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ZapHoTMeal - a !Zap syntax colouring mode for HTML files
1.0 : Features.
2.0 : Installation.
3.0 : What it does.
4.0 : Customisation.
5.0 : Licence
6.0 : History
1.0 Features
Extensive syntax colouring of the 'inside' of HTML tags. Full support
for HTML 3.2 tags (AFAIK).
There is Beautify option which forces the displayed case of recognised
The Zap SAVEANDRUN and RUN commands now start up a new task and execute the
file, loading it into a browser.
It is possible to customise the module to add your own tags and attributes.
Cursor key enhancements stolen from Martin Ebourne's modes (see later).
ZapHoTMeaL shares a number of features with my ZapObey mode and you are
referred to this as a source of relevant documentation.
2.0 Installation
Copy the module "ZapHoTMeaL" into an appropriately-named subdirectory of the
"3rdParty" directory inside the !Zap application.
In the file called "External", in the directory "!Zap.Options.Default" or
wherever the variable Zap$External points to, add lines as follows:
...in your !Zap.Options.Default.External file, and lines like:
HTML &1345 HoTMeaL
...in your keys file. !Zap will then need to be restarted.
3.0 What it does and does not do
There is Beautify option which can be ticked just off the mode menu.
Setting this forces the displayed case of recognised commands to make the
file more legible. It does not affect the file, just the way it is
The module also contains some enhancements to the cursor keys so that when
they are used in combination with the shift key they behave in a more
appropriate manner than when is in text mode. These routines have been
stolen from Martin Ebourne's C mode and are documented by him in his own
directory. Basically they make the shift-cursor combinations pause more
frequently and more intelligently step through the code. As HTML files
usually contain paths, this can come in useful. Martin has kindly given me
his permission to use his code.
When editing HTML in !Zap some users may find they benefit from the use of
alternative keymaps. This is currently left to the user's discretion.
This mode has now been tested on a RISC-PC, and problems with earlier
versions have been resolved. This is the first major release of
ZapHoTMeaL where I welcome correspondence and bug reports. However, please
do not mail me to inform me that tags on word boundaries are not coloured
properly, or that multi-line comments display badly, as I am fully aware of
these shortcomings.
The "HTMLPRETTY" command (which was never documented) has now been removed
from the ZapHoTMeaL module.
4.0 Customisation
It is possible to add new tags to ZapHoTMeaL in a similar way to the manner
in which ZapObey supports command extensions.
I have attempted to program this module in a manner which makes it as easy
as possible for users to alter the list of commands which it recognises and
The list of recognised tags is stored at the very end of the module.
There is no user-interface provided for changing this list, but the module
is hacker-friendly and if you are reasonably confident about what you are
doing and find that there are some tags which the module is consistently
not recognising, then it is possible to simply load the module directly
into an editor, and change the list of recognised tags directly.
All three alphabetic lists of tags may be edited. The start of each table
MUST remain word aligned. New commands should be inserted at their
appropriate place in the alphabet.
5.0 Licence
This module is Freeware, and may be distributed freely provided that all
files remain together and intact.
6.0 Possible plans
Add support for Darren Salt's CTRL-double-click protocol for launching
browsers from URLs in the text.
Add a list of entities so these may be parsed and syntax-checked.
Fix problems associated with tags on line boundaries not being coloured
properly. This will not be easy, but would be a great improvement.
6.0 History
v0.42 (05-Nov-96)
* Got hold of the W3C HTML 3.2 spec (at last) and supported every tag,
attribute and attribute value contained therein. This document is
a bit wishy-washy (and it does not even conform to its own spec) and
so I still do hot have a proper specification for the units attribute.
* Got hold of the "The bare bones guide to HTML" by Kevin Werbach from
"http://werbach.com/barebones/" and included all the tags and
attributes found there. This includes Netscape's extensions included
in version 3.0 of their browser, including frames and Java.
* The downside to all this is that the new tags eat up extra memory.
* Parameters of Name= attributes are no longer ignored and are now
coloured like the opening and closing mark-up tags. This also
applies to HRef=, Background= and Src= tags which are no longer
marked as unknown tags if their parameters are unquoted.
* Minor bug involving incorrect colouring of sequences like:
"<test;" where the "test" was coloured as an entity fixed.
* Triple alphabetic index now implented to improve speed.
* Internal revamp of the format so that markers are used to mark the
beginnings of the three tables. This means all the tables may now be
easily edited by third parties if they feel the need to do this to
cope with extensions to HTML. Note that the starts of the tables
MUST remain word-aligned.
* After some soul-searching, HTMLPretty now makes all tags appear in
upper case. Attributes remain in mixed case for the moment.
v0.41 (01-Nov-96)
* Carriage returns (&0D) are now displayed properly and not as "!"s.
* Support for "Fig" tag "Lang" attribute added.
* Spaces are no longer stripped from the file by default.
v0.40 (29-Oct-96)
* Much improved syntax colouring on tags that wrap between lines.
* New colour added for the values of attributes in tags.
* A huge number of additional tags added after examining an HTML spec.
* Dual alphabetic index implented for improved redraw speed.
* Some unnecessary code removed resulting in a decrease in size.
* This file of documentation created.
v0.32 (27-Oct-96)
* Help ZapHotMeal no longer gives errors.
* A few additional tags added.
v0.31 (20-Oct-96)
* Bugfix for RISC PC users experiencing occasional problems.
* Name changed from ZapHTML to ZapHoTMeaL.
v0.30 (28-Oct-95)
* First version.
_____ __ __ _____ The Mandala Centre,
|_ _|| \/ ||_ _| 11 Alexandra Road, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 2DD.
| | | |\/| | | | tim@varuna.demon.co.uk
|_| |_| |_| |_| http://www.varuna.demon.co.uk/tmc/