The Datafile PD-CD 5
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Other software to look out for from me, David Sharp:
A simple utility to provide you with a 9 screensized desktop
without scrolling the windows in the opposite direction to the
mouse. Very useful.
Registered Typeinfo
A superb aplication, with over a years development that when you come
across a file with no run action specified, it merely shows you what
that file is and gives you its sprite, very smoothly indeed, includes
editor, fully configurable and over 800 filetypes catalogued.
Much better written and neatly presented, with several other
file type utilities and more data. A continuing upgrade scheme
so you keep up with new developments, and a conversion service.
All for just £5!
1 pixel movement of the mouse using the cursor keys for accurate
editing without having to change the mousestep.
A wimp file editor with more features than you can shake a stick
at, with all processing written in lightning fast ARM code. For
example; upper/lower casing, smart quotes/speechmarks, capital
letter checking at sentence start, removal of groups/individual
or strings of characters, search and replace of groups/individual
or strings of characters, concatenation of lines, replace tabs
with spaces, remove tabs, remove multiple spaces, remove trailing
spaces, remove accents on upper/lower case letters, use/remove
dipthongs, check for 'DAvid' error, make spaces hard. Soon to be
available with unique script language to allow total control over files.
This module with optional password protection which can refuse to
quit if desired prevents alteration of the CMOS RAM configuration
and the system clock, it can also prevent deletion and copying.
Lightning fast ARM code encryption of files.
A small module to provide a *Mousestep command to set the mouse
multipliers without having to go into BASIC, it can even reverse
mouse movement if you want.
A little module to provide a *Reset command to ctrl-break the
An extension to the module area commands, simply load this module
and then the RMSave command is available to save any module from
the relocatable module area to disk.
Provides an extension to the RISC OS 3 !Chars application on ROM,
so that it appears on the icon bar.
A superb strategy game, battle against the forces of evil to
overthrow the usurping lord who searches for the secret of
eternal life. Capture monsters, cast spells, visit towns, capture
castles, coming soon.
A nice little utility that allows you to create hotkeys for any
desktop application. These hotkeys that YOU can create allow you to do
almost anything that the application can do (and then some) with just
the touch of a few keys, how would you like to turn load Draw, select a
2mm line thickness, select the rectangle tool, choose any font and zoom
in, by just pressing 2 keyboard buttons. I guarentee, this will help
you increase productivity. All these things can also be done from a
fully configurable toolbar that will work with ANY desktop application.
This software is still under development, but a demo version will be
available SOON!
A database that is so easy even a child can use it.
Still under development.
A brilliant little program to give a menu with small icons to
set the type of any file.
Protect your BASIC programs almost invisibly. Once a hacker alters
your code and tries to save it, he'll suddenly discover it no
longer works, despite his efforts.
The ultimate in SWI string to hexadecimal to decimal numbers.
Displays information, skims through, types it in for you,
searches through BASIC programs and sets SWI names to strings/
hex/decimal, in blinding ARM code.
A BASIC cruncher with a difference, extensive tests are being
carried out in the development of this project, to determine
the fastest possible BASIC programming strategies, the algorithms
can then apply them to your code to make it even faster. For
once, this cruncher isn't concerned merely with saving a few
hundred bytes.
The ultimate desktop utility, displays time/date/free memory/mode
/icon number/arm3 status/mouse co-ordinates/time+seconds/time
since reset, wraps pointer, large pointer, scaled movement of
pointer, sets mousestep, flashing mouse, flashing caret, auto
focus, remove caret, find caret, control network protection, show
computer's unique ID no, password desktop lockout, wipe files,
iconsprite files, alert after set period of use, filecode fix,
prevent no run error, minimise memory slots constantly, scroll
windows when dragging near edges, confirm R03 shutdown, uses fonts
in windows, use icon bar, virtual desktop (scrolling windows),
save setup. All fully configurable and uses only 32Kb of memory.
An INCREDIBLE utility, you should never be without.
For further information send an SAE to
Software information
David Sharp
11 Woodlands Drive
NG31 9DJ
No phone calls please.