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!Family - Family tree editor
Denis Howe <dbh@doc.ic.ac.uk>
For version see Change History below
This program is Copyright 1993, 1997 Denis Howe. You may distribute
verbatim or modified copies of this program provided each such copy is
distributed with a copyright notice and distribution conditions identical
to these.
!Family is a RISC OS 3 application for editing and printing family trees.
A graphical representation of all the descendents of a given person can be
displayed on the screen, printed or saved as a Draw file. It provides a
simple system of menus and dialogue boxes to allow you to move around the
tree and modify it. You can store collections of related people in files
in the standard GEDCOM genealogical data format.
This program will run on any RISC OS 3 Archimedes, including StrongARM.
Getting !Family
The latest version of this program should be available from the e-mail
server at archive-server@micros.hensa.ac.uk (send message 'help') or
from one of the following URLs:
It usually finds its way to the Arcade BBS, and APDL as well.
Send me some e-mail and I'll let you know if there is another release.
Make sure you tell me which version you already have.
Getting started
!Family gives interactive help if you run the !Help application from the
Apps directory. When you run !Family the Main window appears. It will be
empty until there is a 'current person'. There are two menus, one
obtained by clicking the MENU button over the main window and the other
over the icon bar icon. To create a person, follow the Goto⇨ item in the
window menu (shortcut F5). Enter a new name and that person will then
become the current person. The current person's name appears in the
window menu in place of the 'Person' item. This menu item is referred to
as <person>⇨ below.
Main window
The main window shows the 'current tree'. This is centred on the current
person and includes his* father (or his mother if his father is not known),
all his spouses and children and their spouses and children and so on.
There is only one main window so you can only edit one file with each
invocation of !Family though you can run multiple invocations and you can
store any number of trees in one file.
* Here and elsewhere, the male is assumed to embrace the female.
Each person's full name is shown if the "Choices⇨Show⇨Family name" option
is ticked (see "Choices" below). If it is off and their family name is the
same as their father's and he is also shown, then the family name is
omitted. In other words, the family name is only shown for the first male
ancestor with that name. The name is coloured blue for males, red for
females and green for unknown sex (but always black when printing).
The date of each person's birth and death are shown under their name,
separated by a dash (-). A "?" is displayed if the date of birth is not
known but nothing is shown for an unknown date of death (the person may
still be alive). If the "Choices⇨Show⇨Year only" option is ticked then
only the last group of digits of a date is shown. If the
"Choices⇨Show⇨Dates" option is off then no dates are displayed at all.
The birth and death fields may contain any text but for GEDCOM (see below)
compatibility they should look like "15 Oct 1960", possibly preceded
by ABT, AFT, BEF, EST for about, after, before or estimated.
Below the dates are the person's spouses with an "=" over each one.
Multiple spouses are placed side by side with a number after the "=". If
a spouse's parents are known they are not displayed but a "+" is appended
to the spouse's name to show that there is more information available.
Similarly, if the spouse has other marriages a "+" is appended to the "=".
Any offspring are spread horizontally beneath the appropriate spouse,
connected to the spouse by lines. Children whose other parent is unknown
appear beneath an "invisible spouse" which is numbered consecutively with
any known spouses.
!Family can store and display, uncommon relationships such as a man
marrying his aunt (or his mother!) and even impossible relationships. Each
person can appear in any number of postions but they will only appear once
in each "rôle": father, mother, child or spouse. So, for (an extreme)
example, if someone is entered as their own father they will appear once as
a father and once as a son. Spouses are assumed to be of different sexes,
fathers are male, mothers are female. If these restrictions cause problems
you can always create copies of the same person with different names (e.g.
by adding [1], [2] after the names) and add appropriate notes (see below).
The main window's title shows the file currently being edited, if any,
followed by a "*" if the data has been modified since it was last saved.
If you close the main window with ADJUST and a file is currently loaded
then a directory display will be opened on the directory containing the
file. Closing the window does not discard any data. Clicking SELECT over
the bar icon will re-open the main window and the Notes windows (see
Setting the current person
The current person is set either by clicking SELECT over the centre of a
person's name in the main window, in which case the person under the pointer
becomes the current person, or using the Goto⇨ menu item, which is also the
way to display a person not in the current tree or create a new person not
related to any existing person. The "Current" button in the Goto (and
Marry) dialog box enters the current person's name, allowing you to recenter
the display on the current person without changing which person is current.
Note that from v2.14 on you must click in the middle of a person's name to
select them rather than a click selecting the nearest person as in earlier
Adding a new person
You can add a new person simply by entering a new name in any icon that
accepts names, i.e. Name, Goto, Marry, Mother or Father (see below). If you
create a person with Goto then they will be completely unrelated to any
known person. You can connect them later as described below. A single
file may contain any number of disconnected trees of one or more people but
you will only be able to see one tree at a time. You must use Goto to
switch between them.
Changing a person's name, sex, dates or parents
Clicking MENU over a person's name and following the <person>⇨Edit menu
item leads to the Edit dialogue box. This can also be opened by clicking
ADJUST over a person's name or by typing control-E to edit the current
person. This shows that person's current name, sex, dates, mother and
father, and allows you to change them.
Hit (⇧)Tab to move (up)down to the next field or use the up and down arrow
keys or the mouse to move between fields. Control-S toggles the sex. The
person's details are updated when you hit Return in any field or click the
OK icon.
Note that the only way to change a person's name is by editing the name
field in that person's own edit box. For example, if you create Robert and
then, in an Edit box for his son John, you notice that you spelt Robert's
name wrong, you cannot correct it by editing John's father field. That
would give John a different father. You must open an Edit box for Robert
and change his name field there. All references to him will then change
as well. Similarly, you cannot edit a different person by entering their
name in the Name field of John's Edit box. That will change John's name
and details.
If you change someone's sex, you may also have to change the sex of their
spouses and swap the parents of their children.
Name completion
In any dialogue box icon where you can enter a name you can get name
completion by hitting the F1 key. This will search for all known