HeIB:This is the FracPaint icon.|MClick SELECT to open a new image window.
HeMA0:This is a FracPaint image window.|MDrag SELECT to change calculation area or ⇧SELECT to move the area.|M
HeMA1:Click ADJUST to switch to sister formula,
HeMA2:Click ADJUST to switch to sister formula with given perturbation,
HeMA3: or ⇧ADJUST to open a new image window with sister formula.
HeTB:This is the FracPaint toolbox.
HeTBfra:Click SELECT to open the fractal dialog box.
HeTBopt:Click SELECT to open the options dialog box.
HeTBcmp:Click SELECT to open the colour map dialog box.
HeTBcyc:Click SELECT to open the colour cycle dialog box.
HeTBpro:Click SELECT to open the progression dialog box.
HeTBpri:Click SELECT to open the print dialog box.
HeDBPI:This window displays information about this copy of FracPaint.
HeDBCL:Click SELECT on SAVE to get the chance to save the file, DISCARD to close without saving, and CANCEL to cancel the close operation.
HeDBQT:Click SELECT on DISCARD to quit FracPaint without saving any modified images, or CANCEL to cancel the quit operation.
HeDBFI:This window displays information about the current file.
tSAsa:Save as
tSAex:Export as
HeDBSA:This box allows you to save data in a file, or transfer it to another application.
PTprn:FracPaint is printing
HePT0:This is the Print dialog box.|MSelect the print options and click PRINT to print the image.
HePT1:Click SELECT to start printing.
HePT2:Click SELECT to cancel the printing.
HePT3:Click SELECT to print upright (portrait) on the paper.
HePT4:Click SELECT to print sideways (landscape) on the paper.
HePT5:Select this option if the image must be scaled to fill the whole paper.
HePT6:Select this option if the image must be scaled to the given percentage.
HePT7:Enter the scale of the image here.
HePT8:Enter the number of copies to print here.
HePT9:Select this option if the image must be centred on the page.
HePR0:This is the preferences dialog box.|MIn this dialog box, the program preferences can be changed.
HePR1:Click SELECT to accept the changes.
HePR2:Click SELECT to cancel the changes.
HePR3:Click SELECT to save the current preferences.
HePR4:Click SELECT to activate the control tab sheet.
HePR5:Click SELECT to activate the misc tab sheet.
HePR002:Click SELECT to make the calculation area scale to the image width.
HePR003:Click SELECT to make the calculation area scale to the image height.
HePR004:Click SELECT if the calculation area must not be scaled.
HePR007:Select this option if the update time must be calculated automatically.
HePR008:Enter the update time here.|MThe update time is the delay in 1/10 second before the image is updated.
HePR013:Select this option if the input rectangle must be filled.
HePR014:Select this option if the input rectangle must be centred around the pointer.
HePR017:Click SELECT to keep the width of the input rectangle and scale the height.
HePR018:Click SELECT to keep the height of the input rectangle and scale the width.
HePR019:Click SELECT to keep both the width and height of the input rectangle (don't scale).
HePR100:Select this option to let the program directly calculate a new picture after a value change.
HePR101:Select this option to reset the calculation area and fractal parameters after a formula change.
HePR102:Select this option to stop colour cycling after a value change.
HePR103:Select this option to show the time in seconds, otherwise in hh:mm:ss format.
HePR104:Select this option to beep when the fractal image is ready.
HePR105:Select this option if the page orientation must be automatitcally selected.|MIf the width is smaller than the height, the page wil be upright (portrait) else it will be sideways (landscape).
HePR106:Select this option if the FPA must be automatitcally selected.|MIf a Floating Point Accelerator (FPA) chip is present, then it will be used.
tIS:Image size
HeIS0:This is the image size dialog box.|MSelect the size or fill in the fields and click SET to change the size of the fractal image.
HeIS1:Click SELECT to accept the current values.
HeIS2:Click SELECT to cancel the changes.
HeIS3:This is the current selected image size.
HeIS4:Click SELECT or MENU to show a menu of available images sizes.
HeIS5:Enter the width of the image in this field.
HeIS6:Enter the height of the image in this field.
HeIS7:Click SELECT to halve both the width and the height of the current image size.
HeIS8:Click SELECT to swap the width and the height values.
HeIS9:Click SELECT to double both the width and the height of the current image size.
HeIS10:Click SELECT to choose the indicated size as the current image size.
tSC:Scale view
HeDBSC:This is the scale view dialog box.|MSelect the scale and press SCALE to change the view scale of the fractal image.
HeFR0:This is the fractal dialog box.|MIn this dialog box, the fractal formula, fractal parameters and calculation area can be changed.
HeFR1:Click SELECT to accept the changes.
HeFR2:Click SELECT to cancel the changes.
HeFR3:Click SELECT to see an example of the current values.
HeFR4:This image shows an example of the current values.
HeFR5:Click SELECT to activate the formula tab sheet.
HeFR6:Click SELECT to activate the parameters tab sheet.
HeFR7:Click SELECT to activate the area tab sheet.
HeFR0m0:Click SELECT to choose the indicated initialisation as the current initialisation.
HeFR0m1:Click SELECT to choose the indicated bound test as the current bound test.
HeFR0m2:Click SELECT to choose the indicated formula as the current formula.
HeFR0m3:Click SELECT to choose the indicated transformation as the current transformation.
HeFR000:This is the current selected initialisation.
HeFR001:Click SELECT or MENU to show a menu of available initialisations.
HeFR002:This is the current selected bound test.
HeFR003:Click SELECT or MENU to show a menu of available bound tests.
HeFR004:This is the current selected formula.
HeFR005:Click SELECT or MENU to show a menu of available formulas.
HeFR006:This is the current selected transformation.
HeFR007:Click SELECT or MENU to show a menu of available transformations.
HeFR099:This is a description of the current fractal formula.|Mpixel is the current pixel as a complex number (x+iy). The perturbation, fudge and bailout are given on the parameters tab sheet.
FRAtest02:Magnitude 2
FRAtest03:Difference 2
FRAform00:Barnsley 1a
FRAform01:Barnsley 1b
FRAform02:Barnsley 2a
FRAform03:Barnsley 2b
FRAform04:Barnsley 3a
FRAform05:Barnsley 3b
FRAform08:Mandelbrot 3
FRAform09:Mandelbrot 4
FRAform10:Manpoly 1
FRAform11:Manpoly 2
FRAform13:Phoenix 3
FRAform14:Phoenix 4
FRAtran05:Quasi 1
FRAtran06:Quasi 2
HeFR103:Enter the real value of the perturbation in this field.|MThe perturbation is used as initialisation value in the fractal formula.
HeFR105:Enter the imaginary value of the perturbation in this field.|M