The Datafile PD-CD 5
Text File
119 lines
!LZWbackup v1.0 and !LZWrestore v1.0
by Ian Prideaux Nov 1994
Design Philosophy (aka Why Bother)
I wanted a routine to backup my hard disc onto
floppies. I already had a copy of !Backup3 by
Jonathan Marten. This pair of programs work in
a similar way. !Backup3 simply copies files and
directory structures onto the floppies. My program
creates one file on each floppy, and stores
compressed versions of the files to be backed up.
This should take fewer floppies to back up a given
number of files because:
a) most files get 30% ish knocked off them by the
b) compressed files are concatenated into one file,
hence there are no cluster losses i.e. a 700 byte
file takes up a whole 1Kb sector, hence wasting
the other 300 bytes.
c) directories (if stored at all) are stored by name
only, hence do not take up a sector to
!Backup3 is rather cleverer, in that it is able to
remember how much free space is on each floppy it
has seen, and to ask for one back if it has a file
which will fit one of those spaces.
The compression routine is implemented by
John Kortink's LZW module, both versions and the
documentation are included. I got these from a
version of !Gzip. I don't think that they are the
latest versions, but they work well. If someone has
copies of or knows where to get hold of later
versions, please email me (address at the end). If
someone can supply me with the details of the
Squash module in RiscOs 3.1, I'll try that and
possibly include the choise in the next release.
Basic Operation
!LZWbackup is given a list of files to backup (the
Include list) and a list of files which must not be
backed up (the Exclude list). When the GO button is
clicked, a series of floppies will be generated with
the specified files on them. Each floppy is a
complete entity in itself and does not have to have
any of the others in the series to restore from.
!LZWrestor will list the contents of a floppy and
restore the entire contents of the floppy to their
original place in the directory structure. It is
incapable of selecting files from the floppy or of
specifying where they go (This is a couple of things
I may change in a later version).
For more details, see the individual !Help files.
There are a couple of bugs, so I have included the
source code so you can see what I have done and how
I have done it (more bug details in the !Help
files). To try to put your mind at rest, I havn't
found any bugs which corrupt the stored data, so
please try it out, but as with all programs of this
type, do not trust data to it without first testing
it and making sure that it works on YOUR system. If
you have any comments or suggestions or any "You
don't want to do it like that, you want to do it
like this"'s, please email me (address at the end).
This program is supplied 'as is' with no guarantee
of its suitability for any purpose. I will not be
held responsible for any loss of data occuring
through the use or misuse of this program.
Public Domain Notice
!LZWbackup & !LZWrestore may be freely copied and
used, as long as the following conditions are met:
a) That this notice is distributed unchanged with
every copy.
b) That the applications are supplied with unchanged
versions of all the files that I have supplied.
(If you do make modifications to any part of
these applications, please do not distribute
them without contacting me first, at the address
c) No charge is made for the distribution. Public
domain libraries may make a small charge to cover
distribution costs.
All copyright is reserved. You may not use any part
of this application in any project which is to be
sold for profit without my express permission in
If you wish to use pieces of my code in your own pd
programs then please feel free to do so, provided
these programs are not intented for sale.
If you do use my code, a credit (blame!) would be
Ian Prideaux,
66, Rectory Road,
Frampton Cotterell,
BS17 2BP.
ian prideaux at Arcade or The World of Cryton