The Datafile PD-CD 5
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Text File
397 lines
If updating from older versions of the library, take note of the altered
sections (started with "****") which will point out possible changes in
parameters and/or returned results for exsisting functions which are not
backwards compatible.
New user functions which have been added, *must* be added to exsisting
!RunImage files if using a new version of DrWimp. Copy the 'blank' ones from
the new !RunImage. New user functions are also marked by "****".
See also the file “Upgrading” which lists the non-backwards compatible
changes in more detail.
History of the DrWimp system.
1.00 (29-Mar-95) Limited release for testing and evaluation.
1.01 (04-Apr-95)
--Added :
****FNwimp_createmenu - extra parameter to set the maximum number
of items allowed.
****FNwimp_iconbar - now returns window handle instead of icon
handle in the window. In other words, it returns -2.
--Improved all sections relating to indirected menu items. In particular, all
items longer than 11 characters are now indirected. Used to be items longer
than 12.
--If iconbar icon has text underneath, then the background is no longer
filled, spoiling textures.
--The icon positioning vertically has been tweaked.
--Added !FontRun as an example.
1.02 (19-Apr-95)
--Vastly simplified and improved menu selection routines. Now doesn't use the
rubbish menu decoding SWI. As a result, full stops can now be used in menu
items. (I was converting item numbers into the item text, then back again!)
--Added !Saver as an example. !RunImage files of examples commented.
--Added text version of manual.
****FNwimp_initialise - last (fourth) parameter removed due to
simplification of menu decoding.
PROCwimp_iconenable - now works properly, instead of toggling the
greying out of the icon.
--Refined manual to remove ambiguities.
--Bug fixed. When mode was changed or desktop left, when returning, the panes
would move behind their 'parent' windows.
1.03 (26-Apr-95)
PROCwimp_puticontext - now redraws icon after text has been
changed, so icons that are not filled don't muck up.
****FNwimp_initialise - fourth parameter added to give the minimum
version number of the OS multiplied by 100, that the application is allowed
to run on.
FNwimp_iconbar - adjusted size of bounding box so that icons
without text below cannot have their tops rubbed out.
PROCwimp_iconbarsprite - fixed bug that stopped the sprite being
changed when the icon had no text underneath. When icon changes, DrWimp now
only updates the icon, and not the entire iconbar.
--Fixed two bugs that stopped FNwimp_errorchoice from working.
1.04 (16-May-95)
--Fixed bug in PROCwimp_puticontext (introduced in 1.03 by accident) which
stopped it from working.
--Applications can now be quitted inside PROCwimp_singlepoll, ie. from menu
choices etc, while using this method of polling.
1.05 (28-May-95)
--Added :
PROCwimp_bar - allows manipulation of bars very easy. Useful for
showing percentage done of an operation.
--Fixed bug in PROCwimp_iconbar that crashed the application when you tried to
put an icon on the iconbar with no text below it!!
--Added a contents page to the manual.
--Added !Bar example application.
1.06 (15-Jun-95)
--Fixed bug so that when saving a file, it has the correct filetype specified
in the data_save message, instead of it always being &FFD.
--Also, made sure that the leafname specified in the data_save message is zero
terminated. I missed this off, but have only just noticed because !Paint is
the first application that I have saved files from that has complained.
--Fixed bug in PROCwimp_bar that only let it work in windows with handle
1.07 (23-Jul-95)
--Added :
PROCwimp_pollidle - if NULL=TRUE then it will call PROCuser_null
only every so many seconds instead of every time control is passed to the
app and no events have occured.
1.08 (20-Aug-95)
--Fixed problem with bars (controlled with PROCwimp_bar), in that no bar now
appears for a bar of zero length.
1.10 (24-Dec-95)
--Added :
****PROCuser_menuopen - called just before the menu is opened. Icon
pointer was over is passed.
****PROCuser_minmenuwidth - return a number guarantees the menu to
be at least that width in characters.
PROCwimp_render - renders a drawfile.
PROCwimp_initdfiles - sets up blocks of memory for use with
FNwimp_measurefile - measures size of drawfile.
FNwimp_loaddfile - loads drawfile into block of memory.
PROCwimp_increaseslot - increase wimpslot.
1.11 (10-Feb-96)
--Added start and stop bits so library can be used with BLibII.
1.12 (11-Mar-96)
--Added :
PROCwimp_colouricontext - changes colour of text (not if using
--Fixed problem where pane didn't move if parent window was resized.
--Fixed problem with DrWimp forgetting where to open menu if wimp% block is
fiddled about with in PROCuser_menuopen.
1.13 (26-Mar-96)
--General cleaning and tidying up.
--Fixed two mistakes with BlibII start and stop bits.
1.14 (24-May-96)
--Fixed a bug in save windows where a line which was “hardwired” to icon 3.
This must have happened sometime in the last few versions and should have
been icon 0, which it is in earlier versions. Therfore save windows would
appear not to work in that no icons could be dragged.
2.00 (02-Jul-96) First major overhaul since 1.02.
Limited release.
--Added :
****FNuser_saveicon - return the icon number of the icon to be
dragged in the save window. Only use if not using the standard icon 0 as the
save icon.
****FNuser_sliderback - return icon number of slider back icon.
****FNuser_slider - return icon number of slider icon.
****PROCuser_slidervalue - Percentage of slider being dragged or
just finished being dragged is passed.
PROCwimp_putsliderpcent - sets the percentage of a slider.
FNwimp_getsliderpcent - gets the percentage of a slider.
FNwimp_resizewindow - resizes work area and visible area to values
FNwimp_getdfilesize - returns width or height of a drawfile in OS
PROCwimp_renderwindow - renders a drawfile in a window.
FNwimp_geticonsize - returns width or height of icon in OS
FNwimp_worktoscreen - converts a windows work coordinates into
screen coordinates.
FNwimp_screentowork - converts screen coordinates into a windows
work coordinates.
PROCwimp_setcolour - sets the current GCOL colour to the nearest
possible for the mode when the red, green and blue values are supplied.
PROCwimp_plottext - plot text in any font, size, foreground and
background colours.
FNwimp_createblock - creates a block of memory for string storage.
Returns a handle for the block.
PROCwimp_putinblock - puts a string in a block at the specified
FNwimp_getfromblock - gets string from specified position in a
FNwimp_geticonstate - returns 1 or 0 to denote whether icon is
selected or not.
PROCwimp_attachsubmenu - attaches a menu or a window as a submenu
of a specified menu item.
PROCwimp_openwindow - can now use 2 as the centre value to centre
window on the pointer. Backwards compatable.
****Changed PROCuser_savedata to FNuser_savedata. Now return a 1 if
some data was saved or a 0 if none was saved. Allows for validation checks
in this function to see if any data should be saved or not.
PROCwimp_iconselect - small change made so that if state is not
changing then icon is not redrawn.
PROCwimp_puticontext - small change