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ZapOLE - Object Linking and Embedding for Zap
The ZapOLE module is © James Aylett. Please feel free to distribute it with
Zap or ArcWeb, on the condition that the module and this accompanying
helpfile are both distributed unaltered and unseparated, and under the
distribution conditions of Zap or ArcWeb as appropriate. If you want to
distribute ZapOLE in any other way, please get in touch with me.
ZapOLE is an extension module for Zap which enables you to use Zap as an OLE
server, using Computer Concepts' Object Linking and Embedding protocol. OLE
is used by applications such as Impression and ArcWeb to ask other
applications to edit data for them that they cannot edit themselves.
ZapOLE is smaller and faster than using OLESupport, CC's module for
simluating OLE sessions with applications that do not support OLE themselves.
There is also no doubt about the legal status of distributing it :-).
ZapOLE version 0.06 requires Zap (by Dominic Symes) version 1.33 or later. To
use it for interactive HTML editing you require ArcWeb (by Stewart Brodie)
version 1.62 or later.
Installation and use:
Installing this is slightly icky. First, copy this directory into
!Zap.3rdParty. Then you have to make sure that Zap does the following in its
!Boot and !Run files:
Set OLEServer$Type_xxx -N Zap -R /<Zap$Dir>
for any filetype xxx that you want Zap to cope with. Useful ones are fff (for
text files, and also used by ArcWeb to look for a textual editor for HTML)
and ffb (BASIC). Then ensure that Zap knows about the ZapOLE by adding the
following to the External file:
You might like to make it auto-loading (stick " *" without the quotes at the
end of the first line of the entry) which will make the first response
slightly faster.
Now simply start your OLE session in the usual way. Providing Zap has been
booted, it should start up as required, and the session will open. You may
either use ^F3 to quick save, or F3 <Return> or similar to 'slow save' the
file. Saving in either way will update the display in the program which
started the OLE session.
Reopening a session will bring a window on that file to the front.
0.01 (26 Sep 96) First version.
0.02 (26 Sep 96) Stopped trying to get Zap_Service 3 to occur and
started using Zap_Service 4. Works(ish).
0.03 (27 Sep 96) Reopening a session brings the window to the front.
Fixed problem with files going into the wrong mode.
Fixed mistake with issuing CloseSession messages for
every window closed rather than just OLE windows.
Changed window close handling to callback.
0.04 (27 Sep 96) Sessions now in a linked list (removed 32 concurrent
session limit).
Acts on client CloseSession messages.
0.05 (04 Nov 96) Following Dominic's prompting I've rewritten ZapOLE
as a proper Zap mode. This makes updates on saves
transparent (previously required OLEFILECHANGED).
0.06 (04 Nov 96) Linked list discarded in favour of f_source blocks.
Zap heap used in preference to RMA.
f_source block converted to allow integration to
Text mode.
James Aylett
Clare College
email: sja20@hermes.cam.ac.uk
This is available until June 1997.
The latest version of ZapOLE (plus other Acorn things, including ZapConfig)
is available by anonymous ftp to crystal.clare.cam.ac.uk in something
approximating the /pub/acorn/zap directory.