the %0 of the label to be printed.|MSize given should be in (tens of) millimetres, and for 3.5 inch floppies, this will be aprox. 70.0 mm.
SIZ3:Specify the number of %0 on a page.|ME.g. on an A4-size page you can have %1 labels with an aprox. %2 of 70.0 mm per %3.
SIZ5:Specify the gap between labels %0 (in tens of millimetres).|MOnly sensible if more than one label per %1.|MSet edges for outer labels by specifying print margins in printerdriver's page size correct.
SIZ7:Values entered here will have effect on the size of printed labels, and the number of labels per page. See the 'Print label' window for graphical representation.
MAX0:The value entered here is used as the depth of the disk entries shown on
MAX1: all print labels if 'All labels' is selected.
MAX2: the label of the disk the pointer was over when the menu was opened, and the diskname is selected instead of 'All labels'
MAX4:If selected the value to the right will be used as the depth of disk entries shown on %0.
ARROW:Use the arrow buttons to increase/decrease the value next to it. Holding down SHIFT meanwhile will use a steprate ten times the normal one.
WHERR:Error reporting is where ever possible also multitasking, so other programs continue. This window is movable.|MIn case of a real problem, use the 'BugReport' inside !DiskBase to report the problem.
# - Menu help messages -
MNU1:This will give you some info about !DiskBase.
MNU2:When clicked, a window will open in which you can choose the drive to add.
MNU3:When clicked, a window will open in which you can type the diskname to delete.
MNU4:This item leads to a dialogue box in which you can specify the %0 conditions.
MNU5:If a results window is open, this allows you to save the results as a textfile.
MNU6:This allows you to save the datafile.
MNU7:When clicked, the status window will be %0.
MNU8:If there are disklabels specified to be printed, clicking this item will open the labels window.
MNU9:When clicked, !DiskBase will quit|MIf the datafile is modified and not saved, a warning will be given.
MNU10:When clicked, a preview of the printed label the mouse pointer was over when the menu was opened, will be shown.
MNU11:When clicked, the label the mouse pointer was over when the menu was opened, will be deleted.
MNU12:When clicked, the layout of the printed label will be changed.
MNU13:This item leads to a dialogue box in which you can specify the dimensions of the labels to print, and the depth of disk entries of all labels, or the label the pointer was over when the menu was opened, can be configured.
MNU14:This item leads to a writable icon in which you can specify the owner's name to be printed on all labels.
MNU15:This item leads to a submenu in which you can choose the font to be used for printing labels.
MNU16:When clicked, printing of this page will be started.
MNU17:Select a filing system for the drives you want to add. !DiskBase will then check which drives are available for that filing system and