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| >!DosFS.ReadMe1
Author : Rob Schrauwen
Acknowledgement: A few important routines were programmed by
Erik Admiraal
Remark : This documentation applies to versions 1.20 or later.
Earlier versions did not implement a full filing system.
© R. Schrauwen 1990
This software is public domain. It may be copied and given away, provided
that the *complete* !DosFS application directory is copied.
DosFS is a filing system which is able to read and write RSDOS (i.e. MSDOS
and Atari ST-compatible) floppy discs.
The DosFS module is a real filing system, like adfs:, ram:, scsi: etc.. It
can be used from the desktop as well as outside the desktop. For example,
you can type
*. dosfs:
to get a catalogue of the root directory;
*dump dosfs::fred.$.jim
to see the contents the file jim in the root directory of the disc fred;
in Basic you can type
and so on.
DosFS has to interact with RiscOS using RiscOS's rules and conventions. This
gives some discrepancies compared to the use on an MSDOS machine:
1) File names: The RiscOS rules apply. Hence $ denotes the root directory
and dots are used to separate directories in a path name. In RiscOS there
are no extensions. A separator, called the ExtSep fulfils the role of the
dot which in Dos separates file name and extension. The ExtSep defaults
to "_", but this can be changed (e.g. if a filename contains "_", you
might find it useful to change the ExtSep into something else).
\CONFIG.SYS is called dosfs:$.CONFIG_SYS under DosFS.
\DIR\FILE.EXT is called dosfs:$.DIR.FILE_EXT under DosFS.
\AUTOEXEC.BAT is called dosfs:$.AUTOEXEC_BAT, but is also possible
A problem is that file names may become longer than the 10 characters
allowed by existing filing systems. Note that on the command line, files
can be accessed at all times, since the 10 characters are not a limitation
of Risc-OS but only of the existing filing systems. It is not the task of
DosFS to cut file names, it should always provide a 1-1 mapping of names
under both systems. Therefore copying a file whose name hase 12 characters
to adfs: will result in a Bad Name error given by adfs: and not by File-
Switch. BUT the DosFS-Filer provides several name conversions, see
2) File types: Dos does not support file types. DosFS gives all files the
type DosFile (&111) because it cannot know which file type is meant.
The DosFS philosophy is, that DosFS cannot know the file type, but that
programs working with DosFS might deduce filetypes e.g. from the file's
extension. For example, the DosFS-Filer uses this. DosFS itself *must*
treat all files equally.
3) Disc names: RiscOS uses disc names extensively. DosFS uses the volume
label as disc name. Some DosFS-operations will complain if your disc does
not have a volume label. NOTE: this name is the only reference that
DosFS uses, so two discs with the same name will not be distinguished!
You can access a disc in the usual way:
*. dosfs::volume.$.dir
will give a catalogue of the directory dir on a disc called 'volume'.
Since UpCalls are fully implemented, DosFS will prompt for disc changes
if necessary.
4) Access information: Risc-OS and Dos do not have the same possibilities
for access information. On DosFS you always have read-access. The read-
only attribute is observed. Hidden files appear as "locked", but other
files cannot be locked against deletion.
5) Ownership of the floppy drive: ADFS thinks it owns the floppy drive. If
you by accident try to access a DosFS disc under ADFS you will get the
"Bad free space map" error. The other way around, you will get the "Unable
to read disc" error of DosFS after prompting for (a sometimes completely
irrelevant) disc. You will hear the drive try three times, which is one
of the *many* "features" of FileSwitch which the user thinks are strange
properties of DosFS.
The philosophy of DosFS is that it cannot assume anything of a file that
is not supported by Dos. For example, as a filing system, DosFS will never
convert end-of-line characters of a text file: suppose you use an SWI to
determine the file's length, then DosFS won't of course count the carriage
returns in the file and subtract that from the length as stored in the
directory. Other ADFS--Dos transfer utilities, which are only programs, can
do this. Obviously, the DosFS-Filer (see ReadMe2) supports this, too.
Apart from the commands implemented in order to serve FileSwitch, including
almost all filing system commands (see further below), DosFS implements
the follwing *commands:
*BytesFree: Shows the number of bytes free on an RSDOS disc.
*DosFS : Selects DosFS as the current filing system (cf. *ADFS)
*DosMap : Shows a list of free clusters on an RSDOS disc.
*DosVolume: Changes the name (volume label) of an RSDOS disc.
*ExtSep : Shows or changes the current extension separator used to
separate the file name and the extension. Default "_".
1) Only 720K floppy discs in drive 0 are supported. Other floppies and drives
could be supported, but I cannot test this. The hard disc is not supported
2) Copying from DosFS to adfs::0 (the same drive) won't work unless the P
(prompt) option is used. This is because adfs will hasten to access the
disc before you get the chance to remove it.
3) DosFS supports "buffered files" (cf. PRM vol 3), for ease of implemen-
tation. Unfortunately, FileSwitch does not like to have more than one
buffer for DosFS, so some operations involving TWO files open on DosFS
ONLY, take a *very* long time to complete (one on DosFS and one somewhere
else works fine).
DosFS supports almost ALL sensible FileSwitch operations.
NOT supported are library directories, boot options and "directory
Note that older versions of DosFS had many more restrictions, often resulting
in the dreaded "DosFS does not support this operation" error.
-- A DosFS file name consists of the name, the ExtSep character, and
the extension. RiscOS's rules always apply, and there is always a
1-1 mapping of files. Note that from adfs to dosfs there is no problem
in the length of the file names. This is because DosFS allows the user
to omit the ExtSep whenever a file has a 8-character part before the
extension. In the command line you can always use filenames as long as
you like. In the Filer, renaming of files is possible even if the
'Not a heap block' message is given (just ignore this). If you want to
overcome these problems, you can always use the transfer icon provided
by the desktop.
-- A DosFS path name follows the rules of RiscOS, so "." is used to
separate directory names, not "\". A disc name, prepended with ":" can
be included. Wildcarded names also follow the rules of RiscOS. In
particular, file* matches file1, but also file1_abc (where abc
is an extension). Of course file*a_* does NOT match fileb_ext
(try this on an MSDOS machine :-))
-- Subdirectories can be of arbitrary length. Note, however, that
a very large subdirectory may cause a 'No room in RMA' error,
if claiming more memory to load the subdirectory fails.
[Very large is in this case 'larger than the root directory'
(which, allowing for "." and "..", corresponds to 112 files in a
subdirectory)]. In general, DosFS claims 6.25K memory for workspace,
FAT and directories.
-- To speed up some operations, it is assumed that the user never
removes the disc if the light is still on. If someone knows how to
intercept the DiscChanged-DeviceVector, I would be glad to hear;
in that case DosFS could implement a really good UpCall.
-- Sometimes in error conditions, DosFS will UpCall to insert a disc
when you don't want that. Press