The Datafile PD-CD 5
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224 lines
* *
* !STDFinder Version 3.00 *
* By Julyan Bristow *
* *
This is the Readme file for the !STDFinder application, Version 3.00,
released July 1995.
1.0 Overview
The purpose of this program is to provide fast search facilites for a STD
code database. Both the town or code may be entered as the search
criteria, and wild cards are permitted in the search string. Export of the
complete database, or a subset of the database is supported. A database of
the main STD codes is provided as the default database. Further databases
of city codes may be imported, and the new modified database may then be
saved as the new default.
The program is a fully RISC OS compliant application, and has been tested on
This program is a significant rewrite of !STDFinder Version 2.02, dated
28-March-1995. Those users who already hace a copy of this version of the
application are advised to skip to section 5.0, which describes the major
differences between version 2.02 and this version, 3.0.
2.0 The Program
To start the program, double click on the icon in the normal way. An icon
will install on the iconbar. Clicking the mouse 'menu' button brings up a
menu, with the following options:
Info Details of the current application version
Search Start the main part of the application
Quit Quit the application
In addition, the application may be started by clicking with the mouse
'select' button on the icon.
When the main application is started, a small dialogue box opens in the top
left corner of the screen. There are four fields that the user may use.
To start the search, the town or code to be found should be entered in the
box under the menu icons as indicated.
To commence the search, either click with the left mouse button on the
'Search' icon, or press return. If items in the database match the search
criteria, then those towns and codes will appear in a window below. This
can be scrolled to view all entries, should there be more than the number
appearing in the window. In the event if no matches being made, the Search
Results window will not open.
The exact icon affects how the database is searched. Selection of the
'exact' option (a tick will appear in the box) means that the database will
be searched only for an exact match of the user's search string. Eg if the
search string is 'Bedworth', then only matches exactly equal to this will be
identified. This is case sensitive. This the same for the dialling codes
When the exact option is not selected (the default condition), then a match
will be found if the users search string is contained within any of the
entries of the database. This is case independent. Eg if the search
string is 'worth', then 'Bedworth', 'Bagworthy' and 'Worthing' will all
provide valid matches.
A simple wildcard search is permitted. The wildcard symbol is '*'.
Use of wildcards may be clarified as follows; consider the search string
'worth' once again.
If 'worth' is entered (without using wildcards) then 'Bedworth', 'Bagworthy'
and 'Worthing' will all provide valid matches.
However, if 'worth*' is entered then only towns beginning with the string
'worth' will be found, Eg Worthing.
If '*worth' is entered then only towns with the last 5 characters of
'worth' will be found, Eg Bedworth.
Finally if '*worth*' is entered then only towns containing the 5 characters
'worth' in their name, but not at the start or end will be found, Eg
If wildcards are not positioned in the first or last position of the search
string, or there are more than two wildcards entered, then an error will be
Wildcards are not permitted with the exact option set to 'on'.
When matches have been made, and the 'Search Results' window is open, a
further menu is available. The Save menu has a submenu leading to two
choices. The first, 'All', is to save the entire database to a text file.
The second is to save all the towns meeting the current search criteria to a
text file. In both cases a default file name is suggested. The user may
drag the file icon to another directory as required.
3.0 Adding User Directories
The default database, which is loaded on startup is called 'Newcodes', and
is stored in the directory 'Directorys', within the !STDFinder application.
In this directory are also five other database files, four of UK cities and
one of international codes. These may be added to the currently loaded
database by dragging the file icons to the applications iconbar icon. As
they are loaded into the database, they are sorted into alphabetical order.
There is no check made to see if the dragged database has already been
loaded, therefore it is possible for an additional directory to be loaded
more than once.
3.1 Creating Your Own User Directories
As of version 3.00, directory files have been given the filetype 129 (hex).
This is in attempt to ensure that only files of the correct format are
loaded. However, the files are still text format and they may be editied
using !EDIT (or a similar editor) by holding down the SHIFT key and double
clicking on the file, if the user wishes to modify one of those supplied.
The format of the directory files is as follows:
town name (49 characters maximum),std code(8 characters maximum)RETURN
This is repeated for each town to be entered. The RETURN should be omitted
after the last entry.
If it is required to convert the users existing dictionary files from the
original text type to the new file type, then proceed as follows (further
information can be obtained from the RISC OS User Guides, and page 23 of
the RISC OS 3 User Guide):
Click 'MENU' over the file to be altered
Position mouse pointer over the menu item "File 'your dictionary name'" and
follow the right pointing arrow
A submenu will open. Position mouse pointer over the 'Set Type' option and
follow the right pointing arrow
In the next submenu, delete the entry that says 'Text' and type '129'
followed by RETURN. The file will now be of the correct type.
4.0 Modifying the Default Directory, if changes have been made to it from
within the application
The file' Newcodes' in the 'Directorys' directory must not be deleted. If
the user drags an additional directory to the application's icon, when
the user attempts to Quit the program, it will warn that the database has
been modified. Three options are given at this point: 1 - to discard any
changes; 2 - to save the modified data; or 3 - to cancel the quit operation.
Selecting 1 will quit the program without saving the changes, 2 will write
the modified database information to the default file 'Newcodes', thus
permanently changing the default database, and 3 will abort the quit option,
and leave the application running.
5.0 Program History and Modifications from Version 2.02
This program is a significant rewrite of !STDFinder Version 2.02, dated
28-March-1995. The First major aim of the rewrite was for me to write the
source code in a better, more structured way, which I feel has been
achieved. It is now much easier to maintain the source code. The second
aim was to make some much needed changes to the program operation, both to
improve RISC OS compliance, and to reduce the resources required to run the
application. These changes are listed below.
5.1 Reduced memory requirement. Version 3.00 does not claim any more
memory whilst a search is in progress, and hence the memory requirement is
only related to the memory required to load the default database, and any
user defined databases. Versions prior to this required additional memory
to store search matches, and this was not fully released back to RISC OS.
On my computer, an A440/1, the application requires 544k to run with the
default d