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MicroController eXecutive
for the
Motorola MC68HC11
Version 1.3
A.T. Barrett & Associates
11501 Chimney Rock
Houston, Texas 77035
April 1990
Support Contact:
Mike Wood
M/S OE319
Motorola, Inc.
6501 William Cannon Drive West
Austin, Texas 78735
Neither Motorola, Inc. nor A.T. Barrett & Associates makes
any warranty, expressed or implied, with regard to this
material including but not limited to merchantability or
fitness for a given purpose. The information in this
document is subject to change without notice and neither
Motorola, Inc. or A.T. Barrett & Associates assumes any
responsibility for any errors which may appear herein. Nor
shall Motorola, Inc. or A.T. Barrett & Associates bear any
liability for use of this material with respect
compensatory, special, incidental, consequential, or
exemplary damages.
MCX11 - MicroController eXecutive for the 68HC11
Section 1 Introduction Page
1.1 Background and Features........................... 1-1
1.2 MCX11 as a Software Component..................... 1-1
1.3 Target Environment................................ 1-2
1.4 Development Environment........................... 1-2
1.5 Manual Format..................................... 1-2
Section 2 MCX11 Functional Overview
2.1 What Is MCX11..................................... 2-1
2.2 Tasks............................................. 2-2
2.3 Multitasking...................................... 2-2
2.4 Priority and Scheduling........................... 2-2
2.5 Intertask Communication and Synchronization....... 2-3
2.6 Time based Functions.............................. 2-4
2.7 Interrupt Service................................. 2-4
Section 3 MCX11 Control & Data Structures
3.1 Tasks.............................................. 3-1
3.1.1 Task Identifier & Priority....................... 3-1
3.1.2 Task State Table................................. 3-2
3.1.3 Stack............................................ 3-3
3.2 Semaphores........................................ 3-3
3.3 Messages and Mailboxes............................ 3-5
3.4 Queues............................................ 3-7
3.5 Timers............................................. 3-8
Section 4 Executive Service Requests (ESRs)
4.1 Purpose........................................... 4-1
4.2 Semaphore ESRs.................................... 4-1
4.3 Message ESRs...................................... 4-2
4.4 Queue ESRs........................................ 4-2
4.5 Task Control ESRs................................. 4-2
4.6 Time Based ESRs................................... 4-2
Section 5 Alphabetical Listing of ESRs
5.1 .delay. - Delay a Task for a Period of Time..... 5-2
5.2 .dequeue. - Get an Entry from a FIFO Queue...... 5-4
5.3 .enqueue. - Insert Data into FIFO Queue......... 5-6
5.4 .execute. - Execute a Task...................... 5-9
5.5 .pend. - Force a Semaphore to a PENDING State.. 5-11
5.6 .purge. - Purge a Task's Timers................ 5-12
5.7 .receive. - Receive a Message.................. 5-14
5.8 .resume. - Resume a Task....................... 5-16
5.9 .send. - Send a Message to a Task.............. 5-17
5.10 .sendw. - Send a Message and Wait............. 5-19
5.11 .signal. - Signal a Semaphore................. 5-20
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5.12 .suspend. - Suspend a Task.................... 5-22
5.13 .terminate. - Terminate a Task................ 5-23
5.14 .timer. - Start a Timer....................... 5-24
5.15 .wait. - Wait on Semaphore.................... 5-26
Section 6 System Configuration
6.1 System Configuration Concepts..................... 6-1
6.2 MCX11 System Table Memory Requirements............ 6-1
Section 7 Device Driver & Interrupts
7.1 Driver Concepts................................... 7-1
7.2 Interrupt Service................................. 7-1
7.2.1 Interrupt Processing Variables................... 7-2
7.2.2 Interrupt Processing Code........................ 7-4
Section 8 Advanced Topics
8.1 Other topics...................................... 8-1
Appendix A MCX11 Distributed Source Files............. A-1
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MCX11 - MicroController eXecutive for the 68HC11
MCX11, the MicroController eXecutive for the MC68HC11, is an
efficient software framework for embedded real-time
applications using the Motorola MC68HC11 microcontroller.
Motorola, Inc. makes MCX11 available free of charge via the
Freeware Bulletin Board System. MCX11 is written in the
AS11 assembly language which is also available on the
Motorola Freeware BBS (512/891-3733).
MCX11 provides many features which are designed to support
real-time applications. These features include:
- Multitasking for up to 126 tasks
- Pre-emptive task scheduling by priority
- Intertask communication and synchronization via
semaphores, messages, and queues.
- Support for timed operations
- Fast context switch
- Very small RAM and ROM requirements
- Fifteen Executive Service Request functions
MCX11 is furnished in AS11 source form and is downloadable
via a modem connection to the Freeware BBS. In its
distribution form, it is not executable. It may be
assembled separately or with the application programs and
any device drivers peculiar to the application. MCX11 may
be treated as any other software library. The user need not
know how MCX11 performs its functions internally. Rather,
the user need only know what functions of MCX11 to use to
achieve a desired result. Thus, MCX11 becomes much like a
large scale integrated circuit component in the hardware.
Knowledge of what inputs produce what outputs is all that is
needed to use the "chip" successfully. Unlike a chip,
however, MCX11 users are provided with the source code to
the kernel so that they can exercise complete control over
their applications. With the source code, users may even
wish to extend the functionality of MCX11 by the addition of
new services.
This manual is not meant as a tutorial on real-time kernels
in general. It is intended to explain the "inputs" and
"outputs" of MCX11 as a software component of the user's
application. In an effort to assist the user in the
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MCX11 - MicroController eXecutive for the 68HC11
successful employment of MCX11, this manual will cover the
following subjects:
- basic concepts of MCX11 design
- interfaces to the MCX11 services
- system generation procedure
- assembly procedure for MCX11 and application
source files
- procedure for merging MCX11 with the application
object files
MCX11 is designed to operate in an embedded processor, that
is, one whose functions are fixed within the application. No
assumptions are made about the configuration of the target
system. It is the responsibility of the user to define the
target environment and to insure that all necessary devices
have program support. No distinction is made between Single-
Chip Operating mode or Expanded Multiplexed Operating mode
in the design of MCX11. If there are special requirements in
the application for functions related to a certain operating
mode, it will be the responsibility of the user to add them.
MCX11 development requires a computer compatible with the
IBM PC and having at least 256K bytes of RAM, 1 floppy disk,
a keyboard, and a video monitor, an RS-232 compatible serial
I/O port, a Centronics compatible parallel printer port, and
a printer (preferably one which is Epson compatible). A hard
disk is very desirable for development work. This
configuration is needed to run the AS11 cross assembler and
serve as a debug terminal to the target assuming MC68HC11EVM
Evaluation Module is being used. Consult the EVM User Manual
for specifics on connection tp PC. Recommended software for
the development environment besides MS-DOS includes an
editor, and the Kermit communications program (public
Section 1 of this manual is simply an overview of MCX11.
Section 2 gives the functional overview of MCX11.
Section 3 details the organization and content of the
various MCX11 control and data structures.
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Section 4 gives a description of the Executive Service
Requests (ESRs) provided by MCX11, subdivided into their
Section 5 gives an alphabetical presentation of all MCX11
Executive Service Requests.
Section 6 deals with the configuration and generation of
MCX11 systems.
Section 7 discusses device drivers and interuupt service
Section 8 presents technical information on advanced topics
related to the use of MCX11.
Appendices round out the specifics of necessary user
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MCX11 - MicroController eXecutive for the 68HC11
A real-time executive provides a software framework within
which different processes can operate and gain access to
various system resources. Real-time systems usually consist
of several processes, or tasks, which need to have control
of the system resources at varying times due to the
occurrence of external events. These tasks are at various
times competing for system resources such as memory,
execution time, or peripheral devices. They range from being
compute bound to I/O bound. Tasks which are I/O or compute
bound cannot be allowed to monopolize a system resource if
a more important function requires the same resource. There
must be a way of interrupting the operation of the task of
lesser importance and granting the needed resource to the
more important task.
A multitasking real-time executive promotes an orderly
transfer of control from one task to another such that
efficient usage of the computer's resources is achieved.
Orderly transfers require that the executive keep track of
the needed resources and the execution state of each task so
that they can be granted to each task in a timely manner.
The key word there is timely. A real-time system which does
not perform a required operation at the correct time has
failed. That failure can have consequences which range from
the benign to the catastrophic. Response time to a need for
executive services and the execution time of such services
must be sufficiently fast enough so that no need goes
One way to achieve timeliness is the assignment of a
priority to each task. The priority of a task is then used
to determine its place within the sequence of execution of
all tasks. Tasks of low priority may have their execution
pre-empted by a task of higher priority so that the latter
can perform some time critical function.
An event can be any stimulus which requires a reaction from
the executive or a task. Examples of an event would include
a timer interrupt, an alarm condition, or a keyboard input.
Events may originate externally to the processor or
internally from within the software. An executive which
responds to these events as the stimuli for allocating
resources is said to be event driven. If response time to
any event occurs within a period of time which can be
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accurately defined and guaranteed, the executive can be said
to be deterministic.
By these definitions, MCX11 is a deterministic, event
driven, multitasking, real-time executive.
In MCX11, a task is a program module which exists to perform
a defined function or set of functions. A task is
independent of other tasks but may establish relationships
with other tasks. These relationships may exist in the form
of data structures, input/output, or other constructs. A
task executes when the MCX11 task dispatcher determines that
the resources required by the task are available. Once it
begins running, the task has control of all of the system's
resources. But as there are other tasks in the system, a
running task cannot be allowed to control all of the
resources all of the time. Thus, MCX11 employs the concept
of multitasking.
Multitasking appears to give the computer the apparent
ability to be performing multiple operations concurrently.
Obviously, the computer cannot be doing two or more things
at once as it is a sequential machine. However, with the
functions of the system segregated into different tasks, the
effect of concurrency can be achieved. In multitasking,
each task once given operating control either runs to
completion, or to a point where it must wait for an event to
occur, for a needed resource to become available, or until
it is interrupted. Efficient use of the computer can be
obtained by using the time a task might otherwise wait for
an event to occur to run another task.
This switching from one task to another forms the basis of
multitasking. The result is the appearance of several tasks
being executed simultaneously.
When several tasks can be competing for the resource of
execution time, the problem is to determine how to grant it
so that each gets access to the system in time to perform
its function. The solution is to assign a priority to each
task indicative of its relative importance to other tasks in
the system. MCX11 uses a fixed priority scheme in which up
to 126 tasks may be defined. Tasks which have a need to
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respond rapidly to events are assigned high priorities.
Those which perform functions that are not time critical are
assigned lower priorities.
It is the priority of each task that determines where it is
to run in the hierarchy of tasks. When a task may run
depends on what is happening to the tasks of higher
priority. Tasks are granted execution time in a strict
descending order of priority. While executing, a task may
be interrupted by an event which causes a task of higher
priority to be runnable. The lower priority task is placed
into a temporary state of suspension and execution control
is granted to the higher priority task. Eventually, control
is returned to the interrupted task and it is resumed at the
point of its interruption. Thus, when any task is given
execution control, no higher priority task can be in a
runnable state. This is a most important point to remember.
When all tasks are in an unrunnable state, control is
granted to the null task.
The null task is a do-nothing task which allows the system
to run in an idle mode while waiting for an event which will
resume or start a higher priority task. The null task is
always the lowest priority task in the system and is always
runnable. It is an integral part of the kernel.
MCX11 provides an environment whereby two or more tasks can
communicate with one another. The three major ways in which
this is done are through the mechanisms of semaphore
signalling, message transmission, and queues. A semaphore
is actually a flag which contains information about the
state of the associated event. Any event which is used for
task synchronization will be associated with a particular
semaphore. The occurrence of a specific event can be
signalled by manipulating the semaphore associated with that
Message transmission involves the logical transfer of data
packets from one task to another. These data packets are
called "messages". Messages are sent from one task and
placed in the "mailbox" of the receiving task in the order
of the priorities of the senders. Messages may be of any
format recognizable by the sender and receiver and data may
be passed in either direction. That is, it is possible for
two tasks to alternate the roles of sender and receiver.
A third technique whereby two tasks can communicate and
synchronize is via a first-in-first-out (FIFO) queueing
mechanism. The queueing techniques used by MCX11 involve
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the physical transfer (copying) of data packets from one
task to another. Task synchronization due to queueing
operations is automatically performed by MCX11.
An MCX11 system is configured with an interval timer using
the Real Time Interrupt (RTI) clock as a peripheral device.
The timer permits task control on a timed basis. A
generalized scheme using one-shot and cyclic timers in
conjunction with semaphores is provided. MCX11 efficiently
manages multiple timers using an ordered linked list of
pending timer events. A timer for an event is inserted into
the linked list in accordance with its duration. A
differential technique is employed so that the timer with
the shortest time to expiration is at the head of the list.
Timed events may even be co-terminous. Directives for
scheduling and cancelling timed events are an integral part
of the executive.
Support for a generalized interrupt service scheme is
provided within the MCX11 kernel. The Interrupt Service
Routine (ISR) code, however, is provided by the User. The
rules for writing interrupt service routines that function
with MCX11 are quite simple and require only minor
housekeeping chores. MCX11 also provides the common
Interrupt Service Exit function. This logic is used by all
interrupts to determine if a context switch is in order as
the result of the interrupt. If no task switch is required,
the interrupted task is resumed at the point of the
interrupt. If, however, a task switch is in order, the
interrupted task's context is saved, the new task's context
is loaded and control is given to it.
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MCX11 - MicroController eXecutive for the 68HC11
In order to understand how MCX11 works and how to build
real-time application systems around it, it is necessary to
understand how its various control and data structures work.
This section describes these structures and their
interrelationships. The descriptions will include:
- tasks
- semaphores
- messages and mailboxes
- queues
- timers
The MCX11 executive services which deal with these classes
of control and data structures will be presented in a
subsequent section.
In a real-time application using MCX11, the functions of the
system are assigned to various tasks. MCX11 supports up to
126 tasks in a single system. The nature of each task is, of
course, application dependent and left to the imagination of
the system designer. However, there are attributes which all
tasks share. These include:
- a task identifier
- a priority
- a task state table
- a stack
- a mailbox
- an entry point
3.1.1 Task Identifier & Priority
Each task is identified by a numerical identifier which is a
number from 1 - 126. The task identifier, or number, serves
as a reference during executive operations. Task 1 is
executed before task 2 which is executed prior to task 3 and
so on. Thus, the task number is inversely related to the
task's execution priority. The lower the task number, the
higher the priority. MCX11 uses this fixed task numbering
scheme because it is low in overhead and quite adequate for
most applications. The task number permits a direct access
to the task's state table without the need for linked lists
or other commonly used technique.
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3.1.2 Task State Table
The state table is commonly referred to as a Task Control
Block (TCB). A TCB in MCX11 is contained in two separate
sections in order to minimize the use of system RAM. Only
those data about the execution state of the task are kept in
RAM. Static information about the task is kept in ROM. Both
sets of this TCB information are kept in arrays which allow
direct access to the data based on the task number. This
makes for very quick access without the commonly wasted time
of searching a linked list.
The RAM portion of the TCB contains only volatile data about
the task and includes the following:
- the execution state
- the stack pointer
- the first link in the task's mailbox
Whenever the MCX11 dispatcher is looking for a task to
execute, it examines the execution state variable to see if
the task is runnable or not. The execution state is
contained in a single byte and a value of $00 indicates that
the task is runnable. Any other content in the task state
and the task is blocked from running.
The stack pointer contains the address of the current top-
The first link in the task's mailbox contains the address of
the highest priority message waiting to be received by the
task. If no message is waiting, the pointer contains zero.
The ROM part of the TCB contains:
- the initial execution state
- the entry point
- the base address of the stack
- the address of the RAM part of the TCB
The initial execution state is specified by the system
designer at the time of system configuration. This becomes
the initial content of the execution state. By specifying a
value of zero, the task will be executed immediately after
initialization in accordance with its priority.
Specification of a non-zero value will prevent the task from
automatically starting execution after initialization.
The entry point is the address where the task is to begin
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The base address of the stack identifies that location in
RAM where the task's stack begins.
The address of the RAM part of the TCB table is included for
completeness and is sometimes used to save time in setting
up the address of the RAM TCB area.
3.1.3 Stack
Each task must have a stack on which the context of the task
is saved during those periods when the task is not actually
executing. The base address of the stack is stored in the
ROM portion of the TCB. The stack extends from the base
address downward in memory, i.e. towards address $0000, for
a number of bytes specified by the given stack size for the
task. The size of each task's stack is dependent on many
things such as the maximum depth of nested subroutines
calls, the maximum amount of working space needed for
temporary variables, and the size of any stack frames used
by the task. At minimum, the size of the stack must allow
for the storage of a complete context which requires nine
(9) bytes. If XIRQ is to be used in the design, an extra
nine (9) bytes must be allocated to each task's stack due to
the possibility of stacking an IRQ followed by an XIRQ. This
is possible because the XIRQ cannot be masked and can
interrupt an IRQ interrupt service routine at any point.
In addition to the stacks needed by the tasks, there is also
the need for a stack for MCX11. This system stack must have
sufficient space to handle the maximum number of interrupts
possible at any given time, less one interrupt. Each
interrupt requires nine bytes. MCX11 functions have a worst
case stack requirement of seven (7) bytes not including
those bytes required for the system stack.
The sum of all of the stack requirements should not be
allowed to exceed available RAM or there will be trouble.
Semaphores (event flags) are used to synchronize two tasks
to the occurrence of an asynchronous event. One task may
need to wait for the other to reach a certain point before
it can continue. Input/output operations are an example of
this type of synchronization. For instance, when an input
from an external device is desired by a task, it must wait
for the input event to occur. When the input operation is
completed, the device driver signals that the event has
occurred which indicates the data is available. The
signalling process causes the waiting task to resume,
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presumably to process the input data. The synchronization of
the task with the event is done with the use of a semaphore.
There are several forms that a semaphore may take in the
design of a real-time kernel. MCX11 uses a basic semaphore
construct that is known to handle most events and is low in
overhead. A semaphore is referenced by a numerical
identifier limited to a value from 1-255. A semaphore
identifier of zero has a special meaning. There are three
different classes of semaphores used by MCX11 as follows:
- Named semaphores
- Task semaphores
- Queue semaphores
Named semaphores are those normally referenced by the user
in the application code. Task and queue semaphores are used
by MCX11 internally for the purpose of orthogonality with
the semaphore service functions. Task semaphores are always
referenced by the identifier of zero (0) which is translated
by MCX11 into the proper number for the task semaphore.
Queue semaphores should never be referenced by the user lest
undesirable results should occur.
An MCX11 semaphore is a single byte (8 bits) which contains
a value representing one of the three possible states in
which it can exist. These states are:
A PENDING state indicates that the event associated with the
semaphore has not yet occurred and is therefore pending.
The WAITING state shows that not only has the event not yet
occurred but a task is waiting for it to happen. The DONE
state tells that the event has occurred. MCX11 semaphores
have a very strict state transition protocol which is
automatically managed by MCX11. The permissible state
changes are shown below in Figure 3-1.
+------- PENDING------- +
| ^ |
| |------ | |
v | v
DONE<--------------- WAITING
Figure 3.1
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If a task attempts to wait on a semaphore which is in the
DONE state, the wait does not occur and the task is
immediately resumed (since the desired event has already
happened) and the semaphore state is changed back to
PENDING. If a task attempts to wait on a semaphore in the
PENDING state, the state of the semaphore is changed to
WAITING and the task's execution is suspended until the
event occurs. An attempt to wait on a semaphore which is
already in the WAITING state can cause unpredictable results
and should not be attempted. It should be considered a
design error.
If an attempt is made to signal a semaphore which is in a
PENDING state, the semaphore is placed into the DONE state.
As this action does not concern any task, no further action
is taken. However, if a signal is sent to a semaphore in
the WAITING state, the semaphore transitions to a DONE state
and the task waiting on the event is made runnable again.
The semaphore is then automatically set back to a PENDING
state by MCX11.
Messages are one of the means by which data is transmitted
from a sender to a receiver task. Every task running under
MCX11 is capable of being both a message sender and
receiver. Each task is assigned a "mailbox" into which are
placed all messages sent to it. When a sender task sends a
message, it is put into the mailbox of the receiver task. If
two or more tasks are sending messages to a single receiver,
their messages are put into the mailbox in strict sequence
of their priorities, highest priority first.
The content of the message is not actually moved from the
sender to the receiver when it is sent. Instead, messages
are linked into a threaded list according to the priorities
of their senders. When the receiver requests receipt of the
next message, its address is returned. This technique
guarantees the receiver that the highest priority message is
received first. It is possible, however, to temporarily
suspend this order by requesting only those messages from a
particular sender. This is useful when it is desirable not
to mix messages on a shared resource, for example, a
The mailbox of a task is a threaded (linked) list of all
messages sent to but not yet received by that task. The
mailbox consists of a pointer (link) to the message sent by
the highest priority sender. That message is linked to the
next highest priority message and it in turn is linked to
the third highest priority message, and so on until the end
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of the thread. The last message in a task's mailbox will
contain a NULL (value of zero) link.
Messages may be sent with or without waiting for a response
from the receiver. When a task wants to send a message and
wait until the receiver has processed the message, it will
include a semaphore number as one of the arguments in the
MCX11 send message directive. That semaphore is then
associated with the event of completed processing of the
message. Once the message is linked into the mailbox of the
receiver task, the sender is put into a WAIT state on the
message processing complete event.
The receiver removes the message from the mailbox and
processes it according to the content of the message body.
When the receiver no longer needs the data in the body of
the message, it signals the semaphore associated with the
completion of message processing making the sender task
runnable again and, thereby, allowing it to continue its
It should be remembered that the body of the message can
also be used by the receiver to send a response back to the
sender. This is a very efficient way of passing data bi-
directionally between two tasks with little overhead.
If the sending task does not wish to wait on the action of
the receiver or if there is no response required, a message
can be sent without waiting for completion of processing.
This makes it possible for a sender to send multiple
messages to a receiver, or, simply do something else while
the receiver processes the message. However, even though a
message is sent without waiting for the response, it is
still possible at a later time for the sender to wait for
the completion of processing event.
If the receiver has completed the use of the message by the
time the sender waits for that event, the sending task
continues operation without interruption. If the receiver
has not yet completed processing of the message, the sender
must wait for the event to occur. When it does occur, the
sender's operation is resumed.
A message is a four-element structure set up in a contiguous
area of RAM. The first three elements of the message are
used by MCX11 to control the transmission. The user need
only set up the content of the message body. The format of a
MCX11 message is as follows:
- Mailbox link (supplied by MCX11)
- Task number of sender (supplied by
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- Message semaphore number (optional)
- Message body (supplied by User)
The first element in the message provides the link to the
next message, if any, in the mailbox.
The second element is the task number of the sender. This
field is included so that the receiver task can selectively
receive only those messages from a specified task.
The third element of the message contains an optional
message semaphore number. Typically, when a sending task
wants to send a message and wait until the receiver has
processed the message, it will include a non-zero semaphore
number as one of the calling arguments for the MCX11
directive. The sending task will then suspend execution
until the receiver task completes the processing of the
message content. When the receiver no longer needs the data
in the body of the message, it signals the message semaphore
to notify the sender that it may continue processing.
The last element, the body, of the message may contain
whatever data is required by the receiver task and in
whatever format. It may be fixed or variable in length as
MCX11 supports first-in-first-out (FIFO) queues having
single or multiple bytes per entry. The queues can support
multiple producer/single consumer service but are usually
employed in only a single producer/single consumer mode.
Queues are referenced via a numerical identifier which is
unique to each queue. Queue numbers are assigned in the
system generation procedure. MCX11 queues differ from
messages in that the actual entry data rather than its
address is entered into or removed from the queue. Another
difference is that the queue entries represent the
chronological order of processing. Also, the priorities of
the sender or receiver are not considered as with messages.
Queues are usually used to handle data such as character
stream input/output or other data buffering. Queues require
more overhead as they move the data from the source to the
queue or vice versa but they also provide automatic
synchronization between the queue's producer and its
consumer. It is recommended that they not be used where
high throughput rates are required.
A queue consists of two parts: the queue header and the
queue body. The queue header contains that information
needed by the MCX11 internal routines to enable them to move
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data into and out of the queues properly. The organization
of the queue header consists of the following elements:
- Width, queue entry size (in bytes)
- Depth, maximum length (in entries)
- Current size of the queue (in entries)
- Put index (in bytes; MCX11 internal use)
- Address of queue body
- Queue not empty semaphore number
- Active semaphore number
The first three elements are defined during the system
generation process. The Current Size and the Put Index
fields are initialized to zero (empty). Both of these fields
are maintained internally by the MCX11 queue handling
routines. They should never be manipulated by a user task.
Semaphores are used to signal internal events such as queue-
not- empty or queue-not-full. The semaphores for these
events are allocated as a consecutive pair during the system
initialization process. The queue-not-full semaphore number
is equal to the number of the queue-not-empty semaphore plus
one. A queue can have a semaphore active only for those two
mutually exclusive events. Consequently only the queue-not-
empty semaphore number requires definition in the queue
The active semaphore number field in the queue header is
used to contain the number of the semaphore associated with
one of the two possible events. If the queue is empty and a
task attempts to remove an entry, the active semaphore field
in the queue header is set to contain the number of the
queue-not-empty semaphore. Conversely, if a task attempts to
put an entry into a queue which is already full, the active
semaphore field is set to contain the number of the queue-
not-full semaphore.
By use of these semaphores, it is possible to send data
between tasks asynchronously but without the worry of over-
running the queue.
In the descriptions of time based functions to follow in the
succeeding sections, it will be important to understand the
conventions used by MCX11. All timers in MCX11 are 16-bits
long. The two time units used internally by MCX11 are ticks
and tocks. A tick gives the amount of time between clock
generated system interrupts, or equivalently, the period
between clock interrupt service requests.
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A tock is an integral number of ticks and is the time unit
used by all of the time dependent functions in MCX11. The
tick frequency of the RTI clock is set during the system
initialization process but was determined, as was the number
of ticks per tock, by the system designer during MCX11
system configuration.
As an example, suppose the hardware clock is configured to
cause interrupts every 25 milliseconds and that 0.25 seconds
(250 milliseconds) is the time most convenient interval for
timing events in the application. In order to determine the
number of ticks per tock, simply divide the desired duration
of the tock (250 ms) by the duration of a tick (25 ms).
Thus, in this case, 1 tock = 10 ticks.
Timer values are defined as the number of clock tocks
required to form the needed amount of time. If a timer
value is positive, it is used only once (one-shot timer).
However, if the value is negative, it is used as a cyclic
timer having a period equal to the 2's complement value.
For example, if a clock tock equals 250 milliseconds, a
timer value of 20 would produce a once-only period of 5
seconds. If the timer were -20, the period is still 5
seconds but the timer is cyclic.
All timed event operations and data structures are handled
by MCX11. A task should not attempt to manipulate any of the
timer related control or data structures.
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Executive Service Requests (ESRs) are the functions that a
real-time kernel performs and serve to give it its flavor.
This section will describe the classes of the MCX11
directives. The directives are divided into five classes as
- Semaphores
- Messages
- Queues
- Task control
- Time based
A brief functional description of each ESR within the class
is given along with their respective calling arguments. The
calling arguments needed for each ESR appear below in
parentheses. Where two or more arguments are required, they
are separated by commas. These are not the actual calling
sequences but are for purposes of explanation only. Actual
calling sequences are given in Section 5.
In the paragraphs below, the ESR function name is enclosed
within two periods. This will be the convention used for
MCX11 to denote an ESR. The following abbreviations are used
below for the arguments:
- SEMA Semaphore number
- TASK Task number
- QUEUE Queue number
- TOCK Timer value
- PNTR Address pointer or data value
- MSG Message address
A complete set of directives for managing semaphores is
provided by MCX11.
.wait. (SEMA) wait for a specific sema to be signalled
.signal. (SEMA) signal semaphore
.pend. (SEMA) reset semaphore state to PENDing
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The message directives provide a means of transferring large
amounts of data between tasks with minimal overhead since
only pointers (addresses) are passed. Message receipt
acknowledgement is also provided for task synchronization.
The format of a MCX11 message and function prototypes are
.send. (MSG,TASK) send message to a task
.sendw. (MSG,TASK,SEMA) send & wait acknowledgement
.receive. (TASK) receive message
Queue directives provide a means of passing multiple byte
packets of information between tasks with automatic task
synchronization of queue full and empty conditions.
.dequeue. (QUEUE,PNTR) remove entry from queue
.enqueue. (QUEUE,PNTR) insert entry into queue
The task control directives provided by MCX11 allow for low
level complete control of tasks and their respective
.resume. (TASK) resume specific task
.suspend. (TASK) suspend specific task
.terminate. (TASK) terminate specific task
.execute. (TASK) execute task from starting point
The time based directives provide for the synchronization of
tasks with timed events. In addition, a generalized time
based semaphore scheme for more advanced time based
requirements is provided.
.delay. (TASK,SEMA,TOCK) delay task
.timer. (TASK,SEMA,TOCK) schedule timer for task/sema
.purge. (TASK,SEMA,PNTR) purge timer for task/sema
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In the pages to follow, each ESR will be shown in
alphabetical order. Each ESR will be given in a standard
Name - brief functional description
One of the five ESR classes of which it is a member.
The prototype declaration including argument typing.
The decimal value of the function code is enclosed in
brackets [xx].
A description of what the ESR does, data types used,
The formal AS11 calling sequence for the ESR. The
following notations will be used:
ACCA = Accumulator A, 8 bits
ACCB = Accumulator B, 8 bits
IX = Index register X, 16 bits
A description of the return values from the ESR.
One or more typical ESR uses. The examples assume the
syntax of AS11 cross assembler.
List of related ESRs that could be examined in
conjunction with the current ESR.
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.delay. (TASK,SEMA,TOCK) [13]
The delay directive places the specified task into a
Wait state for the period defined by the TOCK value.
TASK is a task number in the range of 1-126. Or, TASK
may be 0 if the reference is to SELF. Thus, a task need
not know its own task number to schedule a delay for
itself. SEMA is the semaphore number associated with
the expiration of the timer. It may be a named
semaphore if its number > 0. Or, it may be the task
semaphore of the calling task if it is specified as 0.
TOCK is a 16-bit timer. If TOCK is > 0, the timer is a
one-shot. If TOCK < 0, the timer is cyclic. Caution
should be exercised when scheduling delays for other
ACCA = Task number (0 if SELF)
ACCB = Semaphore number (0 if Task's semaphore)
IX = Number of clock tocks to delay
FCB .delay.
None. Registers unchanged.
Assume that the RTI is used as the time base using a
2**23 crystal and the clock TICK is defined to be
15.625 msec. Further assume that there are 8 TICKS per
TOCK so that a TOCK is 125 msec. If a 2.5 sec delay is
desired for the calling task using a named semaphore,
TIMEOUT, the request would appear as:
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TOCK equ 8
TOCKTIME equ 1000/8 TOCKTIME = 125 msec
TIMEOUT equ 3 Named semaphore #3
clra Task is self (ACCA=0)
ldab #TIMEOUT Semaphore = TIMEOUT
ldx #2500/TOCKTIME Timer = 20 TOCKS
FCB .delay.
. Point of continuation
The requesting task would be put into a WAIT state on
semaphore TIMEOUT while the 2.5 sec clock runs down.
When it expires, TIMEOUT would be signalled and the
task would continue at the instruction following the
FCB declaration.
.timer., .purge.
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.dequeue. (QUEUE,PNTR) [7]
Dequeue is used to get an entry from a FIFO queue. The
number of bytes in the entry is determined by the Width
entry in the Queue Header. If the queue is empty, the
calling task is placed into an EVENT WAIT state on the
queue-not-empty semaphore. If the queue is not empty,
the oldest entry in the queue is removed and returned
to the calling task. If the size of the queue entry is
greater than two bytes, the returned data is in the RAM
area beginning at the address specified by PNTR. If the
queue entry is one or two bytes, PNTR is ignored and
the entry is returned in one or two registers.
ACCA= Queue number
IX = Destination address of queue entry if size > 2
FCB .dequeue.
If queue entry size = 1, ACCA= queue entry
If queue entry size = 2, ACCA = byte 1 of queue entry,
and ACCB = byte 2 of queue entry
Other registers unchanged
Example #1:
There exists a FIFO queue, DBLQ, containing two
character entries. The queue currently contains four
entries as follows:
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A task is programmed to remove the oldest entry in the
queue and return it for subsequent processing. The
entry is dequeued by:
DBLQ equ 4 Queue #4
ldaa #DBLQ ACCA = queue # 4
FCB .dequeue.
. Point of continuation
At the instruction following the FCB declaration, ACCA
and ACCB will contain the two characters, ab. The queue
will now contain the three entries:
Example #2:
Another queue exists, QUADQ, which contains four byte
entries and is currently empty. The request to get an
entry from the queue would appear as:
QUADQ equ 5 Queue #5
ldaa #QUADQ ACCA = queue # 5
ldx #destn IX = destination address
FCB .dequeue.
. Point of continuation
destn ZMB 4 Where the entry is placed
Since there are no entries available to dequeue, MCX11
puts the task into a WAIT state on the NOT_EMPTY
semaphore associated with queue #5. The task will
remain in that state until another task puts a 4-byte
entry into QUADQ. When that happens, the waiting task
is put into the RUN state. The entry is removed and is
stored at the specified destination address, destn, and
the task continues at the instruction following the FCB
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.enqueue. (QUEUE,PNTR) [8]
Enqueue inserts an entry into a FIFO queue. If the
queue is full, the calling task is set to a WAIT state
on the queue NOT FULL condition. When the queue is not
full, the entry is inserted into the queue. If the
width of the queue entry is greater than 2 bytes, the
data to be put into the queue is found at the address
specified by the contents of register IX. If the width
is 1 byte, the actual data to be enqueued is found in
bits 8-15 of IX. If the width is equal to 2 bytes, then
byte 1 of the entry is found in bits 8-15 of IX, and
byte 2 is in bits 0-7 of IX.
ACCA= Queue number
IX = Source address of entry to be enqueued if size > 2
Or, IX8-15 = byte to be enqueued if size = 1
Or, IX8-15 = byte 1 and IX0-7 = byte 2 if size = 2
FCB .enqueue.
None. Registers unchanged.
Example #1:
Using the 2-byte queue, DBLQ, defined above, a task
wants to put an entry into it. Assume that the queue
contents are the three entries:
The queue entry size is two bytes which permits the
entry to be passed to the queue routine in ACCA and
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ACCB. The request to put a two-byte entry, LW, into
DBLQ is:
ldaa #DBLQ ACCA = queue # 4
ldx #"LW" IX = "LW"
FCB .enqueue.
. Point of continuation
Since the queue has content, no task is waiting for an
entry to dequeue; therefore, the entry is put into the
queue following the "xY" entry and the task continues
at the instruction following the FCB. The new content
of DBLQ is:
Example #2:
Using the queue, QUADQ, previously defined but now
containing three entries:
A request to put a new entry into the queue, MnOp, is
given by:
ldaa #QUADQ ACCA = queue # 5
ldx #srcadr IX = source address
FCB .enqueue.
. Point of continuation
srcadr FCC "MnOp"
Since the entry size is four bytes, IX must contain the
address of the entry to be enqueued. After continuing
at the instruction following the FCB declaration, QUADQ
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5.4 .execute. - EXECUTE A TASK
Task control
.execute. (TASK) [12]
The execute task directive is used to start or restart
a task from its beginning. The program counter (PC) and
stack pointer (SP) are initialized to their starting
values and the specified task is made runnable. If the
new task is of higher priority than the current task, a
context switch is performed and the new task runs, else
control is returned to the caller. The task being
started cannot be SELF (task number argument = 0).
ACCA= Task number
FCB .execute.
None. Registers unchanged.
The current task wishes to cause task number 6 to begin
execution at its starting point. Task number 6 is
currently IDLE. The request appears as:
TASK6 equ 6 Task #6
ldaa #TASK6 ACCA = task # 6
FCB .execute.
. Point of continuation
If TASK6 is of higher priority, then the current task
is interrupted, but still runnable, and TASK6 is made
the current task. The task which scheduled TASK6 is not
given control again until all other higher priority
tasks, including TASK6, are not runnable. When it does
continue, it will do so following the FCB declaration.
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If TASK6 is of lower priority that the current task, no
context switch occurs and the current task continues at
the instruction following the FCB declaration.
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.pend. (SEMA) [3]
To understand the use of the pend directive, recall
that the WAIT directive will return control to the
calling task immediately if the task requests to wait
on a semaphore found to already be in a DONE state. In
this sense, semaphores keep a history of their
associated events, even if no task is waiting at the
time of the signal. If a task needs to go
unconditionally into a Event Wait state on a semaphore,
a call should first be made to PEND followed closely by
a WAIT directive.
ACCB = Semaphore number
FCB .pend.
None. Registers unchanged.
The current task is going to make use of a semaphore
and wants to be certain of its state prior to use. It
forces the semaphore into a PENDing condition by the
following request:
NEWSEMA equ 14 Semaphore #14
ldab #NEWSEMA ACCB = semaphore # 14
FCB .pend.
. Point of continuation
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5.6 .purge. - PURGE A TASK'S TIMERS
.purge. (TASK,SEMA,PNTR) [15]
The purge timer directive is used to remove all active
timers for the specified task or semaphore number. A
specification of a zero semaphore number will purge all
semaphore timers for the given task. When the purge is
completed, the current task is resumed.
ACCA = Task number (0 if SELF)
ACCB = Semaphore number (0 if task semaphore)
IX0-7 = Switch: 0 = purge all timers for given task
>0 = purge time for given task & sema
FCB .purge.
None. Registers unchanged.
The most common use of this ESR is for the current task
to get rid of one or all of its active timers. Since
timers are associated with semaphores, the combination
of task number and semaphore number is sufficient to
identify a timer uniquely. The request to purge the
current task's timer associated with the task semaphore
appears as:
clra ACCA = 0 means SELF
clrb ACCB = 0 means task sema
ldx #1 Only purge one timer
FCB .purge.
. Point of continuation
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If all timers for a task are to be purged, the request
appears as:
clra ACCA = 0 means SELF
ldx #0 Purge all timers
FCB .purge.
. Point of continuation
.timer., .terminate.
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5.7 .receive. - RECEIVE A MESSAGE
.receive. (TASK) [6]
The receive message directive is used to fetch messages
from a calling task's mailbox. Because the messages
are placed in the mailbox in the order of the sender's
priority, they are processed in the same sequence. If
the receiving task specifies a non-zero task number,
the first message from that task will be returned.
With a zero task number, the first message in the
mailbox is returned. If there are no messages in the
mailbox, the task's context is saved, and the task is
put into a Message WAIT state. When the next message
is sent to the task it will be resumed and the attempt
to receive a message will be reissued.
ACCA = Task number if messages from specific task are
wanted. Or, ACCA = 0 if highest priority message
is wanted.
FCB .receive.
Register IX contains the address of the received
message. Other registers unchanged.
Example #1:
The current task is a server which operates only when
another task sends it a message instructing it to
perform some function. The server task receives
messages by making a request such as:
clra 0 = next message
FCB .receive.
. Point of continuation
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The server task will not continue unless there is a
message waiting in its mailbox. It will be put into a
WAIT state until such time as another task sends it a
message. No waiting occurs if a message is already in
the mailbox at the time of the request. When the
message is available, its address is returned in the IX
Example #2:
If the server wants to receive only those messages from
a specific task, and the task's number is to be found
in a variable named 'attach', the request is:
ldaa attach variable contains task #
FCB .receive.
. Point of continuation
attach ZMB 1
The server task will now only listen for messages from
the task whose number is in the variable 'attach'. All
other messages will remain in the mailbox of the
server. The server will continue only when it has
received a message from the specific task.
.send., .sendw.
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5.8 .resume. - RESUME A TASK
Task control
.resume. (TASK) [9]
The resume directive clears the suspended state of a
task caused by a suspend directive. If the resumed
task is made runnable and is higher priority, a task
switch is performed. Otherwise, control is returned to
the calling task.
ACCA = Task number
FCB .resume.
None. Registers unchanged.
A task which has been previously suspended may be
resumed from the point of suspension only by a .resume.
request from another task. The request appears as:
TASK6 equ 6 Task #6
ldaa #TASK6 ACCA = task # 6
FCB .resume.
. Point of continuation
Upon resuming the given task, a context switch may
occur if the resumed task is of higher priority than
the task making the request. If not, no context switch
occurs. The requesting task continues at the
instruction following the FCB.
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.send. (MSG,TASK) [4]
The send message directive inserts a message into the
target task's mailbox in the order of the sending
task's priority. If the receiving task is waiting to
receive a message and is of higher priority than the
sender, a task switch is performed. If the receiving
task is of lower priority and waiting on a message,
then the receiving task is marked runnable but control
is returned on a message, the message is simply
inserted to his mailbox for later receipt.
ACCA = Task number of the receiver
ACCB = Semaphore number (task semaphore number = 0)
IX = Message address
FCB .send.
None. ACCB will contain the number of the task
semaphore if ACCB was = 0 at time of swi. All other
registers unchanged.
A task wishing to send a message to a receiver task can
do so by the following code:
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RCVRTSK equ 12 Receiving task = task #12
MSGSEMA equ 7 Use sema #7 for Message
ldaa #RCVRTSK ACCA = receiver task #
ldab #MSGSEMA ACCB = Message semaphore
ldx #msgadr IX = Address of message
FCB .send.
. Point of continuation
msgadr ZMB 4 Message overhead
The message located at 'msgadr' will be put into the
mailbox of RCVRTSK. Processing in the sending task will
resume at the instruction following the FCB
.receive., .sendw.
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5.10 .sendw. - SEND A MESSAGE AND WAIT
.sendw. (MSG,TASK,SEMA) [5]
The send message and wait directive is similar to the
send message directive described above, except that the
sending task is always put into a Event Wait state on
the message semaphore. This allows the receiving task
to signal the sender when the message processing is
complete and/or that there is data returned in the
message area.
ACCA = Task number of the receiver
ACCB = Semaphore number (task semaphore number = 0)
IX = Message address
FCB .sendw.
None. ACCB will contain the number of the task
semaphore if ACCB was = 0 at time of swi. All other
registers unchanged.
The example is the same as for .send. except that the
ESR request will be .sendw. Another difference is the
WAIT state into which the sending task is placed until
the receiving task signals the message semaphore. Until
that signal is received, the sending task proceeds no
further. When the receiver signals the message
semaphore, the sending task will continue at the
instruction following the FCB.
.send., .receive.
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5.11 .signal. - SIGNAL A SEMAPHORE
.signal. (SEMA) [2]
The signal semaphore directive sets the state of a
specified semaphore to DONE. If the semaphore is
currently in a WAIT state, the Event Wait state of the
waiting task is removed, and the semaphore is set
PENDing. If the waiting task becomes runnable and is
of higher priority than the signalling task, the
context of the current task is saved, and a context
switch is performed.
If the state of the semaphore was either PENDing or
DONE, the semaphore is placed in the DONE state and the
current task is resumed following the signal ESR.
ACCB = Semaphore number
FCB .signal.
None. Registers unchanged.
Assume that the current task wishes to signal the
occurrence of a particular event. The event is
associated with a named semaphore, EVNTSEMA. The task
signals the semaphore by the following procedure:
EVNTSEMA equ 15 Named semaphore #15
ldab #EVNTSEMA ACCB = semaphore # 15
FCB .signal.
. Point of continuation
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Depending on the state of semaphore EVNTSEMA, the
signal may or may not cause a context switch. The
signalling task will continue processing at the
instruction following the FCB declaration.
.pend., .wait.
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5.12 .suspend. - SUSPEND A TASK
Task control
.suspend. (TASK) [10]
The suspend directive causes the specified task to be
placed into a suspended state. The suspended state
will remain in force until it is removed by a resume,
execute, or reset directive. A task may suspend
itself. Task 0 indicates the SELF task.
ACCA = Task number (this may be SELF [0])
FCB .suspend.
None. Registers unchanged.
The current task wants to suspend itself until some
indeterminate point in the future. To do so, it makes
the following request:
clra ACCA = 0 means SELF
FCB .suspend.
. Point of continuation
The task remains in a suspended state until resumed by
a .resume. ESR issued from another task. At that time,
the resumed task will continue at the instruction
following the FCB declaration.
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5.13 .terminate. - TERMINATE A TASK
Task control
.terminate. (TASK) [11]
The terminate directive is used to terminate a task's
operation. During termination, the task's state is
cleared and the task state is set to Terminated. The
timer queue is searched and all active timers for the
task are purged. Also, all messages pending for the
task are removed. A task number of 0 indicates self
termination. In all cases, the highest priority task
will execute next.
ACCA = Task number (may be = 0 if terminating SELF)
None. Registers unchanged. Returns only if not
terminating SELF.
The current task commits suicide by terminating itself
with the following procedure:
clra ACCA = 0 means SELF
FCB .terminate.
There is no point of continuation following a suicide.
If another task is terminated by the current task, the
current task will continue processing at the
instruction following the FCB declaration.
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5.14 .timer. - START A TIMER
.timer. (TASK,SEMA,TOCK) [14]
The timer directive inserts an entry of the specified
time duration into the timer queue. The timer can be
cyclic or one-shot. Cyclic timers are indicated by a
negative duration while one-shots are of positive
duration. Further options allow the timer to be
associated either with a specified task number (0 =
SELF) or a semaphore number. After the timer is
inserted, the current task is resumed. See the
Advanced Topic section for task versus semaphore-based
ACCA = Task number (0 if SELF)
ACCB = Semaphore number (0 if task's semaphore)
IX = Number of clock tocks in timer. If > 0, timer is a
one-shot. If < 0, timer is cyclic.
FCB .timer.
None. ACCA will contain the current task number if ACCA
was = 0 at swi. Other registers unchanged.
Example #1:
Assume that the current task wants to set up a one-shot
timer of 5 seconds. Also assume that the RTI is used as
the time base using a 2**23 crystal and the clock TICK
is defined to be 15.625 msec. Furthermore, there are 8
TICKS per TOCK so that a TOCK is 125 msec. The setup of
a 5 second timer associated with a named semaphore,
TIMEOUT, would appear as:
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MCX11 - MicroController eXecutive for the 68HC11
TOCK equ 8
TOCKTIME equ 1000/8 TOCKTIME = 125 msec
TIMEOUT equ 3 Named semaphore #3
clra Task is self (ACCA=0)
ldab #TIMEOUT Semaphore = TIMEOUT
ldx #5000/TOCKTIME Timer = 40 TOCKS
FCB .timer.
. Point of continuation
The current task would continue processing immediately
after the ESR is finished because the .timer. ESR does
not cause the requestor to be put into a WAIT state nor
is there a context switch possible. The task may
attempt to wait on the timer semaphore at some later
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MCX11 - MicroController eXecutive for the 68HC11
5.15 .wait. - WAIT ON SEMAPHORE
.wait. (SEMA) [1]
The wait directive is a fundamental function in MCX11.
It is used to make a task wait for a specified event to
occur. The event must be associated with the given
semaphore. If the semaphore is found to be in a
PENDing state, the task is placed into an Event Wait
state and the semaphore is changed to WAITing, and the
context of the current task is saved. If the semaphore
is in a DONE state, no wait occurs and the task resumes
immediately. Upon task resumption, the wait directive
returns the semaphore number of the event which
ACCB = Semaphore number
FCB .wait.
None. Registers unchanged.
The current task wants to wait on a timer semaphore set
up by a previous .timer. request. The semaphore is a
named semaphore, TIMEOUT. The procedure would appear as
TIMEOUT equ 3 Semaphore #3
ldab #TIMEOUT ACCB = semaphore # 3
FCB .wait.
. Point of continuation
The current task is put into a WAIT state on semaphore
TIMEOUT as a result of this request. It will remain in
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this state until another task, in this case, the clock
driver, signals TIMEOUT that the timer period has
elapsed. The task would then continue at the
instruction following the FCB.
.pend., .signal.
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Another configuration concept central to the operation of
MCX11 is that of pre-definition. Most real time systems
used in embedded operations have a fairly static
configuration. That is to say, the equipment configuration
is not subject to frequent changes nor is the basic system
functionality. Consequently, the system designer can define
the operating environment so that the operating system
dynamics are avoided to the greatest degree possible. In
other words, the number of tasks concurrently executing may
change but the relative priorities of tasks remain fixed.
Thus task priorities can be pre-assigned. The amount of
free memory can be computed and established, number of
queues and their sizes, and the number of timers and
semaphores are all defined prior to runtime. The result is
that MCX11 works in an established environment which yields
the effect of less system overhead, smaller code, and
faster execution; all three being desirable in a real time
In order to define a MCX11 system configuration it is
necessary to configure those data and control structures
with the application specific information which MCX11
requires. The configuration is done by creating AS11 source
code files which define the necessary information needed to
assemble with MCX11 source code to define a particular
configuration. The following paragraphs describe the
MCX11 system tables must necessarily reside in an area of
RAM. This section is included to assist the system designer
in determining the amount of ROM and RAM required for MCX11
tables. The amount of RAM and ROM may be computed from the
equations below given the following system configuration
NTASKS The number of tasks
NNAMSEM The number of named semaphores
NQUEUES The number of queues
NTIMERS The number of timers
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MCX11 - MicroController eXecutive for the MC68HC11
The symbols above are used by MCX11 and should be considered
reserved symbols. These numbers are obviously exclusive of
any RAM and ROM requirements of the application tasks.
A Task Control Block occupies 5 bytes of RAM and 7
bytes of ROM.
TASK bytes (RAM) = NTASKS * 5 + 5
TASK bytes (ROM) = NTASKS * 7
Each semaphore requires 1 byte of RAM. Total system
area required for semaphore control is the number of
named semaphores + the number of tasks + 2 times the
number of queues.
Each queue consists of a queue header and the queue
body. Each queue header requires 3 bytes of RAM and 6
bytes of ROM. Each defined queue body requires an area
of RAM defined by the product of its Width (W) and its
Depth (D).
QUEUE bytes (RAM) = NQUEUES * 3 + Sum(Wi * Di),
where Wi is the width and Di
is the depth of the ith queue,
and i ranges from 1 - NQUEUES.
QUEUE bytes (ROM) = NQUEUES * 6
Timers require 8 bytes of RAM each. The total area
required for timer control and storage is the product
of 8 and the number of defined timers.
TIMER bytes (RAM) = NTIMERS * 8
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MCX11 - MicroController eXecutive for the MC68HC11
Device drivers are program modules which provide an
organized software interface between a physical device and
the application programs using the device. The intent is to
mask the specifics of the device's hardware peculiarities
from the application software. By doing so, the application
code need only conform to the protocol which the device
driver expects in order to perform a function. Each device
driver may have a protocol unique to its function, i.e., a
disk driver has different functional requirements from an
analog-to-digital converter.
In order to accommodate the wide range of devices which are
found in real-time systems, the device drivers in MCX11 are
structured as tasks. As a task, a device driver has the
most flexible environment with complete access to system
resources via the Executive Service Requests. Actually, a
device driver usually consists of two parts: the driver
task, and the interrupt service routine (ISR). The latter
is used when the device can cause an interrupt to signal the
completion of a function or the availability of the device.
An ISR exists to handle an exception in the normal flow of
processing. The general philosophy of MCX11 drivers is to
minimize the time spent in the interrupt service routine and
let the task portion handle the real work of the driver.
This design concept places no restrictions on the designer
for either the ISR or the task functionality. The structure
of the ISR is explained more completely in the following
The classic interrupt processing philosophy is to
acknowledge the interrupt and save the current processor
context. Then a branch is made to a software routine where
the code services the specific interrupt and performs any
required operations. When the interrupt service routine is
complete, control of the main program is resumed at the
point of interruption. MCX11 uses a modified version of
that sequence.
The MC68HC11 microcontroller always pushes the current
processor context of nine (9) bytes on the active stack when
an interrupt occurs. That having been done, it acknowledges
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MCX11 - MicroController eXecutive for the MC68HC11
the interrupt and vectors automatically to the specific ISR
written for that event. The user must initialize each two-
byte interrupt vector location specific to his application
as part of the initialization code.
MCX11 presets the vector locations for the following
interrupts. All others not specifically reserved by the
MC68HC11 are available to the user.
Event Address
Clock (RTI) $FFF0-$FFF1
MCX11 ESR request $FFF6-$FFF7
Power On/Reset $FFFE-$FFFF
MCX11 uses a modified version of the classical ISR approach.
The sequence is the same until the return to the interrupted
program is made at the end of the ISR. In MCX11, an
interrupt may be the event for which a task is waiting. If
so, a notification of the event's occurrence must be given
to the task. But the possibility exists that the waiting
task has a higher priority than the interrupted task.
Notification of the event should remove the wait state from
the higher priority task thus making it runnable, assuming
it is not otherwise blocked.
At that point, a decision has to be made as to how to
continue. Whichever task is of higher priority, the one
interrupted or the one which was waiting, it will be the one
to resume processing. If it is the interrupted task, it
resumes at the point of interruption as in the classic
sequence. If the latter task is of higher priority, a
context switch is performed in which it is made the current
task. Its processor context is restored from its stack and
the task resumes at the location following the ESR which
caused it to wait. The interrupted task remains runnable and
will continue at the point of its interruption at some later
time when it becomes the highest priority runnable task.
MCX11 provides a common exit routine to which all ISRs
should branch if there is the possibility of a context
switch as the result of the interrupt. The function's
primary responsibility is to signal a specified semaphore of
the occurrence of an event and to dispatch control to the
highest priority task which is runnable after the interrupt
has been serviced.
7.2.1 Interrupt Processing Variables
In order for MCX11 interrupt servicing to operate properly,
it is necessary to observe a few rules of the road. There
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MCX11 - MicroController eXecutive for the MC68HC11
are some system variables which are used during interrupt
processing in the ISR and in the common ISR exit routine.
These variables must be used only in the ISR and should not
be used elsewhere. A listing of the variables and a brief
description of them follows. Their addresses are also given
as a displacement from the base address of the MCX11 system
variables, MCXVAR. MCXVAR may be located at any RAM address
but must be predefined and assembled with the MCX11 kernel
intlvl (address MCXVAR+11)
This byte variable is a counter of the number of
interrupts stacked but not yet processed completely.
When an interrupt occurs in a task, intlvl will always
contain a value of zero. The ISR code must increment it
by 1 to indicate that an ISR is in process. If a task
calls the MCX11 kernel, intlvl is incremented to a
value of 1. If an interrupt were to occur while control
is in the MCX11 kernel, intlvl would be incremented to
2 by the ISR, etc.
MCX11 allows the existence of interruptible ISRs;
therefore, intlvl can assume any value up to the number
of possible interrupts in the system. As interrupts are
processed by the common ISR exit logic, intlvl is
decremented. A resumption of processing at the task
level can only occur when the decremented value of
intlvl becomes zero. Otherwise, the non-zero value
indicates the existence of an interrupt which has been
incompletely serviced. In that case, the common ISR
exit logic returns control to the interrupted ISR and
resumes processing at that point. Thus, nested
interrupts and re-entrant ISRs are handled cleanly,
quickly, and automatically by MCX11.
curtsk (address MCXVAR+5)
This byte variable contains the number of the current
task. It is to be considered a READ-ONLY variable. The
user should NEVER write to this variable. It is needed
during ISR processing to determine if the MCX11
Dispatcher was interrupted.
curtcb (address MCXVAR+6)
This 2-byte variable contains the address of the
current task's Task Control Block (TCB). The TCB
contains an entry for the task's stack pointer. MCX11
interrupt processing requires that the ISR which
increments intlvl to a value of 1 must also save the
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MCX11 - MicroController eXecutive for the MC68HC11
current task's stack pointer in its TCB. The variable,
curtcb, is READ-ONLY.
7.2.2 Interrupt Processing Code
All ISRs which have the capability of causing a context
switch should incorporate the following routine as in-line
code in the ISR. If the ISR is to be allowed to enable
interrupts, this code should precede the CLI instruction. As
a rule it should occur early in the ISR but there are
exceptions. (Refer to the MCX11 clock driver's ISR, whose
entry address has the symbol rtiisr, for a good example of
an exception to the rule.)
Note that the label, notlvl0, used in the code segment below
will need to be changed for each ISR. The symbols ACTSP and
SYSTACK are not variables and should not be changed. ACTSP
is equated to the value of 1 and represents the displacement
into the TCB where the task's stack pointer is stored.
SYSTACK is the location of the base of the System Stack area
and is defined in the System Configuration source code file,
tst intlvl Test for task level interrupt
bne notlvl0 Branch if not task level int
tst curtsk See if Dispatcher interrupted
beq notlvl0 Branch if so
ldx curtcb Get task's TCB address
sts ACTSP,x Save task's stack pointer
lds #SYSTACK Change to System Stack
notlvl0 inc intlvl Increment the interrupt level
After this point, the CLI instruction may be inserted
if desired.
The interrupt service code follows. An important factor in
interrupt processing throughput is the length of time
interrupts are disabled during the ISR. In all ISRs,
interrupts must be disabled long enough to perform the code
segment above and only then should interrupts be re-enabled.
Ideally, interrupt routines should be performed with
interrupts enabled to allow other interrupts to be serviced.
The exit from the ISR routine is via a branch to the MCX11
common Interrupt Service Routine Exit routine located at the
address having the symbol, isrrtn. This routine allows for
optionally signalling a semaphore during the exit process.
The ISR may wish to signal a semaphore that the event
associated with the interrupt has occurred. To do so, the
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MCX11 - MicroController eXecutive for the MC68HC11
ISR simply puts the number of the semaphore to be signalled
into the B-Accumulator and the executes a branch to isrrtn.
From there on, the further processing of the interrupt is
performed automatically by MCX11. As an example, assume the
ISR wants to signal a semaphore and that the label used for
the semaphore is EVNTSEMA. Then the concluding code segment
in the ISR is
ldab #EVNTSEMA Load ACCB with semaphore #
jmp isrrtn Jump to exit logic.
If no semaphore is to be signalled during the exit routine,
the ISR should make sure that the B-Accumulator is cleared
before branching to isrrtn.
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Other topics of interest will be added to this section as
they are researched and documented.
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MCX11 - MicroController eXecutive for the MC68HC11
MCX11 is distributed as a collection of files. Those files
and their purposes are briefly described below.
The AS11 source code of the RTI clock driver and RTI
Interrupt Service Routine.
These are just the equates for MCX11 ESRs included for
This is the AS11 source code of the MCX11 kernel. Unless you
are expanding the functions of the kernel or fixing a
reported bug, this file probably won't change too much.
This AS11 source code file contains the application specific
information and should be studied very closely. It also
contains initialization code which may be necessary to
change to meet the needs of a given application. The file is
pre-configured with the specifications needed for the
demonstration programs in file TEST.AS.
This is an AS11 source code file containing 4 tasks which
demonstrate the use of all of the MCX11 ESRs. It doesn't do
anything practical except to give the user a limited look at
how to accomplish certain operations.
AS11 source code containing all of the vectors used by
MCX11. This file may need to be edited for a given
A MS-DOS Batch file used to assemble MCX11 and the TEST
programs. It also produces a listing file.
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MCX11 - MicroController eXecutive for the MC68HC11
The MCX11 User's Manual is contained in this file. It can be
printed out directly to any ASCII compatible printer.
Some notes about getting started with MCX11.
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