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- TS Data Master - Field Editor Help (for Version 1.01 04.07.1994)
- Gadgets and Menus in the Field Editor
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Project Menu
- - - - - - - -
- Load l - Load the field definitions file
- Save s - Save the field definitions with the old name
- Save As a - Save the field definitions with the new name
- Show Fields o - Show the fields as a list
- Help y - Give help about the Editor
- OK O - OK with the definitions and exit to
- the main program
- Cancel C - Cancel the definitions and exit
- The Edit Menu
- - - - - - - -
- Insert i - Insert a new field
- Delete d - Delete the current field
- Change h - Change the places of two fields
- Move m - Move the current field to a new place
- Copy c - Copy the definitions of the current
- field to another field
- Clear j - Clear the definitions of the current field
- Clear All J - Clear all field definitions
- Sort Incremental z - Sort the fields in alphabetic order
- Sort Decremental Z - Sort the fields in inversed alphabetic order
- Gadgets in the message window
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Number of Flds - The number of the fields
- Field - The current field whose definitions
- are displayed on the definition window
- Gadgets in the definition window
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Type - The field type (String, Integer,
- Float, Type or Boolean)
- Title - The field title (max. 13 characters)
- Explanation - The field explanations
- Text Length - The maximum length of text with
- string, type and boolean fields
- Min - The minimum value of a number field
- Max - The maximum value of a number field
- Number of Alts - The number of alternative texts
- Alt. Text No. - The alternative text number
- Unit - The unit of a number field
- Gadgets in the file functions
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Directory - The open drawer
- File - The selected file
- Parent p - Return one drawer back in the root directory
- Cancel <ESC> - Exit without any operations
- Load/Save <ENTER> - Alternatively load or save
- How to define a database?
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (1). Call the Data Master (see chapter 4.1).
- (2). Select the Field Editor Menuitem from the Project Menu.
- 3. Type the number of the fields in the Number of Fields Gadget and
- press the <ENTER> key. Now there is the first field of the data-
- base on the screen and you can start editing it as below is
- advised.
- 4. Select the type of the field with the Type Gadget. The possible
- types are, like earlier, titled 'String', 'Integer', 'Float',
- 'Type' and 'Boolean'.
- 5. Enter the field title in the Title Gadget and press <ENTER>
- 6. Write the field explanation in the Explanation Gadget and press
- <ENTER>.
- 7. If the type is string, set the maximum length of the field data
- by using the Text Length Gadget.
- 8. If the type is integer or float, ...
- 8.1. Write the minimum and the maximum values in gadgets Min and
- Max and confirm with the <ENTER>. If you don't want the
- limitation, type 'N' in the gadget. Now on this gadget
- appears a text 'No Min' or 'No Max'.
- 8.2. Type the field unit in the Unit Gadget.
- 9. If the type is type or boolean, ...
- 9.1. Set the maximum length of one piece of text with the Text
- Length Gadget.
- 9.2. Determine the number of the alternatives by using the Number
- of Alts Gadget if the field type is type.
- 9.3. Select one of the alternative texts with the Alt.Text No
- Gadget.
- 9.4. Write the respective text in the string gadget at the right
- side of the Alt.Text No Gadget and press the <ENTER> key.
- 9.5. Move to the next alternative text (go back to section 9.3),
- until all texts are given.
- 10. Select the next field with the Field Gadget, and go to section 4.
- 11. After you have defined all fields correctly (remember to confirm
- definitions with the <ENTER> key), select the OK Menuitem from
- the Project Menu, and the program returns to the main program.
- 12. Now the program asks for the estimated number of records, and
- then the program allocates memory for these.
- 13. If there wasn't enough memory, the program returns to the section
- 12.
- 14. If there was an old database before calling the Editor, the
- program asks if you want to copy the old database to the new
- database. If you don't want or if there wasn't any old database,
- jump to the section 16.
- 15. Now you are asked if you want that the program copies the old
- database to the new one considering the field titles. If you
- answer negatively, this is done so that the data of the old field
- number x is copied to the new field number x. Otherwise, the
- program copies only those fields that have same titles in both,
- old and new, databases.
- 16. Now the definitions should be ready, and you can start to edit
- the records itselves...