The Datafile PD-CD 5
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SSS - A desktop Spreadsheet
SSS is a simple spreadsheet for the Archimedes.
It can manipulate a grid of cells containing strings or formulae.
It can load or save these grids in its own format or as text.
It can produce draw file graphics from the grids.
The name SSS was originally intended to stand for statistical
spread sheet, however the statistical functions have not yet been
implemented. The name could stand for simple spreadsheet or slow spreadsheet!
SSS is started from the RISC-OS desktop in the usual way by double
clicking on its icon. It installs on the iconbar, a blank sheet can be opened
by clicking on this icon.
SSS needs to have seen the !System directory, and to find version 3.5 or
later of the shared C library, and the floating point emulator in
!System.modules .
SSS is controlled by two menus, one one the iconbar and one on the
spreadsheet window, and by a edit window and some key presses.
The key presses only operate when the caret is in the edit window.
Menu options are denoted as follows in this file:-
<Window->Graph->Bars> means the bars option from the save option
of the window menu.
The rows and columns of the sheet are numbered starting from 0 at the
top left. A cell is denoted [x,y] where x is the column number and y the
row number. So [0,0] is the top left cell.
A rectangular range of cells (box) is denoted by its top left and bottom
right cells. The initial sheet has 20 rows and columns, so a box containing
the whole sheet is denoted [0,0][19,19].
Regions of the spreadsheet are denoted by two boxes.
The source box is displayed as an unfilled box surrounded by a thick
The target box is displayed as a filled box.
In general the target box is used to denote a region to be changed
by an operation, and the source box gives values to be read.
The source box can be altered by clicking select on the sheet. It can
be resized by clicking alter.
The source box can be set to the full width of the sheet by presssing F8,
and to the full height by F9.
The home key sets the source box to [0,0] and <shift> home sets it to the
bottom right cell of the sheet. These both may scroll the sheet.
The target box is set equal to the source box by selecting <Window->Edit>
or clicking on the Edit icon in the edit window or pressing F2.
A single cell box will be refered to as a cell, and a box of width or
height one as a row or column.
When a spreadsheet is opened a second window, the edit window is also
opened. If closed it can be reopened by selecting <Window->Edit>.
When the edit window is opened the target box is made equal to the source
box. The coordinates of this box are set in the edit window title bar and
the top left entry of the box is read into the edit window.
The entry in the edit window can be edited in the usual manner. Clicking
on the OK icon or pressing F1 or <return> enters it into all the cells
of the target box.
After clicking OK the target box moves on one cell. The direction of
movement is determined by the arrow icons in the edit window. The box does
not move if it is more than one cell wide in the direction of motion.
The next icon (or F4) moves the box without altering the cells.
The cancel box (or F5) restores the original entry to the edit window
( before OK is selected!).
The entries in the cells can be either strings, that are displayed verbatim,
or formulae (including numbers) that are evaluated before displaying.
These are selected by clicking on one of the top row of icons in the edit
window before clicking OK.
Strings can be displayed in two formats
String - truncated to the column width -
or Long - not truncated *** not yet implemented **
Formulae can be displayed in four formats
Int -whole numbers 2dp 4dp or Exp - exponential format.
A blank cell is initially given the format of the cell above, or INT
if this is blank or does not exist.
To change the display format of all the formulae in the target box without
changing the values -select the required format and click on Format.
Formulae can be constructed using the following terms
arithmetical operations + - * /
powers ^ e.g. 3^2 = 9
brackets ( )
numbers e.g 1, 57, 0.371
special numbers pi,e
x - column number
y - row number
cells [,] e.g. [3,5] , [x-7,x+2*y]
functions sin,cos,tan,exp,log,sqrt,sq,abs
ceil,floor,round e.g floor(3.6)=3
atan2 atan2(x,y)= angle between (x,y),(0,0),(1,0)
range functions sum,count,mean,ssd,psd,max,min
e.g. ssd[0,0][3,5] = the sample standard
deviation of any formulae in the 24 cells in
the range.
psd = population standard deviation.
The expressions in a range or in cell parameter are restricted to
combinations of +-*/ () x,y and whole numbers. e.g. [x+3.5,y] or [x,[x,1]]
are not allowed.
A formula that is incorrectly formed, such as 3*(x+1 (missing bracket)
is displayed as a parse error ?P???????? .
A formula that cannot be evaluated such as sqrt(-1) or [0,0] if cell [0,0]
contains a string or error is displayed as an arithmetical error ?A???????
When entering formulae the source box can be entered by clicking on the
Relative or Absolute icons. If the source box is a cell that cell is entered.
Otherwise a range is entered. The Absolute icon just gives the coordinates
as numbers. The Relative gives them relative to the top left hand cell of
the target box.
E.g. if the source box is [0,0] and the edit box is the column [1,0][1,5]
Absolute will set each entry of the column to [0,0] giving the same value
to each. Relative will set each entry to [x-1,y] giving each entry in the
edit box the same value as the cell to its left.
These are set using the <Window->Width> options which sets the display
widths of the whole of all the columns in the source box. Display items
will be truncated to fit these columns.
The Fit option is not yet implemented.
Column widths of zero can be used to indicate that certain operations do
not apply to some columns in a box. In particular they are not affected
by edit operations.
The home and <shift> home keys or the Next icon may be needed to select
a column of width zero to increase its width.
The <Window->Save> menu leads to three options.
<Window->Save->Sheet> saves the whole sheet in a form suitable for
reloading into SSS. Sheets are saved as file type 0x0E3 SSSheet.
The file includes the column widths and the size of the sheet.
<Window->Save->Part> saves the source box as a SSSheet file.
Columns of width zero are not saved.
<Window->Save->Text> saves the source box as a text file.
The format of this file is determined by items in the <Iconbar->PrSetup>
menu. The column width determines if the sheet is split to fit on a page.
The separator is up to 3 symbols (including spaces) that can be printed
between columns. If the repeat first option is selected and the sheet is
split to fit on the page then the first column will be repeated at the
start of each part.
Columns of width zero are not saved.
This file can be printed by dragging to a printer, or by pressing the Print
Sheets can be loaded by double clicking on a SSSheet file, or by draging a
SSSheet or Text file to the iconbar icon or the sheet window.
SSS can only deal with 1 file at a time, loading a new sheet by double
clicking or dragging to the iconbar will lose any sheet loaded at the time!!!
Draging to the sheet window merges the new sheet with the current one.
The new sheet is merged with its top left corner at the top left corner of
the target box. If it is too big to fit in t