The Datafile PD-CD 5
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Text File
240 lines
@ PMS2 2.24
@ Use the following format words:
@ soprano flute harp
Heading 10 "|\it\To Verona, Denise and Fiona: Sheherazade!" 26
Heading 24 "|Meditation" 50
Heading 12 "||Peter Thompson" 30
Key C
Time 4/4
Timefont extra 1
Longrestfont 12 extra 1
Repeatbarfont 10 extra 1
Repeatstyle 4
@ Rehearsalmarks boxed 12 extra 1
Staffspacing 1/50 2/50 3/0 4/50 5/0
@ Systemgap 44
Breakbarlines 1,2
Barnumbers line 8 @ 8 is the size. Can replace 'line' by interval
Brace 3-6
Bracestyle 1
@ Thinbracket
@ Breverests
Clefsize 0.9
Vertaccsize 8
Beamthickness 2
Maxbeamslope 0.15 0.15
Shortenstems 2
@ Nospreadunderlay
@ Nocheck
Hairpinwidth 6 @ 7 is default
Hairpinlinewidth 0.5 @ 0.2 is default
Startlinespacing 4 0 4
Tripletfont 8 bolditalic @ Default size is 10, roman
Tripletlinewidth 0.4
Textsizes 10 8 12 7
Underlaystyle 1
Underlaysize 10
Overlaysize 10
Footnotesize 10
Justify left right top bottom
Linelength 520
Magnification 1
Topmargin 0
Bottommargin 40
*if soprano
Pageheading 12 "\pe\|\bf\Soprano\rm\|\po\" 28
Selectstave 1
Systemgap 80
Notespacing *1.5
Page 2
*if flute
Pageheading 12 "\pe\|\bf\Flute\rm\|\po\" 28
Selectstave 2
Systemgap 80
Notespacing *1.2
Page 3
*if harp
Pageheading 12 "\pe\|\bf\Harp\rm\|\po\" 28
Selectstave 3-6
Systemgap 60
Notespacing *1.3
Page 3
*if score
Pageheading 12 "\pe\||\po\" 28
Notespacing *1
Page 4
*Define ppa "\x1\pp"/a/u2/e
*Define pa "\x1\p"/a/u2/e
*Define mpa "\x1\mp"/a/u2/e
*Define mfa "\x1\mf"/a/u2/e
*Define fa "\x1\f"/a/u2/e
*Define ffa "\x1\ff"/a/u2/e
*Define pppb "\x1\ppp"/b/d2
*Define ppb "\x1\pp"/b/d2/e
*Define pb "\x1\p"/b/d2/e
*Define mpb "\x1\mp"/b/d2/e
*Define mfb "\x1\mf"/b/d2/e
*Define fb "\x1\f"/b/d2/e
*Define ffb "\x1\ff"/b/d2/e
*Define ppm "\x1\pp"/m/e
*Define pm "\x1\p"/m/e
*Define mpm "\x1\mp"/m/e
*Define mfm "\x1\mf"/m/e
*Define fm "\x1\f"/m/e
*Define ffm "\x1\ff"/m/e
*Define s8va "\it\8-"/ol/" -| \mf\\159\"/u4/"\it\(8)"
*Define s8vb "\it\^8-"/ul/" -| \mf\\161\"/d2/"\it\(8)"
*Define e8va "#"/ol/r8
*Define e8vb "#"/ul/r8
Draw gliss44
0 -10 moveto "\it\gliss."/c/rot40/s2 show
Draw gliss44p
0 -10 moveto "\it\gliss."/c/rot47/s2 show
*Define glissa() [line/=G/ol/or/a/d7/lr8/rl8&&2 linegap/h/w0/draw gliss&&1]
*Define glissb() [line/=G/ol/or/b/u7/lr8/rl8&&2 linegap/h/w0/draw gliss&&1]
*Define endgliss [el/=G]
*Define n "\mf\¦"/a/c/d6/l5
Textfont extra 1 "PMS.Alpha"
Midichannel 1 "french horn"/15 1
Midichannel 2 "flute"/15 2
Midichannel 3 "harp"/15 3-6
Playtempo 100
[Staff 0] [Olevel 32]
[olhere -8] "\bf\Allegretto"/ao/s3/ts Q Q | [4] Q! | [time 3/4] Q! | @6 OP1
*if harp
[olhere +16]
[time 4/4] "\bf\^rit.-"/ol/"\bf\ ." f q q q- "#"/ol q- | Q! | [time 3/4] "\bf\Slower"/ao/s3/ts q Q | @9
Q! | "\bf\A Tempo I ma rubato"/ao/s3 q Q | [time 4/4] Q! | @12
[olhere +4]
*if harp
[olhere -6]
"\bf\^rit.-"/ol/"\bf\ ." f q q. "\bf\^ten."/ol f- | "\bf\A Tempo I"/ao/s3 Q Q | @14 OP2
Q! | Q! | Q! | Q! | [time 2/4] "\bf\Tempo II (livelier)"/ao/s3/ts q q | Q! | Q! | Q! | Q! | @23 OP3
[5] Q! |
[Staff 1 "Soprano"/e] [Treble 1] [Hairpins above] [Triplets above]
[5] R! | [time 3/4] R! [ssnext +10] | @6 OP1
"Come, list-ener,= come,== Mu-sic’s wings are you,= you#–==== trans-par-ent"/ul
[time 4/4] R! | r\f\ "\rm\(recit.)"/a/s2/c/u2 &mpa B. [reset] q q >/h q q > | [time 3/4] #g- b-_ b r | @9
[slur/a/lu1] #d'=\-\b-._ B [es] [comma] | b-\-su\ a- < c'. </h "poco"/a/e b- | [time 4/4] D'._ d'- r- | @12
*if score
d'-;>;b-#g-#f-_ > f\f\ [es] r-\f\ &pa/u2 #d'-\-\ | #D' #C' | @14 OP2
"now,= now, now.===="/ul
Q. >/u6 q [reset] E'+_ | [ulhere -4] e'\f/u3\ > [move 6] [comma] [ensure 40] "\x1\p \it\espress."/a/u12 e'\-f\ [move 6] [comma] [ensure 50] "dolce"/a/u12 [slur/a/slu4/slco2/sru8/srco6] e'-\-\;>;b-_ b_ >/h0.99 | @16
"\rm\( \x1\pp\*>*>\\rm\)"/a/u2/r8 B+_ | B+\f/u6\ [es] [comma] || [time 2/4] R! | R! | @20
[3] R! | @23 OP3
[5] R! |
[Staff 2 "Flute"/e] [Treble 1] [Triplets above]
R! | &pb/u4 [slur/a/co4] b=-e'=-b=-#g=-,b=-e'=-#g'=-e'=- < [beamslope 0] b=-g=-b=-e'=-;<;"poco"/b/l6/u1;[es];%)c''-\>\ r= &mfb/d6/r2 [beammove -4] c''=\-\c''=\-\ r= r | @2
&pb [slur/a/clu2/crr2] b'=-e''=-b'=-#g'=-,b'=-g'=-e'=-b=- [es] [slur/a] %)g=-b=-e'=-b'=-,;[es];[slur/a];e''=-c''=-%g'=-e'=- [es] "\rm\Flutter"/a/s2/u2 c'-.\//sl4\ r= r | "\rm\( \x1\p\*>*>\\rm\)"/b/d2 {c''-\//\g'-\//\e'-\//\} "\rm\Nat."/a/s2/u14 [slur/a/crr4/crd2] c'=-g'=-e''=-c''=- [es] r= c''= R | @4
R! | [time 3/4] R! | @6 OP1
[time 4/4] R! | R!\f\ | [time 3/4] R! | @9
R! | R! | [time 4/4] R &pb [slur/a/cru4] d'=e'=d'=#c'= b=#a=b=c'= | @12
d' [es] [slur/a] > e'-d'-_ d'\f/u6\ > [es] r-\f\ [slur/a/lu1] &pb #d'-\-\ | #D' #C' [es] | @14 OP2
[slur/a/co4] b=-e'=-b=-#g=-,b=-e'=-#g'=-e'=- < [beamslope 0] b=-g=-b=-e'=-;<;"poco"/b/l6/u1;[es];%)c''-\>\ r= &mfb/d6/r2 [beammove -4] c''=\-\c''=\-\ r= [slur/a/co2] e''=-c''=-%g'=-e'=-;"\rm\Flutter"/a/s2/u4;#c'-\//\ [es] | R! | @16
&ppb "\rm\Nat."/a/s2/u2 [slur/b/ci2] d=e=d=#c= d [es] r c_ | d. &pppb/u2 "\rm\Flutter"/a/s2/u6 d-\// sl4\_ D\//f sl4\ [comma] || [time 2/4] &mfb "\rm\Nat."/a/s2/u2 e=#g=b=#c'= e=g=c'=#d'= | e=#g=b=#c'= #d'=_b=;[slur/a];c'=g=_ | @20
< g=-b=-#c'=-e'=-,;[es];$a'=_$a''= < [slur/a/co4] a''=-$e''=-c''=-e''=-,c''=-a'=-$e'=-b=-_ | b=;[es];"\rm\( \x1\f\*>*>*>\\rm\)"/b/d2;#c'- r= b=g=-_b=-,e'=c'=-_e'=- | [slur/a] {/u3 #f'=d'=f'=,;[es];};[slur/a];{/u8 e'=%c'=e'=} [es] [slur/a] a'=-f'=-d'=-b=-,;[es];[slur/a];d'=-b=-g=-e=- [es] | @23 OP3
a r= &mfb b=\.\d'=\.\e'=\.\ | a=\.\d'=\.\e'=\.\#g'=\.\ a'=_g'=e'=#c'= | [slur/a] < g=-b=-d'=-g'=-;[es];b'=;<;[slur/a/h/ci1/d7];#c''=\>/u4\ [beammove -8] c''=;[es];b'- r= | @26
[slur/a] b'=-#d''=-b'=-#f'=-,%f'=-$e'=-$c'=-e'=- [es]
*if flute
a=-#c'=-%e'=-g'=-,a'=-b'=-#c''=_ | [beammove -4] c''=;[es];b'-\>\ r= #c''=a'=-_c''=-,b'=g'=-_b'=- |[endstaff]
[Staff 3 "Harp"/m/e] [Treble 1] [Stems above] [Ties above] [Dots above] [Triplets above -3] [Hairpins middle]
&pm $c=$d=$f=$g= $a=g=f=d= c=d=f=g= $b=g=f=d= | $c=$d=$f=$g= $a=g=f=d= c=d=f=g= $b=g=f=d= | @2
$c=$d=$f=$g= $a=g=f=d= c=d=f=g= $b=g=f=d= | $c=$d=$f=$g= $a=g=f=d= c=d=f=g= $b=g=f=($c'=d=) | @4
$f'=$c'= q-. c'=$g'=c'= $a'=g'= q- a'=$d''=$e''=$c''= | [time 3/4] r-\l12\ $e''=$c''= $d''=$b'=c''=$a'= $e'=g'= r=\l12\ "ten."/a/u4 a'= | @6 OP1
[time 4/4] { $e''-$c''-$g'-} {c''-g'-$e'-} {g'-e'-$c'-} $a-g- | "\rm\harmonic"/m/s2 $G\fo\ Q | [time 3/4] R! | @9
R! | Q! | [time 4/4] "\x1\O"/m/r10 (b$ae) "\x1\O"/m/r10 (bae) r q "\x1\O"/m/e/l8 | @12
R!\f\ | $c=$d=$f=$g= $a=g=f=d= c=d=f=g= $b=g=f=d= | @14 OP2
$c=$d=$f=$g= $a=g=f=d= c=d=f=g= $b=g=f=d= | [olhere +6]
*if harp
"\rm\(let ring)"/m/s2/u2/l6
"\rm\(let ring)"/m/s2/u2
r [ensure 30] "\x1\O"/m/c r\f\ [ensure 20] &s8va &pm/u4 ($a'\sd\$f'$c') &e8va (c'$a$f) | @16
[olhere +6] "\rm\(let ring)"/m/s2 R r- &pm/u4 &s8va ($a'-\sd\$f'-$c'-) &e8va (c'$a$f) | "\rm\(let ring)"/m/s2 q Q. [reset] R!\f\ [comma] || [time 2/4] R! | R! | @20
R! | &fm/d4 (g-d-b`-)(a-e-#c-) (g-d-b`-)(a-e-c-) | (g-d-b`-)(a-e-#c-) q | @23 OP3
(#C'AE#C) | "\rm\(let ring)"/m/s2 q q [reset] R! | r &fm/d4 (g-d-b`-)(f-#c-) | @26
"\rm\(let ring)"/m/s2 r (ge#c) | (g-d-b`-)(f-#c-) r |
[Staff 4] [Treble 1] [Stems below] [Ties below] [Dots below] [Triplets below] [Hairpins middle]
[4] Q! | q- $g=$e= g= q-. q- $e'=c'= q | [time 3/4] $c=$e=$<2g'=$<2e'= $<2f'=$<2d'=e'=$<2c'= $<2g=e=$d=$f= | @6 OP1
[time 4/4] ($e-$d-)$c- $c' (d-c-)$g- q | Q $C'\f/u2o\ | [time 3/4] Q! | @9
Q! | Q! | [time 4/4] Q. (b'$a'e') | @12
Q! | Q! | @14 OP2
Q! | Q! | @16
Q! | Q! || [time 2/4] Q! | Q! | @20
Q! | Q! | q (a=#f=d=)(a'-.\:\#f'-.\:\d'-.\:\b-.\:\) | @23 OP3
Q! | Q! | Q! | @26
Q! | Q! |
[Staff 5] [Bass] [Stems above] [Ties above] [Dots above] [Triplets above] [Hairpins above]
[4] $C C | Q! | [time 3/4] Q! | @6 OP1
[time 4/4] Q! | Q! | [time 3/4] R! | @9
R! | c=e=g=b= < d=#f=c'=$a=_ < [notes off] [space 8] a [notes on] [reset] Q r | [time 4/4] Q! | @12
R!\f\ | $C C | @14 OP2
$C C | r r\f\ [treble 1] q $c | @16
Q. $c | R!\f\ [bass 0] || [time 2/4] R! | R!