RMEnsure IceManager 1.06 Error IceManager 1.06 NOT FOUND !
|If "<Yat$Flag>"="1" Then ERROR A !KamMode terminal program is already running.
Set KamMode$Dir <Obey$Dir>
Set Mail$Dir ""
RMEnsure InternationalKeyboard Then Error Your International keyboard is missing. It may be unplugged. If so at the *command type RMReInit Internationalkeyboard and press return.
Set Mail$Flag 0
If "<YatMail$Dir>">"" Then Set Mail$Flag 1
Set Log$Flag 0
If "<YatLog$Dir>">"" Then Set Log$Flag 1
| In the line below insert a default pathname to the directory required
| (example "adfs::0.$.MailDir"), this will be used in the event of the