You may copy it for your own purposes and you may give copies to anyone you wish. You may not charge for such copies, other than such charges as relate to the cost of a blank disc and, in the case of organisations which provide a public domain, free- ware, shareware, or careware program library service, nominal copying fees.
You may alter it for your own purposes, but you may not distribute altered versions. If you give it away it must contain all the original files, to wit:
WimpExt is a module which is copyright Jon Ribbens, and is distributed with this application in terms of his distribution statement.
No guarantee is stated or implied that this program is suitable for any purpose whatsoever. No responsibility will be accepted by the author for any damages of any nature whatsoever sustained by any person, creature, thing, legal person, organisation, or body singular or corporate of any description, whether direct or indirect, resulting from the use or non-use or misuse or inability to use this program.
To produce a neatly printed catalogue of a collection of drawfiles with minimum human intervention.
How it got to this point
Skip this section if you're not into blurb.
I have a collection of about 30-odd megs of clipart in Drawfile format, numbering in excess of 2400 items.
I have forgotten most of what I've got, but the collection grows apace. It is too painful to try to look through the collection on the screen, and some kind of printed catalogue was needed. It's much easier to flip through a book of pictures, scanning the pages quickly, than to wade through each one in !Draw(Plus), Arm2million notwithstanding.
Of course the catalogue would have to include some method of mapping the picture in the book to the location of the file on the hard drive. So each picture in the book would have to have a pathname & filename attached to it.
I started making a kind of a catalogue by manually dragging the files into a Draw window, scaling each one to more or less a suitable size, and then typing the filename below it. Each page had the full pathname of the directory of origin at the top. When I had done three pages, I decided that this was secretary-type work.
My secretary resigned after five pages, and I'm still dealing with some rather nasty correspondence from her union, her lawyer, and the maintenance department of a hospital for nervous disorders. Property values in the vicinity of that hospital have plummeted, as the night is still split by a series of banshee-like screeches when someone inadvertently says the word "draw".
Clearly some form of automation was needed.
I was faced with the massively daunting prospects of coming to grips with the Draw module and the Draw file format, the Font Manager, and the Printer Driver, all in one go (I had the Wimp pretty much under control, although I still bear the scars of *that* learning curve).
I tried quite unashamedly to palm the project off onto such leading lights as Jonathan Marten and Jon Ribbens, but they very courteously and gently told me that they would not consider it at this time. So I had to do it. The election period produced two unexpected holidays in the middle of the week, and instead of queueing up with everybody else, I banged away at my Arc (I dashed off at the last minute to vote). The weekend weather was not conducive to the beach, so I had another two days. Two more nights finally did it, and voila! It works! Version 0.01 was the first working version, and version 1.00 is the first
Double-click on the Filer icon to install !DrawCat on the iconbar.
Now you can do one of three things:
1 Create a new catalogue
2 View an existing catalogue
3 Print an existing catalogue
Creating a catalogue
Drag the directory containing your drawfiles onto the iconbar icon. A comfort window opens showing progress. After a brief spell, the activity on your disc drive should stop, and the comfort window will close. That's it.
You can only create one catalogue at a time, and it lives in !DrawCat's application directory. There's nothing stopping you from getting at it and renaming or relocating it, but if you want to view or print it, it's gotta be called "DrawCat" nad it's gotta be in !DrawCat's application directory.
If you already have a catalogue loaded, it will be discarded by this process.
Any catalogue previously created will be overwritten by this process. You can therefore manage only one catalogue at a time.
Viewing the catalogue
Click MENU on the iconbar icon, and click "Load file". A little disc activity should take place, as the application loads up the first pageful of drawfiles, and while this is happening, a comfort window opens showing progress.
When the first pageful is loaded, a little control window ("Pages") will open somewhere above the Task Manager icon, which will duplicate some of the iconbar icon menu functions.
Now click MENU over the iconbar icon, and click on "Show page". The current page of drawfiles will be rendered on the screen.
If the page control window is closed, click on "Pages..." on the iconbar icon menu.
Click on the "Show page" icon in the "Pages" control window, and the current page of drawfiles will be rendered on the screen as above.
At the top of the page will appear the full pathname of the directory which contains the files on that page, with the leafname of each file printed below each picture. Pictures are scaled to fit into a box which has the same aspect ratio as a standard piece of paper (X:Y = 1:€2), with a 1/20" internal offset, so that the picture's edges are not obliterated by the box's lines.
If the directory contains fewer files than necessary to fully tile a page, the remaining space on that page is left blank. If there are more files than necessary to fully tile a page, then the first page will be full, and there will be others to follow containing the rest, and so on until all the files in that directory have been accounted for.
To view the next page, click "Next page" on the iconbar icon menu, or click the ">" icon in the Pages control window.
You can go back a page by clicking the "<" icon in the control window.
You can return to the start either by clicking "|<" in the control window, or by clicking "Page one" in the iconbar icon menu.
Rendition of tiles is top down, right to left.
Printing the catalogue
If you have not loaded a catalogue yet, then do so (see above). Click MENU over the iconbar icon, and click on "Print". A printer control window will appear, showing he name of your printer driver (if loaded) or a message telling you to run !Printers if you haven't Printing starts from the current page.
If you have been viewing a catalogue, and are not on page one, then go to page one (see iconbar icon menu).
Now click on the "Print" icon in the printer window, and go and have several cups of coffee.
Depending on how many files you have, and how many tiles there are per page, it can take quite a long time to print the catalogue. I think that on my printer (DeskJet 500), putting more tiles on a page will speed it up a bit, as the printer is slower than the ARM3 at rendering drawfiles.
If my printer does one page in a minute and a half, and if every directory and subdirectory contains an exact multiple of 25 files, then my 2400 files will occupy 96 pages, and will take about 2½ hours to print out.
Tiling starts out as 5×5 by default, but is user-selectable.