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!FormDraw by Kell Gatherer
!FormDraw is a shareware application which provides a short-cut to
complicated graphics printing. It takes a Draw file and a text file and
merges the two, allowing you to create a complicated graphics file with the
minimum of programming and memory overheads.
At its simplest, !FormDraw runs as an application in the normal way:
double-click on it to open the application window. In the directory
"Example1" is a Draw file and an Edit file. Drag both of these files to the
!FormDraw window and drag out the result.
The Draw file in example 1 has 8 text fields: seven of them are full of
"x's", which makes them varying text fields. !FormDraw finds all these text
fields and substitutes the "x's" for each line of the text file. The result
can be dragged out to Draw or the filer, or printed from !FormDraw.
Examples 2 and 3 are more complicated, demonstrating how a form or
letterhead can be created.
When creating a Draw file for !FormDraw, it is important to get the text
fields in the right order. Once you've finished your design, get them in the
right order by progressively bringing each one to the front by selecting it
and pressing Ctrl-F. In the directory "Example3" is a text file called "100"
which can be used to test the order of the fields.
!FormDraw has another mode of operation where it operates "invisibly" - it
can be requested to merge a Draw file and Text file in the background and
process the output file in various ways. This can be achieved by issuing a
"Star command" (operating system command). This could be entered on the
command line, or more likely from an Obey file. The directory "StarComms"
shows examples.
The star commands would best be used, however, from within another
application. A simple application would take text input and merge it with a
Draw file to print a complicated form or contract. Example 4 shows such an
Within an application, substitute the command "WimpTask" for "Run" in the
following examples. Example 4 is a working application which can be easily
modified (it has its own help file).
The star command takes the form:
*Run FormDraw:!Run <DrawFile> <TextFile> -command
where <DrawFile> is the filename of the DrawFile <TextFile> is the filename
of the TextFile and -command can be one of the following:
-D load the result into Draw
-P send the result to the printer driver
-S open a save box to drag the result elsewhere
If there is no command, !FormDraw runs as though you had double-clicked on
the !FormDraw application.
If the command is a filename, the result will be saved to that filename.
---- Examples:
*Run FormDraw:!Run adfs::4.$.AppForm adfs::4.$.AppText -D
will find the DrawFile "AppForm", merge the text with the file "AppText" and
load the result into Draw.
*Run FormDraw:!Run adfs::4.$.AppForm adfs::4.$.AppText adfs::4.$.Output
will save the result as a Draw file "Output".
From BASIC within an application:
OSCLI("WimpTask FormDraw:!Run "+drawfile$+" "+textfile$+" -P")
will merge "drawfile$" and "textfile$" and send the resulting Draw file to
the printer driver. The actual printing of the file is performed by the
!Draw application.
The commercial application "TextEase" is very good for creating a DTP
document and saving it as a Draw file, making it ideal for creating
documents for !FormDraw.
---- Technical notes:
!FormDraw uses the heap manager to grab as much or as little memory as it
requires to cope with the Draw file, so the Draw file may be as large as
your computer's memory allows.
The application as it stands allows for a maximum of 500 text fields. In the
BASIC program '!RunImage' near the end change the variable 'n%' if you want to
increase this.
When using the star commands, !FormDraw only runs while it is processing the
command. When printing, !FormDraw saves the output file as
!FormDraw.Draw.FD_file, sends the file to the printer driver, then quits.
When saving to Draw, the output file is saved as when printing, then the
filer is sent to Draw using "*Filer_Run FormDraw:Draw.FD_File", then
!FormDraw quits.
When using the "-S" command, !FormDraw quits after the output file has been
dragged to Draw or the filer.
!FormDraw requires RiscOS 3.
---- © Kell Gatherer 1997 ----
!FormDraw is Shareware.
This means that you may copy it freely provided that
• all files of the !FormDraw application are distributed
together without modification
• the application is not sold for profit without my written
permission - you also have to apply for permission to
distribute this program on a CD if it is sold for profit
or to distribute it together with other commercial software.
• I retain the copyright on all files.
You may use the !FormDraw application free of charge for a trial period of
up to two weeks. If you then decide to go on using it, you have to register.
Otherwise, you should delete it.
In order to register, send £10 to me (for my address see below), cheques
made payable to "Kell Gatherer".
As a registered user, you are allowed to use the software on one stand-alone
machine and you will be advised of upgrades. To a limited extent, I should
be able to supply software support by e-mail or letter.
If you use the !FormDraw application within another application, or you
create an application that requires use of the !FormDraw application, please
send me a copy. If your application is sold for profit, please contact me
before distributing or selling your product.
Shareware provides quality software at low prices! Please register!
Kell Gatherer
Kang Software
c/o Location Works Ltd
42 Old Compton Street
London W1V 6LR
email: location.works@argonet.co.uk
fax: 0171 287 2855