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* >Commands Help on command syntax *
This gives details of the syntax you must use when typing a command into the
'keys' file or at the ctrl-Escape prompt. The file 'HelpData' contains a list
of all the valid commands in the Zap and ZapBasic modules. The file
'E-Command' gives technical details on how to write your own commands.
Also, see section C of the 'ReadMe' file.
Command names are not case sensitive when typed into the keys file. Each
command can take a parameter. The four types of parameter will be indicated
after the command in the following way:
WIBBLE Command Wibble takes no parameter
WIBBLE <byte> Command Wibble takes a single byte
WIBBLE <word> Command Wibble takes a word (4 bytes)
WIBBLE <string> Command Wibble takes a string argument
When you type the command into the keys file, or at the 'Command:' prompt,
you type the command name, followed by a space and its parameter. Byte and
word parameters must be preceded by an '&' if in hex. String parameters must
be in double quotes. Double quotes can be included in strings by doubling
them up. 'x' (single quotes included) is evaluated to the ascii value of the
character x.
An error is given if the parameter you place after the command does
not match the type of the command. There are several special cases:
1 If the command takes a string parameter, but you omit the string, then a
minibuffer will be opened for you to type the string into when the command
is executed. For example, see the command SEARCHFORWARD (Ctrl-S).
2 If the command takes a byte or word parameter and you specify 'n' as the
parameter, then the keynumber of the key you bind the command to is
substituted for the 'n'. For example, see the command CHAR.
3 The '*' command. This is used for duplicating a range keypad entries.
The format of the command is *n where n is optional. 'n' is the key code
(or first key code of a list) of the key (or keys) to copy.
It is of the form &yy0xxx where yy is the keymap number and xxx the key
number. The default value of n is the current key being bound in keymap
0 (ie with yy set to 00).
Eg the line "&20170-&2017F *&40" will cause keys &170-&17F in keymap
2 to have their definitions copied from keys &40-&4F of keymap 0.
4 If you type a command into a keys file and it doesn't exist, then no error
will be given. This is so you can put commands in your keys file for
extension modes that may not always be loaded. However, if a command does
exist but its parameters are incorrect, then an error will be given.
5 If you define a key twice, then the later one will be used. Ie, the keys
file is read sequentially and new definitions overwrite the old ones.
Commands can be chained together by use of the separator ':' as in BASIC. You
may NOT chain together commands which use the minibuffer (ie commands which
take a string as parameter but with the string unspecified). The two commands
BASEMAP and KEYMAP provide a means of swapping from one keymap to another and
for providing multiple key press commands as you get in Emacs. See the Emacs
keymap for examples of their use.
(1) &020-7E CHAR n
(3) &131 BASEMAP 1
(4) &10018 KEYMAP 2
(5) &10150-&101FF *
(6) &132 INSERT "Hello" : UP : RIGHT
(7) &133 insert " ""hello"" "
(8) &120 CHAR '('
In (1), key &20 (space) is assigned the command CHAR &20, key &21 (!) is
assigned the command CHAR &21 etc. In (2), no string is given after
SEARCHFORWARD, so you are prompted for it when you press cS. (3) Ensures all
further keypresses are looked up in keymap 1, thus switching to Emacs
emulation mode. (4) Switches to keymap 2 for the next key press only, thus
allowing for two-key commands beginning with ctrl-X. In (5), keys &150-&1FF
in keymap 1 are assigned to the same commands they have in keymap 0. (6)
inserts the string "Hello" into the file and then moves up then right. (7)
inserts the string ' "Hello" ' delimited by the single quotes. (8) Inserts a
left bracket.