The Datafile PD-CD 5
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85 lines
* >E-Flags Documents the '*_flags' and '*_format' words. *
This file documents the bits of the flag/format words. To be specific these
are the word variables named opt_flags, f_flags, w_flags and opt_format,
w_format. The opt_* variables give the default values to use when creating
new file or window blocks and these are saved in the !Config file. See the
file E-Vars on how to change them. The f_* and w_* variable offsets are
documented in E-File and E-Windows.
After each bit, I will write an 'o','f' or 'w' depending on whether that bit
has meaning in the opt_flags, f_flags or w_flags words.
The flags word:
b0 of Set if undo supported for this file.
b1 ow 0=insert mode 1=overwrite mode
b2 o 0=files auto deleted 1=no auto delete of files
b3 f Set if file altered
b4 of Set if file permanently read only (big R in title)
b5 ow Set if in hex entry mode for this window
b6 ow Set if auto width option active
b7 f Indicates file not in buffer list - out of date - do not use
b8 of Set if file temporarily read only (small r in title)
b9 & 10 ow Tab mode 00=Unix 01=!Edit 10=coltab mode 11=undefined
b11 ow Set means insert tabs as spaces.
b12 o Set if search case sensitive.
b13 ow Set if wordwrap mode on.
b14 f Set to unlink input position from input cursor.
b15 o Set for sideways printing in 'fancy print'.
b16 o Set for don't add title in 'fancy print'.
b17 ow Redraw mode low bit - see later
b18 o Set for don't add title in 'quick print'.
b19 ow Set for don't use search macros.
b20 ow Redraw mode medium bit - see later
b21 ow Redraw mode high bit - see later
b22 o Set if selections should automatically vanish.
b23 o Minibuffer permanent if set (popup otherwise).
b24 f Set to prevent input cursor being drawn after a text change.
b25 o Set if gain input calls should be ignored - internal use
b26 ow Set if linewrap mode on.
b27 f Set if file a "DOS text file" (converts LF->CRLF on saving).
b28 f Set if file has non standard attributes. Update via GBPB.
b29 f Set if file a "Spool file" (converts LF->LFCR on saving).
b30 w Internal use : Window changed during scrolling.
b31 w Internal use : Window needs to be altered after mode change.
The redraw mode bits can be described by the masks:
&000000 1 dpp system font (DSA)
&020000 system font (VDU)
&100000 scaled system font (DSA)
&120000 font via vdu
&200000 fast font redraw
&220000 double height system font (DSA)
&300000 reserved
&320000 reserved
Now the 'format' word. This word is very important as it contains the mode
number of the window. You should use Zap_NewMode to change it. All bits are
valid in opt_format and w_format. The opt_format mode is the options mode
mentioned in the 'Options.Mode' menu.
b0-b7 Mode number (0-255)
b8 0=no line numbers 1=show line numbers
b9 0=line numbers are file offsets 1=line numbers are lines (see b11)
b10 0=line numbers given in decimal 1=line numbers given in hex
b11 0=line numbers are physical 1=line numbers are logical
b12-b13 Tab display format 00=none 01=spaces 10= '-> ' 11='----->'
b14 0=stream edit paradigm 1=line edit paradigm
b15 Set for non standard edit mode
b16 Set for auto indent mode
b17 Set for big endian mode
b18 Set if spaces should be stripped when file is saved.
b19-b27 Reserved
b28 Internal use : use double height scaling
b29 Internal use : ignore next redraw request
b30 Colours menu sets colours for given mode only
b31 Internal use : Set to force default (options) mode on loading a file
People writing modes should note that it is their responsibility to save the
current mode options/restore the options on a e_end or e_start call. Use the
call Zap_RestoreModeWord on your e_start call and Zap_SaveModeWord on your
e_end call to accomplish this.